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This panel provides information on past usage of this interatomic potential (IP) powered by the OpenKIM Deep Citation framework. The word cloud indicates typical applications of the potential. The bar chart shows citations per year of this IP (bars are divided into articles that used the IP (green) and those that did not (blue)). The complete list of articles that cited this IP is provided below along with the Deep Citation determination on usage. See the Deep Citation documentation for more information.
231 Citations (145 used)
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USED (high confidence) B. T. Spann et al., “Semiconductor Thermal and Electrical Properties Decoupled by Localized Phonon Resonances,” Advanced Materials. 2023. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: Thermoelectric materials convert heat into electricity throu… read moreAbstract: Thermoelectric materials convert heat into electricity through thermally driven charge transport in solids or vice versa for cooling. To compete with conventional energy‐conversion technologies, a thermoelectric material must possess the properties of both an electrical conductor and a thermal insulator. However, these properties are normally mutually exclusive because of the interconnection between scattering mechanisms for charge carriers and phonons. Recent theoretical investigations on sub‐device scales have revealed that nanopillars attached to a membrane exhibit a multitude of local phonon resonances, spanning the full spectrum, that couple with the heat‐carrying phonons in the membrane and cause a reduction in the in‐plane thermal conductivity, with no expected change in the electrical properties because the nanopillars are outside the pathway of voltage generation and charge transport. Here this effect is demonstrated experimentally for the first time by investigating device‐scale suspended silicon membranes with GaN nanopillars grown on the surface. The nanopillars cause up to 21% reduction in the thermal conductivity while the power factor remains unaffected, thus demonstrating an unprecedented decoupling in the semiconductor's thermoelectric properties. The measured thermal conductivity behavior for coalesced nanopillars and corresponding lattice‐dynamics calculations provide evidence that the reductions are mechanistically tied to the phonon resonances. This finding paves the way for high‐efficiency solid‐state energy recovery and cooling. read less USED (high confidence) M. Sequeira et al., “Unravelling the secrets of the resistance of GaN to strongly ionising radiation,” Communications Physics. 2021. link Times cited: 20 USED (high confidence) M. Sequeira et al., “Unravelling the secrets of the resistance of GaN to strongly ionising radiation,” Communications Physics. 2021. link Times cited: 1 USED (high confidence) P. Desmarchelier, K. Termentzidis, and A. Tanguy, “Vibrational density of states of free and embedded semiconducting GaN nanoparticles,” Semiconductor Science and Technology. 2020. link Times cited: 2 Abstract: The impact of the size of free and embedded GaN nanoparticle… read moreAbstract: The impact of the size of free and embedded GaN nanoparticles on vibrational properties has been studied using three different numerical methods. The thermal conductivity of free nanoparticles was also estimated with equilibrium molecular dynamics. Important discrepancies between the vibrational density of states of small nanoparticles compared to the bulk are observed, such as the presence of modes in the bandgap related to the surface modes, the optical peaks decrease, and the redshift of the transverse acoustic peak. When these nanoparticles are embedded in a SiO2 matrix, the peaks in the bandgap disappear and the transverse acoustic modes are shifted back to the bulk frequencies. These differences between the free and the embedded nanoparticles tend to disappear for nanoparticles with diameters larger than 5 nm. Finally, the thermal conductivity for free nanoparticles is computed, showing a non-linear augmentation upon the increase of the size of nanoparticles. The latter results could be useful in effective medium models used to estimate the thermal conductivity of nanocomposites. read less USED (high confidence) E. Scalise, L. Barbisan, A. Sarikov, F. Montalenti, L. Miglio, and A. Marzegalli, “The origin and nature of killer defects in 3C-SiC for power electronic applications by a multiscale atomistic approach,” arXiv: Materials Science. 2020. link Times cited: 11 Abstract: 3C-SiC epitaxially grown on Si displays a large wealth of ex… read moreAbstract: 3C-SiC epitaxially grown on Si displays a large wealth of extended defects. In particular, single, double and triple stacking faults (SFs) are observed in several experiments to coexist. Overabundance of defects has so far limited the exploitation of 3C-SiC/Si for power electronics, in spite of its several ideal properties (mainly in terms of wide gap, high breakdown fields and thermal properties) and the possibility of a direct integration in the Si technology. Here we use a multiscale approach, based on both classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and first-principle calculations, to investigate in-depth the origin, nature and properties of most common 3C-SiC/Si(001) extended defects. Our MD simulations reveal a natural path for the formation of partial dislocation complexes terminating both double and triple SF's. MD results are used as input for superior DFT calculations, allowing us to better determine the core structure and to investigate electronic properties. It turns out that the partial dislocation complexes terminating double and triple SFs are responsible for the introduction of electronic states significantly filling the gap. On the other hand, individual partial dislocations terminating single SFs only induce states very close to the gap edge. We conclude that partial dislocation complexes, in particular the most abundant triple ones, are killer defects in terms of favoring leakage currents. Suggestions coming from theory/simulations for devising a strategy to lower their occurrence are discussed. read less USED (high confidence) A. Islam, M. S. Islam, and A. G. Bhuiyan, “Phonon Properties of Armchair and Zigzag Edged GaN Nanoribbon,” 2019 4th International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT). 2019. link Times cited: 1 Abstract: Of late, two dimensional (2D) gallium nitride (GaN) has appe… read moreAbstract: Of late, two dimensional (2D) gallium nitride (GaN) has appealed a great attention in nanoelectronic and optoelectronic applications due to its outstanding optical, electrical, and thermal properties. In this paper, we have explored the phonon properties of armchair and zigzag edged GaN nanoribbons using molecular dynamics simulation. The effect of edges and vacancies on the phonon thermal conductance, band structure, transmission spectrum and phonon density of states is explored systematically. Due to the reduced phonon-boundary scattering effect, the zigzag edged nanoribbon shows improved phonon behaviors than the armchair edge nanoribbon. With the increase of vacancy concentration, we have found a softening behavior of the low frequency phonon peaks in the phonon density of states. In addition, disappearing of phonon branches from the lower and higher energy range and inclusion of new phonon branches in the middle energy range of the phonon band structures are also noticed in the vacancy defected nanoribbons. These findings might be beneficial to design GaN based nanoelectronic and optoelectronic devices with improved thermal performances. read less USED (high confidence) K. Tsysar, V. Andreev, V. Zelensky, E. Smelova, A. Saletsky, and V. Vdovin, “Effect of mechanical deformations on absorption spectrum of metallic films of nanometer thickness,” International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Electronics. 2019. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: Optical properties of silver nanofilms on its thickness and … read moreAbstract: Optical properties of silver nanofilms on its thickness and mechanical deformations in visible and infrared ranges are studied theoretically. The deformation of the film during its elongation leads to a rearrangement of the structure of a surface layer and the appearance of dislocations. It is shown that 9% elongation is crucial for the six monolayer silver film. Mechanical deformations change the electronic structure of atoms in a film, which leads to a significant change in their optical properties. Stretching of the film shifts the absorption peak to the long wavelength region and leads to a slight decrease in absorption. The effects are explained by the significant transformation of the electron structure of deformed silver nanofilms. read less USED (high confidence) M. R. Z. Kouhpanji, M. Behzadirad, D. Feezell, and T. Busani, “Insufficiency of the Young’s modulus for illustrating the mechanical behavior of GaN nanowires,” Nanotechnology. 