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Interatomic potential for Carbon (C), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Silicon (Si).
Use this Potential

A single sentence description.
MEAM Potential for the Fe-Mn-Si-C system developed by Aslam et al. (2019) v002
A short description of the Model describing its key features including for example: type of model (pair potential, 3-body potential, EAM, etc.), modeled species (Ac, Ag, ..., Zr), intended purpose, origin, and so on.
The MEAM potential for the Fe, Mn, Si, and C system is developed by employing a hierarchical multiscale modeling paradigm to simulate low-alloy steels. Experimental information alongside first-principles calculations based on Density Functional Theory served as calibration data to develop and upscale the potential. The cohesive energy, lattice parameters, elastic constants, and vacancy and interstitial formation energies are used as target data for calibrating the single element potentials. The heat of formation and elastic constants of binary compounds and substitutional and interstitial formation energies serve as binary potential calibration data, while substitutional and interstitial pair binding energies aid in developing the ternary potential. Molecular dynamics simulations employing this model predict the thermal expansion coefficient, heat capacity, self-diffusion coefficients, and stacking fault energy for steel alloys comparable to those reported in the literature.

NOTE: The parameters submitted with the journal article as supplementary material have a small error. The paramter files included with the KIM model are correct.
The supported atomic species.
C, Fe, Mn, Si
A statement of applicability provided by the contributor, informing users of the intended use of this KIM Item.
Content Origin NIST IPRP (https://www.ctcms.nist.gov/potentials/entry/2019--Aslam-I-Baskes-M-I-Dickel-D-E-et-al--Fe-Mn-Si-C#FeMnSiC)
Contributor Yaser Afshar
Maintainer Yaser Afshar
Developer Imran Aslam
Michael I. Baskes
Doyl E. Dickel
Sara Adibi
Bin Li
Hongjoo Rhee
Mohsen Asle Zaeem
Mark F. Horstemeyer
Published on KIM 2023
How to Cite

This Model originally published in [1] is archived in OpenKIM [2-5].

[1] Aslam I, Baskes MI, Dickel DE, Adibi S, Li B, Rhee H, et al. Thermodynamic and kinetic behavior of low-alloy steels: An atomic level study using an Fe-Mn-Si-C modified embedded atom method (MEAM) potential. Materialia. 2019;8:100473. doi:10.1016/j.mtla.2019.100473 — (Primary Source) A primary source is a reference directly related to the item documenting its development, as opposed to other sources that are provided as background information.

[2] Aslam I, Baskes MI, Dickel DE, Adibi S, Li B, Rhee H, et al. MEAM Potential for the Fe-Mn-Si-C system developed by Aslam et al. (2019) v002. OpenKIM; 2023. doi:10.25950/5bec2aa2

[3] Afshar Y, Hütter S, Rudd RE, Stukowski A, Tipton WW, Trinkle DR, et al. The modified embedded atom method (MEAM) potential v002. OpenKIM; 2023. doi:10.25950/ee5eba52

[4] Tadmor EB, Elliott RS, Sethna JP, Miller RE, Becker CA. The potential of atomistic simulations and the Knowledgebase of Interatomic Models. JOM. 2011;63(7):17. doi:10.1007/s11837-011-0102-6

[5] Elliott RS, Tadmor EB. Knowledgebase of Interatomic Models (KIM) Application Programming Interface (API). OpenKIM; 2011. doi:10.25950/ff8f563a

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This panel provides information on past usage of this interatomic potential (IP) powered by the OpenKIM Deep Citation framework. The word cloud indicates typical applications of the potential. The bar chart shows citations per year of this IP (bars are divided into articles that used the IP (green) and those that did not (blue)). The complete list of articles that cited this IP is provided below along with the Deep Citation determination on usage. See the Deep Citation documentation for more information.

12 Citations (10 used)

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Funding Not available
Short KIM ID
The unique KIM identifier code.
Extended KIM ID
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DOI 10.25950/5bec2aa2
KIM Item Type
Specifies whether this is a Portable Model (software implementation of an interatomic model); Portable Model with parameter file (parameter file to be read in by a Model Driver); Model Driver (software implementation of an interatomic model that reads in parameters).
Portable Model using Model Driver MEAM_LAMMPS__MD_249792265679_002
KIM API Version2.2
Potential Type meam
Previous Version MEAM_LAMMPS_AslamBaskesDickel_2019_FeMnSiC__MO_427873955970_001

(Click here to learn more about Verification Checks)