2018. link Times cited: 9 Abstract: We use a non-classical modified couple stress theory includi… read moreAbstract: We use a non-classical modified couple stress theory including the acceleration gradients (MCST-AG), to precisely demonstrate the size dependency of the mechanical properties of gallium nitride (GaN) nanowires (NWs). The fundamental elastic constants, Young’s modulus and length scales of the GaN NWs were estimated both experimentally, using a novel experimental technique applied to atomic force microscopy, and theoretically, using atomic simulations. The Young’s modulus, static and the dynamic length scales, calculated with the MCST-AG, were found to be 323 GPa, 13 and 14.5 nm, respectively, for GaN NWs from a few nanometers radii to bulk radii. Analyzing the experimental data using the classical continuum theory shows an improvement in the experimental results by introducing smaller error. Using the length scales determined in MCST-AG, we explain the inconsistency of the Young’s moduli reported in recent literature, and we prove the insufficiency of the Young’s modulus for predicting the mechanical behavior of GaN NWs. read less USED (high confidence) D. K. Das and J. Sarkar, “Comparison of mechanical properties of silicene estimated using different testing procedures: A molecular dynamics study,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2018. link Times cited: 11 Abstract: Silicene, a two-dimensional allotrope and silicon counterpar… read moreAbstract: Silicene, a two-dimensional allotrope and silicon counterpart of graphene, has recently attracted scientists all over the world due to its superior material properties and thus can be a potential applicant as a reinforcing agent. The mechanical properties of silicene have been studied using several testings (tensile, bending, oscillation, and equilibrium) through the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation technique. Plastic flow occurs, and 46% elongation is observed in a silicene sheet with dimensions of (200 × 700) A for room temperature (298 K) tensile testing. The yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, Young's modulus (E), cohesive energy, and bulk modulus are found to be 18.28 GPa, 23.96 GPa, 5.25 TPa, 3.72 eV atom−1, and 3.62 TPa, respectively. For the same sample, a Poisson ratio of 0.75 is observed. An ultrahigh mechanical strength of silicene, even higher than the previously predicted value of 0.178 TPa, is observed in this study. read less USED (high confidence) G. Dimitrakopulos et al., “Compositional and strain analysis of In(Ga)N/GaN short period superlattices,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2018. link Times cited: 12 Abstract: Extensive high resolution transmission and scanning transmis… read moreAbstract: Extensive high resolution transmission and scanning transmission electron microscopy observations were performed in In(Ga)N/GaN multi-quantum well short period superlattices comprising two-dimensional quantum wells (QWs) of nominal thicknesses 1, 2, and 4 monolayers (MLs) in order to obtain a correlation between their average composition, geometry, and strain. The high angle annular dark field Z-contrast observations were quantified for such layers, regarding the indium content of the QWs, and were correlated to their strain state using peak finding and geometrical phase analysis. Image simulations taking into thorough account the experimental imaging conditions were employed in order to associate the observed Z-contrast to the indium content. Energetically relaxed supercells calculated with a Tersoff empirical interatomic potential were used as the input for such simulations. We found a deviation from the tetragonal distortion prescribed by continuum elasticity for thin films, i.e., the strain in the rel... read less USED (high confidence) P. Karaseov et al., “Single and molecular ion irradiation-induced effects in GaN: experiment and cumulative MD simulations,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2017. link Times cited: 5 Abstract: An investigation of mechanisms of enhancement of irradiation… read moreAbstract: An investigation of mechanisms of enhancement of irradiation-induced damage formation in GaN under molecular in comparison to monatomic ion bombardment is presented. Ion-implantation-induced effects in wurtzite GaN bombarded with 0.6 keV amu−1 F, P, PF2, PF4, and Ag ions at room temperature are studied experimentally and by cumulative MD simulation in the correct irradiation conditions. In the low dose regime, damage formation is correlated with a reduction in photoluminescence decay time, whereas in the high dose regime, it is associated with the thickness of the amorphous/disordered layer formed at the sample surface. In all the cases studied, a shift to molecular ion irradiation from bombardment by its monatomic constituents enhances the damage accumulation rate. Implantation of a heavy Ag ion, having approximately the same mass as the PF4 molecule, is less effective in surface damage formation, but leads to noticeably higher damage accumulation in the bulk. The cumulative MD simulations do not reveal any significant difference in the total amount of both point defects and small defect clusters produced by light monatomic and molecular ions. On the other hand, increased production of large defect clusters by molecular PF4 ions is clearly seen in the vicinity of the surface. Ag ions produce almost the same number of small, but more large defect clusters compared to the others. These findings show that the higher probability of formation of large defect clusters is important mechanism of the enhancement of stable damage formation in GaN under molecular, as well as under heavy monatomic ion irradiation. read less USED (high confidence) M. R. Z. Kouhpanji, M. Behzadirad, and T. Busani, “Classical continuum theory limits to determine the size-dependency of mechanical properties of GaN NWs,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2017. link Times cited: 7 Abstract: We used the stable strain gradient theory including accelera… read moreAbstract: We used the stable strain gradient theory including acceleration gradients to investigate the classical and nonclassical mechanical properties of gallium nitride (GaN) nanowires (NWs). We predicted the static length scales, Young's modulus, and shear modulus of the GaN NWs from the experimental data. Combining these results with atomic simulations, we also found the dynamic length scale of the GaN NWs. Young's modulus, shear modulus, static, and dynamic length scales were found to be 318 GPa, 131 GPa, 8 nm, and 8.9 nm, respectively, usable for demonstrating the static and dynamic behaviors of GaN NWs having diameters from a few nm to bulk dimensions. Furthermore, the experimental data were analyzed with classical continuum theory (CCT) and compared with the available literature to illustrate the size-dependency of the mechanical properties of GaN NWs. This practice resolves the previous published discrepancies that happened due to the limitations of CCT used for determining the mechanical properties of Ga... read less USED (high confidence) Y. Qian, F. Shang, Q. Wan, and Y. Yan, “Compression-induced phase transition of GaN bulk from wurtzite phase to five-fold coordination hexagonal phase,” AIP Advances. 2017. link Times cited: 14 Abstract: The phase transformation of GaN bulk from the Wurtzite phase… read moreAbstract: The phase transformation of GaN bulk from the Wurtzite phase (WZ) to the hexagonal phase (HX) is studied by molecular dynamics simulation. The mechanical response and atomic structural evolution of transition are analyzed in detail. In addition, the loading rate effect on the phase transition is determined, that is, the phase transition ratio declines with a decrease of the strain rate. The WZ GaN bulk completely transforms into the HX phase in the case of compression at an ultrahigh strain rate. However, at a relatively slower strain rate, the HX phase of GaN partly nucleates and the untransformed regions are proved to be elastic deformed regions. Combined with an energy analysis, two atomic movement modes are recognized as the inducements for the phase transition and formation of elastic deformed regions. The first mode, which is responsible for the formation of elastic deformed regions, is an atomic sliding motion along the c {0001} planes. The second mode is a radial stretching atomic motion. The radi... read less USED (high confidence) I. Batyrev, N. S. Weingarten, and K. Jones, “Simulations of dislocation core in pyramidal plane of n‐ and p‐doped wurtzite GaN and AlGaN,” physica status solidi (b). 