Grade Name Category Brief Description Full Results Aux File(s)
P vc-species-supported-as-stated mandatory
The model supports all species it claims to support; see full description.
Results Files
P vc-periodicity-support mandatory
Periodic boundary conditions are handled correctly; see full description.
Results Files
P vc-permutation-symmetry mandatory
Total energy and forces are unchanged when swapping atoms of the same species; see full description.
Results Files
B vc-forces-numerical-derivative consistency
Forces computed by the model agree with numerical derivatives of the energy; see full description.
Results Files
F vc-dimer-continuity-c1 informational
The energy versus separation relation of a pair of atoms is C1 continuous (i.e. the function and its first derivative are continuous); see full description.
Results Files
P vc-objectivity informational
Total energy is unchanged and forces transform correctly under rigid-body translation and rotation; see full description.
Results Files
P vc-inversion-symmetry informational
Total energy is unchanged and forces change sign when inverting a configuration through the origin; see full description.
Results Files
N/A vc-memory-leak informational
The model code does not have memory leaks (i.e. it releases all allocated memory at the end); see full description.
Results Files
P vc-thread-safe mandatory
The model returns the same energy and forces when computed in serial and when using parallel threads for a set of configurations. Note that this is not a guarantee of thread safety; see full description.
Results Files
P vc-unit-conversion mandatory
The model is able to correctly convert its energy and/or forces to different unit sets; see full description.
Results Files

BCC Lattice Constant

This bar chart plot shows the mono-atomic body-centered cubic (bcc) lattice constant predicted by the current model (shown in the unique color) compared with the predictions for all other models in the OpenKIM Repository that support the species. The vertical bars show the average and standard deviation (one sigma) bounds for all model predictions. Graphs are generated for each species supported by the model.

Species: Mn
Species: Si
Species: C
Species: Fe

Cohesive Energy Graph

This graph shows the cohesive energy versus volume-per-atom for the current mode for four mono-atomic cubic phases (body-centered cubic (bcc), face-centered cubic (fcc), simple cubic (sc), and diamond). The curve with the lowest minimum is the ground state of the crystal if stable. (The crystal structure is enforced in these calculations, so the phase may not be stable.) Graphs are generated for each species supported by the model.

Species: Fe
Species: C
Species: Si
Species: Mn

Diamond Lattice Constant

This bar chart plot shows the mono-atomic face-centered diamond lattice constant predicted by the current model (shown in the unique color) compared with the predictions for all other models in the OpenKIM Repository that support the species. The vertical bars show the average and standard deviation (one sigma) bounds for all model predictions. Graphs are generated for each species supported by the model.

Species: Mn
Species: Fe
Species: C
Species: Si

Dislocation Core Energies

This graph shows the dislocation core energy of a cubic crystal at zero temperature and pressure for a specific set of dislocation core cutoff radii. After obtaining the total energy of the system from conjugate gradient minimizations, non-singular, isotropic and anisotropic elasticity are applied to obtain the dislocation core energy for each of these supercells with different dipole distances. Graphs are generated for each species supported by the model.

(No matching species)

FCC Elastic Constants

This bar chart plot shows the mono-atomic face-centered cubic (fcc) elastic constants predicted by the current model (shown in blue) compared with the predictions for all other models in the OpenKIM Repository that support the species. The vertical bars show the average and standard deviation (one sigma) bounds for all model predictions. Graphs are generated for each species supported by the model.

Species: C
Species: Fe
Species: Si

FCC Lattice Constant

This bar chart plot shows the mono-atomic face-centered cubic (fcc) lattice constant predicted by the current model (shown in red) compared with the predictions for all other models in the OpenKIM Repository that support the species. The vertical bars show the average and standard deviation (one sigma) bounds for all model predictions. Graphs are generated for each species supported by the model.

Species: C
Species: Fe
Species: Mn
Species: Si

FCC Stacking Fault Energies

This bar chart plot shows the intrinsic and extrinsic stacking fault energies as well as the unstable stacking and unstable twinning energies for face-centered cubic (fcc) predicted by the current model (shown in blue) compared with the predictions for all other models in the OpenKIM Repository that support the species. The vertical bars show the average and standard deviation (one sigma) bounds for all model predictions. Graphs are generated for each species supported by the model.

(No matching species)

FCC Surface Energies

This bar chart plot shows the mono-atomic face-centered cubic (fcc) relaxed surface energies predicted by the current model (shown in blue) compared with the predictions for all other models in the OpenKIM Repository that support the species. The vertical bars show the average and standard deviation (one sigma) bounds for all model predictions. Graphs are generated for each species supported by the model.

(No matching species)

SC Lattice Constant

This bar chart plot shows the mono-atomic simple cubic (sc) lattice constant predicted by the current model (shown in the unique color) compared with the predictions for all other models in the OpenKIM Repository that support the species. The vertical bars show the average and standard deviation (one sigma) bounds for all model predictions. Graphs are generated for each species supported by the model.