2017. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: We present results of classical and quantum atomistic simula… read moreAbstract: We present results of classical and quantum atomistic simulations of two dislocation core structures of mixed dislocations in a pyramidal plane of wurtzite GaN and AlGaN. We also studied the distribution of n‐ (Si) and p‐ (Mg) dopants relative to the dislocation core in the pyramidal plane. A Tersoff‐type interatomic potential is used to generate and relax two fully periodic systems containing hundreds of atoms, and one of the final configurations was relaxed using density functional theory (DFT). We studied trends for segregation around the dislocation core of n‐dopant Si atoms and p‐dopant Mg atoms using DFT and a simulation cell containing 1448 atoms with a dislocation dipole to provide periodic boundary conditions. Presumably, the segregation of the dopants relieves the stress accumulated in the dislocation cores. We also simulated various distributions of Al in AlGaN with 27% of Al near the dislocation core to understand thermodynamic trends in distribution of Al atoms. Our calculations indicate that atoms of Al randomly distributed in AlGaN with no discernible segregation to the dislocation core. X‐ray diffraction (XRD) spectra were simulated for the dislocations in the pyramidal plane using the virtual diffraction method. read less USED (high confidence) J. Kioseoglou, M. Katsikini, K. Termentzidis, I. K. Karakostas, and E. Paloura, “Mechanism and crucial parameters on GaN nanocluster formation in a silica matrix,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2017. link Times cited: 7 Abstract: The formation of wurtzite GaN nanoclusters in an amorphous s… read moreAbstract: The formation of wurtzite GaN nanoclusters in an amorphous silica matrix, via gallium and nitrogen ion implantation and rapid thermal annealing, is identified using Extended X Ray Absorption Fine Structure analysis. The mechanism and the crucial parameters that rule the formation of the nanoclusters are established by the use of molecular dynamics simulations. The dominant structural parameters are found to be the concentration of the silicon and oxygen vacancies that are formed during the implantation and the annealing temperature. It is concluded that annealing at 1400 K and 8% Ga/Si and 12% N/O ratios are needed for the formation of GaN nanoclusters. In addition to that, the GaN nanocluster formation is accomplished only when the vacancy concentrations of silicon and oxygen atoms are equal to 10% and 20%, respectively. Finally, the observation of various snapshots upon an increase of the annealing duration indicates the coalescence of smaller GaN nuclei towards larger ones, designating that the Ostwald... read less USED (high confidence) E. Smelova et al., “Mechanical properties of bimetallic one-dimensional structures,” International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Electronics. 2016. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: Mechanical properties of freestanding Au-Mn nanowires and Au… read moreAbstract: Mechanical properties of freestanding Au-Mn nanowires and Au-Mn nanowire on a Cu (110) substrate are studied with ab initio theoretical approach. The calculations were carried out using the software package Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP), which is based on the density functional theory (DFT). It was shown that the breaking force (0.45nN) as well as the interatomic distance at a breaking point in bimetallic nanowire (3.0 Å) are higher than in one component Au wire (0.4 nN and 2.6Å respectively). Relative elongation of 15 % results in a fracture of bimetallic nanowire. We studied the mechanical response of the nanojunction in a form of three-atomic Au chain aligned vertically between two pyramidal gold electrodes and demonstrated that the breaking of nanocontact depends only the interaction between Au atoms in the chain and dependents slightly on the structure and properties of the atomic structure of the electrodes. read less USED (high confidence) B. Zhao 赵, Y. Wang 王, C. Liu 刘, and X. Wang 王, “Molecular dynamics simulation of structural change at metal/semiconductor interface induced by nanoindenter,” Chinese Physics B. 2016. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: The structures of the Si/Cu heterogenous interface impacted … read moreAbstract: The structures of the Si/Cu heterogenous interface impacted by a nanoindenter with different incident angles and depths are investigated in detail using molecular dynamics simulation. The simulation results suggest that for certain incident angles, the nanoindenter with increasing depth can firstly increase the stress of each atom at the interface and it then introduces more serious structural deformation of the Si/Cu heterogenous interface. A nanoindenter with increasing incident angle (absolute value) can increase the length of the Si or Cu extended atom layer. It is worth mentioning that when the incident angle of the nanoindenter is between −45° and 45°, these Si or Cu atoms near the nanoindenter reach a stable state, which has a lower stress and a shorter length of the Si or Cu extended atom layer than those of the other incident angles. This may give a direction to the planarizing process of very large scale integration circuits manufacture. read less USED (high confidence) E. Lee, T. Zhang, M. Hu, and T. Luo, “Thermal boundary conductance enhancement using experimentally achievable nanostructured interfaces - analytical study combined with molecular dynamics simulation.,” Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP. 2016. link Times cited: 20 Abstract: Interfacial thermal resistance presents great challenges to … read moreAbstract: Interfacial thermal resistance presents great challenges to the thermal management of modern electronics. In this work, we perform an analytical study to enhance the thermal boundary conductance (TBC) of nanostructured interfaces with square-shape pillar arrays, extendable to the characteristic lengths that can be fabricated in practice. As a representative system, we investigate a SiC substrate with the square-shape pillar array combined with epitaxial GaN as the nanostructured interface. By applying a first-order ray tracing method and molecular dynamics simulations to analyze phonon incidence and transmission at the nanostructured interface, we systematically study the impact of the characteristic dimensions of the pillar array on the TBC. Based on the multi-scale analysis we provide a general guideline to optimize the nanostructured interfaces to achieve higher TBC, demonstrating that the optimized TBC value of the nanostructured SiC/GaN interfaces can be 42% higher than that of the planar SiC/GaN interfaces without nanostructures. The model used and results obtained in this study will guide the further experimental realization of nanostructured interfaces for better thermal management in microelectronics. read less USED (high confidence) H. Lu and X. Meng, “Correlation between band gap, dielectric constant, Young’s modulus and melting temperature of GaN nanocrystals and their size and shape dependences,” Scientific Reports. 