Species: C
Species: Si
Species: Fe
Species: Mn

Cubic Crystal Basic Properties Table

Species: C

Species: Fe

Species: Mn

Species: Si

Conjugate gradient relaxation of atomic cluster v003

Creators: Daniel S. Karls
Contributor: karls
Publication Year: 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25950/b47dd4c4

Given an xyz file corresponding to a finite cluster of atoms, this Test Driver computes the total potential energy and atomic forces on the configuration. The positions are then relaxed using conjugate gradient minimization and the final positions and forces are recorded. These results are primarily of interest for training machine-learning algorithms.
Test Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4049
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4257
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4197
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4317
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4386
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6773
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5816
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4336
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 8245
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4147
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4167
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3018
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4307
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4123
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2356
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5080
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3607
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4466
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2282
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4277
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2945
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 11853
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4585
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5669
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4933
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4506
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6994
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4366
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4270
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3534
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4049
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3239
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3976
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3681
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4217
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2356
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4336
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6552
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4416
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4287
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4177
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3534
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3166
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3460
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4078
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4138
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4257
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4406
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2135
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3998
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3239
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4366
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3460
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4396
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4625
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3902
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4108
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3166
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3534
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4118
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4476
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4008
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 8540
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 7583
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4196
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3166
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3755
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4157
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4217
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4386
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4078
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4297
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3534
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 7730
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5742
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4177
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3976
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4138
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5374
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 11927
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 10160
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4197
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4247
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4496
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4018
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4336
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4008
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4078
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3976
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4257
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3092
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4327
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4344
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4496
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4426
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 8466
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4555
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4128
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3018
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4049
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4406
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2650
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4207
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5816
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2650
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4267
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4227
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4237
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4491
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4187
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4346
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6037
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4426
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4078
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4048
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4078
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4098
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4167
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 11264
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4386
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4237
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4376
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 12515
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4317
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3681
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 12810
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3092
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 12589
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 11264
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4277
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4167
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 10160
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 7068
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2871
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4307
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4123
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4187
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4317
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5153
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3681
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4307
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5080
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4118
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 9792
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4466
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2945
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4545
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6920
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4317
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 10380
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4317
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5816
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4297
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4476
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4564
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4675
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4118
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4356
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4605
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5006
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4157
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4366
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3313
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4247
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4287
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4426
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4297
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4257
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4177
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4327
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4038
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2724
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3534
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4257
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5006
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 10601
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4187
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2282
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4078
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 13914
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4049
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4366
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4356
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3092
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4217
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4307
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3607
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 7804
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4207
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3313
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4346
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2429
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4049
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4506
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4237
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4167
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6479
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4336
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3902
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4406
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 12074
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4436
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5816
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5374
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4317
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4297
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2577
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4446
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3092
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3313
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3313
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3239
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2798
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2945
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3460
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4217
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2724
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4356
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5448
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4197
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4147
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4297
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3313
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4491
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4128
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2650
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6184
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4267
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4446
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4197
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6479
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4785
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4456
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5522
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3534
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3092
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3313
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 13620
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4197
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5006
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6111
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3092
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4247
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4028
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4227
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4446
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 8614
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3313
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3534
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3755
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4436
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4227
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5890
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3976
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2209
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4287
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 12736
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4486
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4466
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6626
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4638
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3607
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6920
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4416
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4564
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5153
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2282
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4416
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3976
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4187
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4317
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4346
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4118
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4327
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4147
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4217
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3166
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4436
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 8687
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4297
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4108
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3681
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4257
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4177
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 10601
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5742
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4317
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4147
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5816
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4525
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 9350
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6847
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4525
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 10749
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4177
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 7509
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4049
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2871
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2282
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4167
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 11411
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3387
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 7362
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4197
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4496
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4515
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3976
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4406
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 9055
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4297
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2871
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3534
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6184
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4207
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4386
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4376
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4336
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 11117
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4297
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4327
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3902
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4227
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3828
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 12515
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3387
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3828
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5890
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2209
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4564
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4344
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4287
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4217
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4406
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4167
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4712
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 10380
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2724
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4187
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 8172
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4123
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3988
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4177
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 12589
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4227
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5006
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4336
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3828
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2798
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3534
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4564
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5816
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4277
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4346
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5227
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 8025
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4177
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4859
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4491
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3092
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4466
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4417
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4426
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4167
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 8319
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4157
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4317
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4386
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3313
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4564
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4436
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3607
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 8393
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4237
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3534
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 11632
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3018
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4217
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4376
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4396
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4277
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5816
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 9423
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6773
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4366
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4356
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6626
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4277
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4098
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3902
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3387
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 10454
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4416
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4346
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4893
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2871
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4088
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4277
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4257
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3828
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 12221
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4270
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4356
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4346
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3387
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3460
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4344
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4366
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4277
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4257
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2429
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6552
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6847
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2724
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 10454
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4267
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4406
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4714
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3166
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4476
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4564
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4157
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4058
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4207
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 9939
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3166
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4187
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4376
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3968
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 11117
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4167
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4307
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4038
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4098
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4506
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 11632
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4157
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3828
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4197
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6552
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6331
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4196
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2650
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3534
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3313
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 12147
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3018
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4227
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3681
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3387
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4138
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3828
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2577
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4128
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3902
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 7583
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4197
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3607
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4386
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4555
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 7215
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3879
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4028
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5374
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 8761
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4436
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4196
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 9203
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 12442
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4049
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4446
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4486
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 12589
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4416
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4496
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4336
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4564
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4138
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4396
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4237
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 12957
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3976
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 12000
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4123
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4406
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4098
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3313
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4237
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4287
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3313
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3239
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 9276
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4058
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 11117
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4416
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4123
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4038
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 12884
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4416
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2577
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4049
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4098
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4317
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4237
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 12589
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3607
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4327
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4754
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4685
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3239
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4675
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4585
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 9055
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4196
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4346
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4933
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4336
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4207
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4157
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4307
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4366
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4049
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3755
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2356
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3902
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4346
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2650
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4396
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4525
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4336
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4496
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4346
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4327
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5522
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4267
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4177
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4491
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4396
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4187
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4138
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4028
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4227
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4785
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4147
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6626
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4167
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4545
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4555
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3681
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4346
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4436
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4247
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5153
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4386
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 10675
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4297
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4118
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5595
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4564
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4207
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4476
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4638
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4486
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4128
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4257
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2650
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4327
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4625
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4217
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4187
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4416
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4177
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4426
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4257
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6773
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4406
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4535
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4267
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4018
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3387
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3879
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5374
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 10749
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4933
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4933
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3902
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4426
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3902
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4098
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4366
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3239
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4307
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4237
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5006
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4406
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3313
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4187
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 9203
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4417
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 7068
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5742
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6184
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4336
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4564
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4297
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4564
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4207
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 8908
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4396
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4307
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4645
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4207
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 10896
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4336
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4638
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 12221
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 12663
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2724
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4227
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4933
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4615
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2871
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4456
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4167
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4038
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4267
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4048
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4933
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4108
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4138
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3607
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 13252
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4147
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4267
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4446
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3607
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 12884
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4049
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 11779
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4456
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4237
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2503
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4714
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4277
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4167
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2577
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2945
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3313
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 13325
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 8614
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 11190
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3534
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4346
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4344
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 7730
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5816
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4506
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3092
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4356
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2577
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 2724
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6552
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4506
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4237
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4147
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4217
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4456
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 12589
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4237
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3460
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 7730
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4417
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 6111
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3976
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4346
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4491
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 10528
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4098
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 5301
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 3607
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4376
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4307
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4068
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 11338
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4638
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4564
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4123
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4859
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4307
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4426
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 11485
Conjugate gradient relaxation of random finite cluster of Si atoms v003 view 4177

Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for monoatomic cubic lattices v003

Contributor: karls
Publication Year: 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25950/64cb38c5

This Test Driver uses LAMMPS to compute the cohesive energy of a given monoatomic cubic lattice (fcc, bcc, sc, or diamond) at a variety of lattice spacings. The lattice spacings range from a_min (=a_min_frac*a_0) to a_max (=a_max_frac*a_0) where a_0, a_min_frac, and a_max_frac are read from stdin (a_0 is typically approximately equal to the equilibrium lattice constant). The precise scaling and number of lattice spacings sampled between a_min and a_0 (a_0 and a_max) is specified by two additional parameters passed from stdin: N_lower and samplespacing_lower (N_upper and samplespacing_upper). Please see README.txt for further details.
Test Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for bcc C v004 view 22601
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for bcc Fe v004 view 22233
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for bcc Mn v004 view 22896
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for bcc Si v004 view 22454
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for diamond C v004 view 22749
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for diamond Fe v004 view 26798
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for diamond Mn v004 view 22160
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for diamond Si v004 view 18987
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for fcc C v004 view 20658
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for fcc Fe v004 view 22381
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for fcc Mn v004 view 22528
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for fcc Si v004 view 20489
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for sc C v004 view 26526
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for sc Fe v004 view 22160
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for sc Mn v004 view 22086
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for sc Si v004 view 22233

Elastic constants for arbitrary crystals at zero temperature and pressure v000

Contributor: ilia
Publication Year: 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25950/888f9943

Computes the elastic constants for an arbitrary crystal. A robust computational protocol is used, attempting multiple methods and step sizes to achieve an acceptably low error in numerical differentiation and deviation from material symmetry. The crystal structure is specified using the AFLOW prototype designation as part of the Crystal Genome testing framework. In addition, the distance from the obtained elasticity tensor to the nearest isotropic tensor is computed.
Test Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
Elastic constants for FeSi in AFLOW crystal prototype A11B5_cP16_221_cg_abd at zero temperature and pressure v000 view 657210
Elastic constants for CFe in AFLOW crystal prototype A2B5_aP28_2_4i_10i at zero temperature and pressure v000 view 2861188
Elastic constants for CFe in AFLOW crystal prototype A2B5_mC28_15_f_e2f at zero temperature and pressure v000 view 6833087
Elastic constants for CMn in AFLOW crystal prototype A2B5_mC28_15_f_e2f at zero temperature and pressure v000 view 3678448
Elastic constants for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype A2B_cP12_205_c_a at zero temperature and pressure v000 view 19127005
Elastic constants for FeSi in AFLOW crystal prototype A2B_hP6_164_abd_d at zero temperature and pressure v000 view 829435
Elastic constants for FeMnSi in AFLOW crystal prototype A2BC_cF16_225_c_a_b at zero temperature and pressure v000 view 655149