2015. link Times cited: 48 USED (high confidence) J. Kioseoglou et al., “Structural and electronic properties of GaN nanowires with embedded InxGa1−xN nanodisks,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2015. link Times cited: 11 Abstract: In the present study, the effects of various types of strain… read moreAbstract: In the present study, the effects of various types of strain and indium concentration on the total energy and optoelectronic properties of GaN nanowires (NWs) with embedded InxGa1−xN nanodisks (NDs) are examined. In particular, the bi-axial, hydrostatic, and uniaxial strain states of the embedded InxGa1−xN NDs are investigated for multiple In concentrations. Density functional theory is employed to calculate the band structure of the NWs. The theoretical analysis finds that the supercell-size-dependent characteristics calculated for our 972-atom NW models are very close to the infinite supercell-size limit. It is established that the embedded InxGa1−xN NDs do not induce deep states in the band gap of the NWs. A bowing parameter of 1.82 eV is derived from our analysis in the quadratic Vegard's formula for the band gaps at the various In concentrations of the investigated InxGa1−xN NDs in GaN NW structures. It is concluded that up to ∼10% of In, the hydrostatic strain state is competitive with the bi-axial ... read less USED (high confidence) C. Chen, F. Meng, and J. Song, “Core structures analyses of (a+c)-edge dislocations in wurtzite GaN through atomistic simulations and Peierls–Nabarro model,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2015. link Times cited: 10 Abstract: The core structures and slip characteristics of (a+c)-edge d… read moreAbstract: The core structures and slip characteristics of (a+c)-edge dislocations on pyramidal planes in wurtzite GaN were investigated employing molecular dynamics simulations. Multiple stable core configurations are identified for dislocations along the glide and shuffle planes. The corresponding generalized-stacking-fault energy (GSFE) curves for the glide and shuffle slips are calculated. The GSFE curves, combined with the Peierls–Nabarro model, demonstrate that the shuffle slip is favored over the glide slip given the markedly lower Peierls energy and stress of the shuffle slip. Our findings also indicate that in general slip motions for (a+c)-edge dislocations are only possible at elevated temperature, and the necessity of further studies of thermally activated processes to better understand the dynamics of (a+c) dislocations in GaN. read less USED (high confidence) M. W. Ullah, A. Kuronen, A. Stukowski, F. Djurabekova, and K. Nordlund, “Atomistic simulation of Er irradiation induced defects in GaN nanowires,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2014. link Times cited: 12 Abstract: Classical molecular dynamics simulation was used to irradiat… read moreAbstract: Classical molecular dynamics simulation was used to irradiate a GaN nanowire with rear-earth erbium (Er). Ten cumulative irradiations were done using an ion energy of 37.5 keV on a 10 × 10 nm2 surface area which corresponds to a fluence of 1 × 1013 cm−2. We studied the location and types of defects produced in the irradiation. Er implantation leads to a net positive (expansion) strain in the nanowire and especially at the top region a clear expansion has been observed in the lateral and axial directions. The lattice expansion is due to the hydrostatic strain imposed by a large number of radiation induced defects at the top of the NW. Due to the large surface-to-volume ratio, most of the defects were concentrated at the surface region, which suggests that the experimentally observed yellow luminescence (YL) in ion implanted GaN NWs arises from surface defects. We observed big clusters of point defects and vacancy clusters which are correlated with stable lattice strain and the YL band, respectively. read less USED (high confidence) X. Gong et al., “Atomic-scale behavior of adatoms in axial and radial growth of GaN nanowires: Molecular dynamics simulations,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2014. link Times cited: 2 Abstract: The effect of the flux ratio of N atoms to Ga atoms on the r… read moreAbstract: The effect of the flux ratio of N atoms to Ga atoms on the radial/axial growth of GaN nanowires during molecular-beam epitaxy has been investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. By studying adatoms on a surface during the growth of GaN nanowires, we explore the underlying mechanisms and find that both a preferable adsorption surface for N and Ga adatoms and the desorption of N adatoms play a key role for such axial/radial growth. These observations on the atomic scale are crucial for understanding the self-induced growth of GaN nanowires in general as well as for achieving their desired morphology under different growth conditions. read less USED (high confidence) M. W. Ullah et al., “Effects of defect clustering on optical properties of GaN by single and molecular ion irradiation,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2013. link Times cited: 12 Abstract: The effects of irradiation by F, P, and PF4 on optical prope… read moreAbstract: The effects of irradiation by F, P, and PF4 on optical properties of GaN were studied experimentally and by atomistic simulations. Additionally, the effect of Ag was studied by simulation. The irradiation energy was 0.6 keV/amu for all projectiles. The measured photoluminescence (PL) decay time was found to be decreasing faster when irradiation was done by molecular ion compared to light ion irradiation. The PL decay time change is connected with the types of defect produced by different projectiles. Simulation results show that the light ions mainly produce isolated point defects while molecular and heavy ions produce clusters of point defects. The total amount of defects produced by the PF4 projectile was found to be very close to the sum of all defects produced in five individual cascades started by one P and four F single ions. This and the similar depth profiles of damage produced by molecular and light ion irradiations suggest that the defect clusters are one of the important reasons for fast PL dec... read less USED (high confidence) X. Zhang, M. Hu, K. Giapis, and D. Poulikakos, “Schemes for and Mechanisms of Reduction in Thermal Conductivity in Nanostructured Thermoelectrics,” Journal of Heat Transfer-transactions of The Asme. 2012. link Times cited: 20 Abstract: Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics (NEMD) simulations were pe… read moreAbstract: Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics (NEMD) simulations were performed to investigate schemes for enhancing the energy conversion efficiency of thermoelectric nanowires (NWs), including (1) roughening of the nanowire surface, (2) creating nanoparticle inclusions in the nanowires, and (3) coating the nanowire surface with other materials. The enhancement in energy conversion efficiency was inferred from the reduction in thermal conductivity of the nanowire, which was calculated by imposing a temperature gradient in the longitudinal direction. Compared to pristine nanowires, our simulation results show that the schemes proposed above lead to nanocomposite structures with considerably lower thermal conductivity (up to 82% reduction), implying ~5X enhancement in the ZT coefficient. This significant effect appears to have two origins: (1) increase in phonon-boundary scattering and (2) onset of interfacial interference. The results suggest new fundamental–yet realizable ways to improve markedly the energy conversion efficiency of nanostructured thermoelectrics. read less USED (high confidence) Y. Puzyrev, T. Roy, E. Zhang, D. Fleetwood, peixiong zhao, and S. Pantelides, “Radiation-Induced Defect Evolution and Electrical Degradation of AlGaN/GaN High-Electron-Mobility Transistors,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 2011. link Times cited: 64 Abstract: Threshold-voltage shifts and increases in 1/f noise are obse… read moreAbstract: Threshold-voltage shifts and increases in 1/f noise are observed in proton-irradiated AlGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistors, indicating defect-mediated device degradation. Quantum mechanical calculations demonstrate that low-energy recoils caused by particle interactions with defect complexes are more likely to occur than atomic displacements in a defect-free region of the crystal. We identify the responsible defects and their precursors in the defect-mediated displacement mechanism. The electronic properties of these defects are consistent with the increases in threshold voltage and 1/f noise in proton irradiation experiments. read less USED (high confidence) J. Kioseoglou, E. Kalessaki, G. Dimitrakopulos, P. Komninou, and T. Karakostas, “Study of InN/GaN interfaces using molecular dynamics,” Journal of Materials Science. 2008. link Times cited: 16 USED (high confidence) Z. Wang, X. Zu, F. Gao, and W. J. Weber, “Atomistic study of the melting behavior of single crystalline wurtzite gallium nitride nanowires,” Journal of Materials Research. 