Elastic constants for cubic crystals at zero temperature and pressure v006

Creators: Junhao Li and Ellad Tadmor
Contributor: tadmor
Publication Year: 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25950/5853fb8f

Computes the cubic elastic constants for some common crystal types (fcc, bcc, sc, diamond) by calculating the hessian of the energy density with respect to strain. An estimate of the error associated with the numerical differentiation performed is reported.
Test Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
Elastic constants for bcc C at zero temperature v006 view 71191
Elastic constants for bcc Fe at zero temperature v006 view 77688
Elastic constants for bcc Si at zero temperature v006 view 46139
Elastic constants for diamond C at zero temperature v001 view 303711
Elastic constants for diamond Fe at zero temperature v001 view 354777
Elastic constants for diamond Si at zero temperature v001 view 251723
Elastic constants for fcc C at zero temperature v006 view 48904
Elastic constants for fcc Fe at zero temperature v006 view 47204
Elastic constants for fcc Si at zero temperature v006 view 66553
Elastic constants for sc C at zero temperature v006 view 48865
Elastic constants for sc Fe at zero temperature v006 view 67911
Elastic constants for sc Si at zero temperature v006 view 45423

Equilibrium structure and energy for a crystal structure at zero temperature and pressure v002

Contributor: ilia
Publication Year: 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25950/2f2c4ad3

Computes the equilibrium crystal structure and energy for an arbitrary crystal at zero temperature and applied stress by performing symmetry-constrained relaxation. The crystal structure is specified using the AFLOW prototype designation. Multiple sets of free parameters corresponding to the crystal prototype may be specified as initial guesses for structure optimization. No guarantee is made regarding the stability of computed equilibria, nor that any are the ground state.
Test Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for FeSi in AFLOW crystal prototype A11B5_cP16_221_cg_abd v002 view 101523
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CFe in AFLOW crystal prototype A2B5_aP28_2_4i_10i v002 view 82330
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CFe in AFLOW crystal prototype A2B5_mC28_15_f_e2f v002 view 252592
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CMn in AFLOW crystal prototype A2B5_mC28_15_f_e2f v002 view 76132
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype A2B_cP12_205_c_a v002 view 332765
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for FeSi in AFLOW crystal prototype A2B_hP6_164_abd_d v002 view 57661
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype A2B_tP6_131_i_e v002 view 55109
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for FeMnSi in AFLOW crystal prototype A2BC_cF16_225_c_a_b v001 view 242285
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CFe in AFLOW crystal prototype A3B7_hP20_186_c_b2c v002 view 106877
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for FeSi in AFLOW crystal prototype A3B_cF16_225_ac_b v002 view 114533
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for MnSi in AFLOW crystal prototype A3B_cF16_225_ac_b v002 view 184714
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for MnSi in AFLOW crystal prototype A4B7_tP44_116_ach2i_e3j v002 view 1017214
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for FeSi in AFLOW crystal prototype A5B3_cI64_230_ac_d v002 view 476104
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for FeSi in AFLOW crystal prototype A5B3_hP16_193_dg_g v002 view 64588
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for MnSi in AFLOW crystal prototype A5B3_hP16_193_dg_g v002 view 78700
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CFe in AFLOW crystal prototype A6B23_cF116_225_e_acfh v002 view 1785003
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CMn in AFLOW crystal prototype A6B23_cF116_225_e_acfh v002 view 1022226
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cF136_227_aeg v002 view 1929555
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cF16_227_c v002 view 865409
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cF240_202_h2i v002 view 8399068
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Fe in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cF4_225_a v002 view 162112
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Mn in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cF4_225_a v002 view 56871
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cF4_225_a v002 view 69935
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cF8_227_a v002 view 138333
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cF8_227_a v002 view 138290
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cI12_229_d v002 view 252150
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cI16_206_c v002 view 115216
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cI16_206_c v002 view 66714
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cI16_229_f v002 view 117510
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Fe in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cI2_229_a v002 view 62583
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Mn in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cI58_217_ac2g v002 view 308965
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cI82_217_acgh v002 view 370271
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cI8_214_a v002 view 73459
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cP1_221_a v002 view 66775
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Mn in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cP20_213_cd v002 view 141389
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cP20_221_gj v002 view 96244
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cP46_223_cik v002 view 329820
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_hP12_194_bc2f v002 view 148861
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_hP12_194_e2f v002 view 62157
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_hP16_194_e3f v002 view 109768
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_hP1_191_a v002 view 68688
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_hP2_191_c v002 view 70785
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Fe in AFLOW crystal prototype A_hP2_194_c v002 view 80025
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_hP2_194_c v002 view 58937
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_hP40_191_hjmno v002 view 193843
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_hP4_194_bc v002 view 66228
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_hP4_194_f v002 view 58573
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_hP4_194_f v002 view 63312
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_hP58_164_2d3i3j v002 view 124133
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_hP68_194_ef2h2kl v002 view 418017
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_hP8_194_ef v002 view 49216
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_hR10_166_5c v002 view 67140
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_hR14_166_7c v002 view 71089
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_hR4_166_2c v002 view 93935
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_hR60_166_2h4i v002 view 730335
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_mC164_15_e20f v002 view 524723
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_mC16_12_4i v002 view 125081
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_mC16_12_4i v002 view 70299
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_oC16_65_mn v002 view 470435
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_oC16_65_pq v002 view 94907
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_oC8_65_gh v002 view 72547
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_oC92_63_ce2f2g3h v002 view 434729
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_oF16_69_gh v002 view 103474
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_oI120_71_lmn6o v002 view 1255666
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_oP16_62_4c v002 view 66654
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_tI4_141_a v002 view 87976
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_tI8_139_h v002 view 61428
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_tI8_139_h v002 view 87608
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_tP106_137_a5g4h v002 view 194797
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Fe in AFLOW crystal prototype A_tP28_136_f2ij v002 view 81479
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CFe in AFLOW crystal prototype AB2_hP3_191_a_c v002 view 78259
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CFe in AFLOW crystal prototype AB2_oP12_62_c_2c v002 view 111167
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CFe in AFLOW crystal prototype AB2_oP6_58_a_g v002 view 60821
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for FeSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB2_tP3_123_a_h v002 view 56246
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CFe in AFLOW crystal prototype AB3_hP8_182_c_g v002 view 78774
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CFe in AFLOW crystal prototype AB3_oP16_62_c_cd v002 view 223733
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CMn in AFLOW crystal prototype AB3_oP16_62_c_cd v002 view 186533
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CFe in AFLOW crystal prototype AB3_tI32_82_g_3g v002 view 181622
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CFe in AFLOW crystal prototype AB4_cP5_215_a_e v002 view 67436
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CFe in AFLOW crystal prototype AB4_mP10_11_e_4e v002 view 71758
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CFe in AFLOW crystal prototype AB4_tI10_87_a_h v002 view 60811
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CMn in AFLOW crystal prototype AB6_cF112_227_c_def v002 view 941172
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_cF8_216_a_c v002 view 99768
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_cF8_225_a_b v002 view 279169
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for FeSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_cP8_198_a_a v002 view 119576
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for MnSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_cP8_198_a_a v002 view 132443
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_hP10_156_2a2bc_2a2bc v002 view 73094
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_hP12_186_a2b_a2b v002 view 107486
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_hP16_186_a3b_a3b v002 view 60699
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_hP20_156_4a3b3c_4a3b3c v002 view 120296
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_hP28_156_5a5b4c_5a5b4c v002 view 265034
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_hP32_186_3a5b_3a5b v002 view 184714
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_hP36_156_8a5b5c_8a5b5c v002 view 134462
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_hP38_156_7a6b6c_7a6b6c v002 view 152204
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_hP42_156_7a7b7c_7a7b7c v002 view 419416
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_hP4_186_b_b v002 view 67261
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_hP54_156_9a9b9c_9a9b9c v002 view 563344
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_hP8_186_ab_ab v002 view 88271
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_hR10_160_5a_5a v002 view 126848
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_hR14_160_7a_7a v002 view 164174
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_hR16_160_8a_8a v002 view 231831
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_hR18_160_9a_9a v002 view 94846
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_hR22_160_11a_11a v002 view 181794

Relaxed energy as a function of tilt angle for a symmetric tilt grain boundary within a cubic crystal v003

Contributor: brunnels
Publication Year: 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25950/2c59c9d6

Computes grain boundary energy for a range of tilt angles given a crystal structure, tilt axis, and material.
Test Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
Relaxed energy as a function of tilt angle for a 100 symmetric tilt grain boundary in bcc Fe v001 view 33837237
Relaxed energy as a function of tilt angle for a 111 symmetric tilt grain boundary in bcc Fe v001 view 59623634
Relaxed energy as a function of tilt angle for a 100 symmetric tilt grain boundary in fcc Fe v001 view 73785992

Cohesive energy and equilibrium lattice constant of hexagonal 2D crystalline layers v002

Creators: Ilia Nikiforov
Contributor: ilia
Publication Year: 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25950/dd36239b

Given atomic species and structure type (graphene-like, 2H, or 1T) of a 2D hexagonal monolayer crystal, as well as an initial guess at the lattice spacing, this Test Driver calculates the equilibrium lattice spacing and cohesive energy using Polak-Ribiere conjugate gradient minimization in LAMMPS
Test Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
Cohesive energy and equilibrium lattice constant of graphene v002 view 1850

Equilibrium lattice constant and cohesive energy of a cubic lattice at zero temperature and pressure v007

Creators: Daniel S. Karls and Junhao Li
Contributor: karls
Publication Year: 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25950/2765e3bf