2007. link Times cited: 6 Abstract: Molecular dynamic simulation was used to study the melting b… read moreAbstract: Molecular dynamic simulation was used to study the melting behavior of gallium nitride (GaN) nanowires with the Stillinger-Weber potential. Our results reveal that the melting of the nanowires starts from the surface and rapidly extends to the inner regions of nanowires as temperature increases. The melting temperatures increase to saturation values ≈3100 and ≈2900 K when the diameters of nanowires are larger than 3.14 and 4.14 nm for the nanowires with [100]- and [110]-oriented lateral facets, respectively. The saturated values are close to the melting temperature of bulk GaN. The low melting temperature of GaN nanowires with small diameter may be associated with the large surfaces of nanowires. read less USED (high confidence) Z. Wang, X. Zu, F. Gao, and W. J. Weber, “Atomic-level study of melting behavior of GaN nanotubes,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2006. link Times cited: 25 Abstract: Molecular dynamics simulations with a Stillinger-Weber poten… read moreAbstract: Molecular dynamics simulations with a Stillinger-Weber potential have been used to investigate the melting behavior of wurtzite-type single-crystalline GaN nanotubes. The simulations show that the melting temperature of the GaN nanotubes increases with the thickness of the nanotubes to a saturation value, which is close to the melting temperature of a GaN slab. The results reveal that the nanotubes begin to melt at the surface, and then the melting rapidly extends to the interior of the nanotubes as the temperature increases. The melting temperature of a single-crystalline GaN nanotube with [100]-oriented lateral facets is higher than that with [110]-oriented lateral facets for the same thickness. read less USED (high confidence) X. W. Zhou, D. Murdick, B. Gillespie, and H. Wadley, “Atomic assembly during GaN film growth : Molecular dynamics simulations,” Physical Review B. 2006. link Times cited: 44 Abstract: Molecular dynamics simulations using a recently developed Ga… read moreAbstract: Molecular dynamics simulations using a recently developed Ga-N Tersoff type bond order interatomic potential have been used to investigate the growth mechanisms of 0001 wurtzite GaN films from thermalized atomic gallium and nitrogen fluxes. The crystallinity and stoichiometry of the deposited wurtzite lattice structures were determined as a function of growth temperature and N:Ga flux ratio. The lattice perfection was found to improve as the growth temperature was increased to 500 K. At a fixed growth temperature, the lattice quality and stoichiometry both reached optimum as the N:Ga ratio approached a value between two and three. The optimum flux ratio increased with increasing growth temperature. These three observations are consistent with experimental studies of growth on wurtzite phase promoting substrates. The atomic assembly mechanisms responsible for these effects have been explored using time-resolved atom position images. The analysis revealed that high quality crystalline growth only occurred when off-lattice atoms which are usually associated with amorphous embryos or defect complexes formed during deposition were able to move to unoccupied lattice sites by thermally activated diffusion processes. The need for a high N:Ga flux ratio to synthesize stochiometric films arises because many of the nitrogen adatoms that impact N-rich 0001 GaN surfaces are re-evaporated. Reductions of the substrate temperature reduce this reevaporation and as a result, the optimum N:Ga ratio for the stoichiometric film formation and best lattice perfection was reduced as the growth temperature was decreased. read less USED (high confidence) T. Kawamura, Y. Kangawa, K. Kakimoto, S. Kotake, and Y. Suzuki, “Investigation of GaN Solution Growth Processes on Ga- and N-Faces by Molecular Dynamics Simulation,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2012. link Times cited: 3 Abstract: We carried out the molecular dynamics simulation of the solu… read moreAbstract: We carried out the molecular dynamics simulation of the solution growth of GaN and investigated the growth processes on Ga- and N-faces. An empirical potential function of the Brenner potential was used for the simulations. The simulation cell consisted of GaN substrates with Ga- and N-faces and Ga solution including N atoms. The results showed that the growth surface on the Ga-face laterally developed from a two-dimensional nucleus and became flat. On the other hand, the growth surface on the N-face developed by adhesive growth and became rough. read less USED (low confidence) L. Duan, S.-R. Tan, Y. Liu, and J. Guo, “Influence of irradiation-induced point defects on nanotribological properties of m-plane GaN investigated using molecular dynamics simulation,” Materials Today Communications. 2023. link Times cited: 0 USED (low confidence) R. Gröger and J. Fikar, “Nucleation of threading dislocations in atomistic simulations of strained layer epitaxy of III-nitrides,” Acta Materialia. 2023. link Times cited: 0 USED (low confidence) S. Jiang and V. Ortalan, “A Comparative Study of Gallium-, Xenon-, and Helium-Focused Ion Beams for the Milling of GaN,” Nanomaterials. 2023. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: The milling profiles of single-crystal gallium nitride (GaN)… read moreAbstract: The milling profiles of single-crystal gallium nitride (GaN) when subjected to focused ion beams (FIBs) using gallium (Ga), xenon (Xe), and helium (He) ion sources were investigated. An experimental analysis via annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (ADF-STEM) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) revealed that Ga-FIB milling yields trenches with higher aspect ratios compared to Xe-FIB milling for the selected ion beam parameters (30 kV, 42 pA), while He-FIB induces local lattice disorder. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were employed to investigate the milling process, confirming that probe size critically influences trench aspect ratios. Interestingly, the MD simulations also showed that Xe-FIB generates higher aspect ratios than Ga-FIB with the same probe size, indicating that Xe-FIB could also be an effective option for nanoscale patterning. Atomic defects such as vacancies and interstitials in GaN from He-FIB milling were suggested by the MD simulations, supporting the lattice disorder observed via HRTEM. This combined experimental and simulation approach has enhanced our understanding of FIB milling dynamics and will benefit the fabrication of nanostructures via the FIB technique. read less USED (low confidence) T. Li, H. Xu, and F. Shang, “A refined numerical simulation approach to assess the neutron irradiation effect on the mechanical behavior of wurtzite GaN,” Computational Materials Science. 2023. link Times cited: 0 USED (low confidence) J. Piechota, S. Krukowski, B. Sadovyi, P. Sadovyi, S. Porowski, and I. Grzegory, “Melting versus Decomposition of GaN: Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Study and Comparison to Experimental Data,” Chemistry of Materials. 2023. link Times cited: 0 USED (low confidence) L. Liu et al., “Structural morphology and surface recrystallization properties of GaN nanoparticles with different sizes during sintering,” Ceramics International. 2023. link Times cited: 0 USED (low confidence) Y. Liu, Z. Xiong, and X. Ouyang, “Molecular Dynamics Study on the Mechanism of Gallium Nitride Radiation Damage by Alpha Particles,” Materials. 2023. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: In special applications in nuclear reactors and deep space e… read moreAbstract: In special applications in nuclear reactors and deep space environments, gallium nitride detectors are subject to irradiation by α-particles. Therefore, this work aims to explore the mechanism of the property change of GaN material, which is closely related to the application of semiconductor materials in detectors. This study applied molecular dynamics methods to the displacement damage of GaN under α-particle irradiation. A single α-particle-induced cascade collision at two incident energies (0.1 and 0.5 MeV) and multiple α-particle injections (by five and ten incident α-particles with injection doses of 2 × 1012 and 4 × 1012 ions/cm2, respectively) at room temperature (300 K) were simulated by LAMMPS code. The results show that the recombination efficiency of the material is about 32% under 0.1 MeV, and most of the defect clusters are located within 125 Å, while the recombination efficiency of 0.5 MeV is about 26%, and most of the defect clusters are outside 125 Å. However, under multiple α-particle injections, the material structure changes, the amorphous regions become larger and more numerous, the proportion of amorphous area is about 27.3% to 31.9%, while the material’s self-repair ability is mostly exhausted. read less USED (low confidence) X. Du et al., “Machine-learning-accelerated simulations to enable automatic surface reconstruction,” Nature Computational Science. 2023. link Times cited: 2 USED (low confidence) Y. Xie, K. Shibata, and T. Mizoguchi, “A defect formation mechanism induced by structural reconstruction of a well-known silicon grain boundary.,” Acta Materialia. 2023. link Times cited: 1 USED (low confidence) Q. Peng, Z. Ma, S. Cai, S. Zhao, X. Chen, and Q. Cao, “Atomistic Insights on Surface Quality Control via Annealing Process in AlGaN Thin Film Growth,” Nanomaterials. 