Equilibrium lattice constant and cohesive energy of a cubic lattice at zero temperature and pressure.
Test Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for bcc C v007 view 41669
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for bcc Fe v007 view 36273
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for bcc Mn v007 view 50635
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for bcc Si v007 view 35169
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for diamond C v007 view 35696
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for diamond Fe v007 view 38481
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for diamond Mn v007 view 39675
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for diamond Si v007 view 50798
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for fcc C v007 view 37715
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for fcc Fe v007 view 37377
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for fcc Mn v007 view 55068
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for fcc Si v007 view 53007
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for sc C v007 view 37437
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for sc Fe v007 view 55142
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for sc Mn v007 view 36492
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for sc Si v007 view 50062

Equilibrium lattice constants for hexagonal bulk structures at zero temperature and pressure v005

Creators: Daniel S. Karls and Junhao Li
Contributor: karls
Publication Year: 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25950/c339ca32

Calculates lattice constant of hexagonal bulk structures at zero temperature and pressure by using simplex minimization to minimize the potential energy.
Test Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
Equilibrium lattice constants for hcp C v005 view 551774
Equilibrium lattice constants for hcp Fe v005 view 651145
Equilibrium lattice constants for hcp Mn v005 view 686806
Equilibrium lattice constants for hcp Si v005 view 586625

Linear thermal expansion coefficient of cubic crystal structures v002

Contributor: mjwen
Publication Year: 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25950/9d9822ec

This Test Driver uses LAMMPS to compute the linear thermal expansion coefficient at a finite temperature under a given pressure for a cubic lattice (fcc, bcc, sc, diamond) of a single given species.
Test Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
Linear thermal expansion coefficient of bcc Fe at 293.15 K under a pressure of 0 MPa v002 view 5051404
Linear thermal expansion coefficient of diamond C at 293.15 K under a pressure of 0 MPa v002 view 18375161
Linear thermal expansion coefficient of diamond Si at 293.15 K under a pressure of 0 MPa v002 view 2478876

High-symmetry surface energies in cubic lattices and broken bond model v004

Creators: Matt Bierbaum
Contributor: mattbierbaum
Publication Year: 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25950/6c43a4e6

Calculates the surface energy of several high symmetry surfaces and produces a broken-bond model fit. In latex form, the fit equations are given by:

E_{FCC} (\vec{n}) = p_1 (4 \left( |x+y| + |x-y| + |x+z| + |x-z| + |z+y| +|z-y|\right)) + p_2 (8 \left( |x| + |y| + |z|\right)) + p_3 (2 ( |x+ 2y + z| + |x+2y-z| + |x-2y + z| + |x-2y-z| + |2x+y+z| + |2x+y-z| +|2x-y+z| +|2x-y-z| +|x+y+2z| +|x+y-2z| +|x-y+2z| +|x-y-2z| ) + c

E_{BCC} (\vec{n}) = p_1 (6 \left( | x+y+z| + |x+y-z| + |-x+y-z| + |x-y+z| \right)) + p_2 (8 \left( |x| + |y| + |z|\right)) + p_3 (4 \left( |x+y| + |x-y| + |x+z| + |x-z| + |z+y| +|z-y|\right)) +c.

In Python, these two fits take the following form:

def BrokenBondFCC(params, index):

import numpy
x, y, z = index
x = x / numpy.sqrt(x**2.+y**2.+z**2.)
y = y / numpy.sqrt(x**2.+y**2.+z**2.)
z = z / numpy.sqrt(x**2.+y**2.+z**2.)

return params[0]*4* (abs(x+y) + abs(x-y) + abs(x+z) + abs(x-z) + abs(z+y) + abs(z-y)) + params[1]*8*(abs(x) + abs(y) + abs(z)) + params[2]*(abs(x+2*y+z) + abs(x+2*y-z) +abs(x-2*y+z) +abs(x-2*y-z) + abs(2*x+y+z) +abs(2*x+y-z) +abs(2*x-y+z) +abs(2*x-y-z) + abs(x+y+2*z) +abs(x+y-2*z) +abs(x-y+2*z) +abs(x-y-2*z))+params[3]

def BrokenBondBCC(params, x, y, z):

import numpy
x, y, z = index
x = x / numpy.sqrt(x**2.+y**2.+z**2.)
y = y / numpy.sqrt(x**2.+y**2.+z**2.)
z = z / numpy.sqrt(x**2.+y**2.+z**2.)

return params[0]*6*(abs(x+y+z) + abs(x-y-z) + abs(x-y+z) + abs(x+y-z)) + params[1]*8*(abs(x) + abs(y) + abs(z)) + params[2]*4* (abs(x+y) + abs(x-y) + abs(x+z) + abs(x-z) + abs(z+y) + abs(z-y)) + params[3]
Test Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
Broken-bond fit of high-symmetry surface energies in bcc Fe v004 view 144267

Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of atoms v003

Creators: Daniel S. Karls
Contributor: karls
Publication Year: 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25950/c3dca28e

Given an extended xyz file corresponding to a non-orthogonal periodic box of atoms, use LAMMPS to compute the total potential energy and atomic forces.
Test Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4207
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4406
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 2503
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4297
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 3902
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 8098
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 2282
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4227
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4118
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 2945
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 2282
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4123
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 2798
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4307
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4327
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 2871
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 3018
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4123
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4386
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4157
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 5227
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4386
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 10969
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 2061
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4515
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4267
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 2356
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4277
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 3092
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 3681
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 3460
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4157
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 8393
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4638
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4396
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4287
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 8466
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 2871
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4366
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 2724
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 3828
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4128
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4327
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4008
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4267
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 8982
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4638
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4346
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4078
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4187
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4346
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4565
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4123
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 3239
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 8025
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 6111
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4270
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 3313
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 7583
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 10749
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 12957
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 3681
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 5669
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4187
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4167
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4327
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 5448
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4277
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4138
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4123
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4257
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4157
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4344
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 5522
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed bcc structure v003 view 4366
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4297
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4356
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4207
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 10528
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 3387
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 2945
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 7583
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4344
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4712
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 12736
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 11632
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4128
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 3828
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 3018
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4098
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 11632
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 3976
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 2650
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4088
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 6111
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 3681
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4417
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4128
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4078
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4307
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 12515
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 8834
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4237
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 3902
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4257
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 10896
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 6479
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 5448
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4157
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4317
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 3828
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 2577
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4147
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4147
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 2429
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 2650
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 11485
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4237
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4058
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4356
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4287
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4456
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4638
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4237
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4128
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4177
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 3239
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 3239
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4217
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 8540
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4177
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4376
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 3460
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4346
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 8025
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4307
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 2871
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4525
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 5006
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 2429
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4446
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 3166
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4346
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4227
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 3092
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 2724
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 7657
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4118
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4197
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 5742
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4247
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 5963
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4859
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4635
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 3460
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 10528
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4088
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4138
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 5816
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4049
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4277
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4317
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4297
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4088
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4118
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4446
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 2798
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4297
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 12295
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 5448
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4098
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 4346
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 11927
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed diamond structure v003 view 6847
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed random structure v003 view 4147
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed random structure v003 view 4267
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed random structure v003 view 4187
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed random structure v003 view 4138
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed random structure v003 view 4196
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed random structure v003 view 5669
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed random structure v003 view 4376
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed random structure v003 view 3902
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed random structure v003 view 4227
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed random structure v003 view 4217
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed random structure v003 view 4535
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed random structure v003 view 11264
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed random structure v003 view 4049
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed random structure v003 view 4098
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed random structure v003 view 7288
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed random structure v003 view 4346
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed random structure v003 view 9423
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed random structure v003 view 4476
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed random structure v003 view 4048
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed random structure v003 view 4108
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed sh structure v003 view 5963
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed sh structure v003 view 4088
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed sh structure v003 view 13178
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed sh structure v003 view 12295
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed sh structure v003 view 4859
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed sh structure v003 view 3018
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed sh structure v003 view 10380
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed sh structure v003 view 11190
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed sh structure v003 view 4356
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed sh structure v003 view 2650
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed sh structure v003 view 4386
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed sh structure v003 view 4167
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed sh structure v003 view 13693
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed sh structure v003 view 3828
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed sh structure v003 view 4297
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed sh structure v003 view 4436
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed sh structure v003 view 4088
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed sh structure v003 view 4356
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed sh structure v003 view 5227
Potential energy and atomic forces of periodic, non-orthogonal cell of Si atoms in a perturbed sh structure v003 view 4028

Monovacancy formation energy and relaxation volume for cubic and hcp monoatomic crystals v001

Contributor: efuem
Publication Year: 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25950/fca89cea

Computes the monovacancy formation energy and relaxation volume for cubic and hcp monoatomic crystals.
Test Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
Monovacancy formation energy and relaxation volume for bcc Fe view 1079718
Monovacancy formation energy and relaxation volume for diamond Si view 435465

Vacancy formation and migration energies for cubic and hcp monoatomic crystals v001

Contributor: efuem
Publication Year: 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25950/c27ba3cd

Computes the monovacancy formation and migration energies for cubic and hcp monoatomic crystals.
Test Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
Vacancy formation and migration energy for bcc Fe view 1119032



Test Error Categories Link to Error page
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CFe in AFLOW crystal prototype A6B23_cF116_225_e_acfh v000 other view
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cF240_202_h2i v000 other view
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_cP20_221_gj v000 other view
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_hP12_194_bc2f v000 other view
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_hP16_194_e3f v000 other view
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for Si in AFLOW crystal prototype A_tP106_137_a5g4h v000 other view
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CFe in AFLOW crystal prototype AB4_mP10_11_e_4e v000 other view
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype AB_cF8_225_a_b v000 other view




Test Error Categories Link to Error page
Broken-bond fit of high-symmetry surface energies in bcc Fe v004 other view

Test Error Categories Link to Error page
Monovacancy formation energy and relaxation volume for bcc Mn other view


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