2023. link Times cited: 1 Abstract: Aluminum gallium nitride (AlGaN) is a nanohybrid semiconduct… read moreAbstract: Aluminum gallium nitride (AlGaN) is a nanohybrid semiconductor material with a wide bandgap, high electron mobility, and high thermal stability for various applications including high-power electronics and deep ultraviolet light-emitting diodes. The quality of thin films greatly affects their performance in applications in electronics and optoelectronics, whereas optimizing the growth conditions for high quality is a great challenge. Herein, we have investigated the process parameters for the growth of AlGaN thin films via molecular dynamics simulations. The effects of annealing temperature, the heating and cooling rate, the number of annealing rounds, and high temperature relaxation on the quality of AlGaN thin films have been examined for two annealing modes: constant temperature annealing and laser thermal annealing. Our results reveal that for the mode of constant temperature annealing, the optimum annealing temperature is much higher than the growth temperature in annealing at the picosecond time scale. The lower heating and cooling rates and multiple-round annealing contribute to the increase in the crystallization of the films. For the mode of laser thermal annealing, similar effects have been observed, except that the bonding process is earlier than the potential energy reduction. The optimum AlGaN thin film is achieved at a thermal annealing temperature of 4600 K and six rounds of annealing. Our atomistic investigation provides atomistic insights and fundamental understanding of the annealing process, which could be beneficial for the growth of AlGaN thin films and their broad applications. read less USED (low confidence) W. Bao, Z.-liang Wang, B. Hu, and D. Tang, “Thermal transport across graphene/GaN and MoS2/GaN interfaces,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2023. link Times cited: 2 USED (low confidence) H. Lei, J. Chen, and P. Ruterana, “Comparative studies of interatomic potentials for modeling point defects in wurtzite GaN,” AIP Advances. 2023. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: In this paper, a new version of the Stillinger–Weber (SW) po… read moreAbstract: In this paper, a new version of the Stillinger–Weber (SW) potential for wurtzite GaN is presented, by which we systematically explore the structural and thermodynamical properties of native point defects and their complexes. In parallel, the semi-empirical Modified Embedded-Atom Method (MEAM) potential is selected for comparison. The SW and MEAM potentials are assessed by the reproduction of the fundamental properties of wurtzite GaN and by the ability to describe the inversion domain boundaries and the wurtzite–rocksalt phase transition. Then the structural search of native point defects and their complexes in GaN is implemented using both SW and MEAM potentials with the benchmark of Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. Besides vacancies and antisites, four N and five Ga interstitials are confirmed by refining the DFT calculations, among which two N split interstitials [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text], and two Ga split interstitials, [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text], are observed for the first time. The SW potential correctly predicts the octahedral occupation GaOct to be the most stable Ga interstitial, while the MEAM potential predicts the ground state of the [Formula: see text] split interstitial [Formula: see text] as the most stable N interstitial. However, neither of the two potentials could simultaneously generate the most stable configurations of N and Ga interstitials. The investigations of point defect complexes reveal that N octahedral Frenkel [FrenkelOct(N)] and paired antisite (NGaGaN) defects are unstable and get converted into [Formula: see text] configurations with different separations between VN and [Formula: see text] point defects based on the DFT calculations. The formation energies calculated by the DFT and SW potential demonstrate that Schottky, Ga octahedral Frenkel [FrenkelOct(Ga)], and [Formula: see text] point defect complexes are energetically feasible and that they should not dissociate into two isolated point defects. In contrast, the MEAM potential predicts the dissociation to be exothermic for Schottky and [Formula: see text]. Overall, the structural features concerned with N–N or Ga–Ga bonds relaxed by the SW potential are more consistent with DFT calculations than the MEAM counterpart. read less USED (low confidence) G. Clavier and A. Thompson, “Computation of the thermal elastic constants for arbitrary manybody potentials in LAMMPS using the stress-fluctuation formalism,” Comput. Phys. Commun. 2023. link Times cited: 1 USED (low confidence) Z. Qi et al., “Aln/Diamond Interface Nanoengineering for Reducing Thermal Boundary Resistance by Molecular Dynamics Simulations,” SSRN Electronic Journal. 2023. link Times cited: 5 USED (low confidence) L. Yin, K. Zhang, R. Zhao, Y. Yang, S. Tang, and G. Liu, “Capillary Infiltration of Liquid Silicon in Carbon Nanotubes: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation,” SSRN Electronic Journal. 2022. link Times cited: 1 USED (low confidence) H. Huang, W. Yang, W. Ming, G. Zhang, Y. Xu, and Z. Zhang, “Mechanism of springback behavior in ultra-thin glass molding process: A molecular dynamics study,” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2022. link Times cited: 2 USED (low confidence) N. Gui, Q. Wang, X. Zhang, X. Yang, J. Tu, and S. Jiang, “Diffusion and Thermo-Driven Migration of Silver, Palladium and Ruthenium Nanoparticles in Cubic Sic Matrix Using Molecular Dynamics,” SSRN Electronic Journal. 2022. link Times cited: 1 USED (low confidence) M. Sequeira et al., “Examining Different Regimes of Ionization-Induced Damage in GaN Through Atomistic Simulations.,” Small. 2022. link Times cited: 5 Abstract: The widespread adoption of gGaN in radiation-hard semiconduc… read moreAbstract: The widespread adoption of gGaN in radiation-hard semiconductor devices relies on a comprehensive understanding of its response to strongly ionizing radiation. Despite being widely acclaimed for its high radiation resistance, the exact effects induced by ionization are still hard to predict due to the complex phase-transition diagrams and defect creation-annihilation dynamics associated with group-III nitrides. Here, the Two-Temperature Model, Molecular Dynamics simulations and Transmission Electron Microscopy, are employed to study the interaction of Swift Heavy Ions with GaN at the atomic level. The simulations reveal a high propensity of GaN to recrystallize the region melted by the impinging ion leading to high thresholds for permanent track formation. Although the effect exists in all studied electronic energy loss regimes, its efficiency is reduced with increasing electronic energy loss, in particular when there is dissociation of the material and subsequent formation of N2 bubbles. The recrystallization is also hampered near the surface where voids and pits are prominent. The exceptional agreement between the simulated and experimental results establishes the applicability of the model to examine the entire electronic energy loss spectrum. Furthermore, the model supports an empirical relation between the interaction cross sections (namely for melting and amorphization) and the electronic energy loss. read less USED (low confidence) A. Akkerman, J. Barak, and M. Murat, “NIEL Calculations for III–V Compound Semiconductors Under Electron or Proton Irradiation,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 2022. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: The nonionizing energy loss (NIEL) concept, introduced more … read moreAbstract: The nonionizing energy loss (NIEL) concept, introduced more than 40 years ago, is still used to characterize the damage generated by different particles and $\gamma $ -rays. Its continuing relevance is due to the experimentally established scaling in the creation rate of defects by radiation of different types. NIEL calculations are quite simple, based on classical physics. We thus name them classical NIEL, NIEL c. Their calculation depends on an $a$ priori known $E_{d}$ -displacement threshold energy in monoatomic materials. For the compound semiconductor materials studied here, Ga $X$ and In $X$ , where $X$ are the cations N, P, As, Sb, the experimental $E_{d}$ values vary over a wide range and only approximate values for NIEL c can be calculated. Thanks to some recent studies carried out using the molecular dynamic (MD) method, the NIEL values were estimated using atomic scale calculations. Consequently, we can now compare NIEL c with more precise data. These data also include the “dynamic” behavior of the NIEL, which is related to the annealing of the damage (like Frenkel pair recombination) and the generation of extended crystalline defects. The NIEL calculated using the MD method is referred to in the literature as NIEL eff. A detailed comparison between NIEL c and NIEL eff as a function of electron and proton energies is made here. It shows that the difference between the two quantities is not large and cannot influence the dependence of NIEL on temperature and different radiation types. Both yield similar results in calculating the effect of displacement damage. As an additional use of NIEL c, we analyze its application to estimate the relative tolerance of the different members of the Ga $X$ and In $X$ families to radiation defects as a function of particle energies. read less USED (low confidence) G. Damas, K. Rönnby, H. Pedersen, and L. Ojamäe, “Understanding Indium Nitride Thin Film Growth Under ALD Conditions by Atomic Scale Modelling: From the Bulk to the In-Rich Layer,” SSRN Electronic Journal. 2022. link Times cited: 4 Abstract: In recent decades, indium nitride (InN) has been attracting … read moreAbstract: In recent decades, indium nitride (InN) has been attracting a great deal of attention for its potential applicability in the field of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and high-frequency electronics. However, the contribution from adsorption-and reaction-related processes at the atomic scale level to the InN growth has not yet been unveiled, limiting the process optimization that is essential to achieve highly crystalline and pure thin films. In this report, we investigate the reaction pathways that are involved in the crystal growth of InN thin film in atomic layer deposition (ALD) techniques from trimethylindium (TMI) and ammonia (NH 3 ) precursors. To accomplish this task, we use a solid-state approach to perform the ab-initio calculations within the Perdew – Burke – Ernzerhof functional (PBE) level of theory. The results clarify the activation role from the N-rich layer to decrease the barrier for the first TMI precursor dissociation from Δ ‡ H = + 227 kJ/mol, in gas phase, to solely + 16 kJ/mol, in the surface environment. In either case, the subsequent CH 3 release is found to be thermo-and kinetically favored with methylindium (MI) formed at the hcp site and ethane (C 2 H 6 ) as the byproduct. In the following step, the TMI physisorption at a nearby occupied hcp site promotes the sequential hydrogen removal from the N-rich layer at the minimum energy cost of Δ ‡ H < + 105 kJ/mol with methane (CH 4 ) release. An alternative mechanism involving the production of CH 4 is also feasible upon dissociation in gas phase. Furthermore, the high concentration of CH 3 radicals, from precursor dissociation, might be the origin of the carbon impurities in this material under the experimental conditions of interest. Finally, the passivation methodology is not found to affect the evaluation of the surface-related processes, whereas the inclusion of spin-polarization is demonstrated to be essential to the proper understanding of the reaction mechanism. read less USED (low confidence) F. Uesugi and M. Ishii, “Classification for transmission electron microscope images from different amorphous states using persistent homology,” Microscopy. 2022. link Times cited: 1 Abstract: It is difficult to discriminate the amorphous state using a … read moreAbstract: It is difficult to discriminate the amorphous state using a transmission electron microscope (TEM). We discriminated different amorphous states on TEM images using persistent homology, which is a mathematical analysis technique that employs the homology concept and focuses on ‘holes’. The structural models of the different amorphous states, that is, amorphous and liquid states, were created using classical molecular dynamic simulation. TEM images in several defocus conditions were simulated by the multi-slice method using the created amorphous and liquid states, and their persistent diagrams were calculated. Finally, logistic regression and support vector classification machine learning algorithms were applied for discrimination. Consequently, we found that the amorphous and liquid phases can be discriminated by more than 85%. Because the contrast of TEM images depends on sample thickness, focus, lens aberration, etc., radial distribution function cannot be classified; however, the persistent homology can discriminate different amorphous states in a wide focus range. read less USED (low confidence) F. Wang, L. Li, H. Tang, and Y. Hu, “Effects of thickness and orientation on electromechanical properties of gallium nitride nanofilm: A multiscale insight,” Computational Materials Science. 2022. link Times cited: 8 USED (low confidence) Q. Kang et al., “Mechanical properties and indentation-induced phase transformation in 4H–SiC implanted by hydrogen ions,” Ceramics International. 2022. link Times cited: 4 USED (low confidence) S.-H. Park et al., “Annealing-based manipulation of thermal phonon transport from light-emitting diodes to graphene,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2021. link Times cited: 3 USED (low confidence) T. Jia et al., “Numerical simulation of the primary displacement damage in GaAs1−xNx with low nitrogen atomic content,” Computational Materials Science. 2021. link Times cited: 1 USED (low confidence) S. Zhang et al., “Atomistic observations on the structure evolution of glass-ceramics induced by the cascade collisions,” Applied Surface Science. 2021. link Times cited: 1 USED (low confidence) V. L. Berkovits, V. A. Kosobukin, V. Ulin, P. Alekseev, F. Y. Soldatenkov, and V. Levitskii, “Polarization Spectroscopy of Anisotropic Plasmons in Self‐Oriented Nanoclusters of Gold on Monolayer of Nitrogen Atoms Chemisorbed at GaAs(001) Surface,” physica status solidi (b). 2021. link Times cited: 1 Abstract: Herein, the formation of Au nanoclusters on nitridized GaAs(… read moreAbstract: Herein, the formation of Au nanoclusters on nitridized GaAs(001) surface is described, as well as the structure diagnostics and spectroscopic studies which reveal a strong anisotropy of the plasmons localized on the clusters. Principal aspects of the work are the following. Technologically, structures of Au/N/GaAs are fabricated with a monolayer of nitrogen atoms chemisorbed preliminary onto GaAs substrate to prevent its reaction with subsequently deposited Au film. Annealing of the structures Au/N/GaAs results in the appearance of anisotropic nanoclusters of chemically clean gold on GaAs surface. Experimentally, the existence of in‐surface anisotropy of Au clusters is verified with the atomic force microscopy and it is investigated with the resonant optical spectroscopies of anisotropy reflectance and polarized reflection. All the methods are applied jointly for the detailed study of anisotropic plasmons revealed in gold nanocluster arrays. Theoretically, the plasmon‐conditioned features observed in optical polarized spectra are interpreted using an optical model of in‐surface anisotropic plasmons in Au nanospheroids. As a result, the macroscopic anisotropy and orientation of gold nanoclusters and their plasmons relative to the crystallographic axes of GaAs substrate are unambiguously established and reliably specified. read less USED (low confidence) S. Zhang, X. Guo, C. Zhang, Z. Jin, R. Kang, and D. Guo, “Modeling the heterogeneity response induced by the cascade collisions of glass-ceramics,” Computational Materials Science. 2021. link Times cited: 0 USED (low confidence) C. Zhang et al., “The deformation mechanism of Gallium-faces and Nitrogen-faces Gallium Nitride during nanogrinding,” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2021. link Times cited: 9 USED (low confidence) H. Wang, W. Xing, S. Chen, C. Song, M. Dickey, and T. Deng, “Liquid Metal Composites with Enhanced Thermal Conductivity and Stability Using Molecular Thermal Linker,” Advanced Materials. 2021. link Times cited: 57 Abstract: Gallium‐based liquid metal (LM) composite with metallic fill… read moreAbstract: Gallium‐based liquid metal (LM) composite with metallic fillers is an emerging class of thermal interface materials (TIMs), which are widely applied in electronics and power systems to improve their performance. In situ alloying between gallium and many metallic fillers like copper and silver, however, leads to a deteriorated composite stability. This paper presents an interfacial engineering approach using 3‐chloropropyltriethoxysilane (CPTES) to serve as effective thermal linkers and diffusion barriers at the copper‐gallium oxide interfaces in the LM matrix, achieving an enhancement in both thermal conductivity and stability of the composite. By mixing LM with copper particles modified by CPTES, a thermal conductivity (κ) as high as 65.9 W m−1 K−1 is achieved. In addition, κ can be tuned by altering the terminal groups of silane molecules, demonstrating the flexibility of this approach. The potential use of such composite as a TIM is also shown in the heat dissipation of a computer central processing unit. While most studies on LM‐based composites enhance the material performance via direct mixing of various fillers, this work provides a different approach to fabricate high‐performance LM‐based composites and may further advance their applications in various areas including thermal management systems, flexible electronics, consumer electronics, and biomedical systems. read less USED (low confidence) J. Sun, Y. Li, Y. Karaaslan, C. Sevik, and Y. Chen, “Misfit dislocation structure and thermal boundary conductance of GaN/AlN interfaces,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2021. link Times cited: 8 Abstract: The structure and thermal boundary conductance of the wurtzi… read moreAbstract: The structure and thermal boundary conductance of the wurtzite GaN/AlN (0001) interface are investigated using molecular dynamics simulation. Simulation results with three different empirical interatomic potentials have produced similar misfit dislocation networks and dislocation core structures. Specifically, the misfit dislocation network at the GaN/AlN interface is found to consist of pure edge dislocations with a Burgers vector of 1 / 3 ⟨ 1 2 ¯ 10 ⟩ and the misfit dislocation core has an eight-atom ring structure. Although different interatomic potentials lead to different dislocation properties and thermal conductance values, all have demonstrated a significant effect of misfit dislocations on the thermal boundary conductance of the GaN/AlN (0001) interface. read less USED (low confidence) W. Bao, Z.-liang Wang, and G. Chen, “Substrate effect and temperature dependence of thermal transport characteristics in GaN-based graphene,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2021. link Times cited: 8 USED (low confidence) C. Zhang, X. Guo, S. Yuan, Z. Dong, and R. Kang, “Effects of initial temperature on the damage of GaN during nanogrinding,” Applied Surface Science. 2021. link Times cited: 15 USED (low confidence) Z.-rong Zhang, H.-fang Li, Y.-C. Ma, D. Luo, Z.-jiang Liu, and S. Lin, “Simulations of Formation of Nanostructure in Silicon Surface by Single Slow Highly Charged Ion,” Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2020. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: To understand the mechanisms of surface erosion induced by s… read moreAbstract: To understand the mechanisms of surface erosion induced by slow highly-charged ion (SHCI) bombardment, the surface nanostructure formation in Si (111) surface by single Xe44+ ion was studied by using molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations, based on analyzing the multiple electron emission of the substrate. The time evolutions of the temperature, energy, pressure and density of the substrate have been systematically studied. The results show the bombardment of the incident SHCI resulting in an explosive event in the surface. A shock wave propagating at ~104 m/s is formed in the system during the initial 175 fs. After this initial shock, many particles are ejected from the surface since the extreme non-equilibrium of the system. And at t=370 fs, a crater-like nanostructure with diameter of ~40 Å and depth of ~18 Å is formed at the incident site. read less USED (low confidence) Y. Ando et al., “Low interface state densities at Al2O3/GaN interfaces formed on vicinal polar and non-polar surfaces,” Applied Physics Letters. 2020. link Times cited: 12 Abstract: Ni/Al2O3/GaN structures with vicinal GaN surfaces from the c… read moreAbstract: Ni/Al2O3/GaN structures with vicinal GaN surfaces from the c- or m-plane were formed. Then, electrical interface properties of the structures were systematically investigated. It was found that interface state density (Dit) at the Al2O3/GaN interface for the c-plane is higher than that for the m-plane, and post-metallization annealing is quite effective to reduce Dit for both c- and m-planes. As a result, the low Dit value of ∼ 3 × 1010 eV−1 cm−2 was demonstrated for both planes. read less USED (low confidence) Y. Huang, M. Wang, Y. Xu, and F. Zhu, “Investigation on gallium nitride with N-vacancy defect nano-grinding by molecular dynamics,” Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2020. link Times cited: 21 USED (low confidence) Z. Antoš, P. Vacek, and R. Gröger, “Intersections of two stacking faults in zincblende GaN,” Computational Materials Science. 2020. link Times cited: 4 USED (low confidence) H. He et al., “Primary damage of 10 keV Ga PKA in bulk GaN material under different temperatures,” Nuclear Engineering and Technology. 2020. link Times cited: 14 USED (low confidence) J. Guo, J. Chen, and Y. Wang, “Temperature effect on mechanical response of c-plane monocrystalline gallium nitride in nanoindentation: A molecular dynamics study,” Ceramics International. 2020. link Times cited: 31 USED (low confidence) Y. Wang, S. Tang, and J. Guo, “Molecular dynamics study on deformation behaviour of monocrystalline GaN during nano abrasive machining,” Applied Surface Science. 2020. link Times cited: 45 USED (low confidence) Z. Tang, Y. Chen, and W. Ye, “Calculation of Surface Properties of Cubic and Hexagonal Crystals through Molecular Statics Simulations,” Crystals. 2020. link Times cited: 8 Abstract: Surface property is an important factor that is widely consi… read moreAbstract: Surface property is an important factor that is widely considered in crystal growth and design. It is also found to play a critical role in changing the constitutive law seen in the classical elasticity theory for nanomaterials. Through molecular static simulations, this work presents the calculation of surface properties (surface energy density, surface stress and surface stiffness) of some typical cubic and hexagonal crystals: face-centered-cubic (FCC) pure metals (Cu, Ni, Pd and Ag), body-centered-cubic (BCC) pure metals (Mo and W), diamond Si, zincblende GaAs and GaN, hexagonal-close-packed (HCP) pure metals (Mg, Zr and Ti), and wurzite GaN. Sound agreements of the bulk and surface properties between this work and the literature are found. New results are first reported for the surface stiffness of BCC pure metals, surface stress and surface stiffness of HCP pure metals, Si, GaAs and GaN. Comparative studies of the surface properties are carried out to uncover trends in their behaviors. The results in this work could be helpful to the investigation of material properties and structure performances of crystals. read less USED (low confidence) K. Liang, X. Sun, G. Wu, L. Zhang, S. Liu, and Z. Gan, “The investigation of molecular beam epitaxy growth of GaN by molecular dynamics simulation,” Computational Materials Science. 2020. link Times cited: 15 USED (low confidence) G. Plummer and G. Tucker, “Bond-order potentials for theTi3AlC2andTi3SiC2MAX phases,” Physical Review B. 2019. link Times cited: 12 USED (low confidence) R. Ravinder, P. Garg, and N. Krishnan, “Glass Transition and Crystallization in Hexagonal Boron Nitride: Crucial Role of Orientational Order,” Advanced Theory and Simulations. 2019. link Times cited: 1 Abstract: While extensive studies have been carried out on 2D crystals… read moreAbstract: While extensive studies have been carried out on 2D crystals, their disordered counterpart, namely 2D glasses, remain poorly explored. Using molecular dynamics simulation, it is demonstrated that hexagonal boron nitride (h‐BN) can exhibit crystallization and glass transition. Similar to archetypical glasses, it is observed that the glassy structures are disordered, marked by the absence of any long‐range order while exhibiting some short‐range order. Further, the structures obtained are stable in three dimensions, confirming the realistic nature of the 2D glasses. Interestingly, it is observed that the orientational order of the h‐BN structure with respect to density as well as ground state enthalpy follows a master curve for both crystallization and glass transition, revealing thermally accessible regions for the structure. Further, the standard deviation of orientational order provides information about the spatial heterogeneity in the structure, the rearrangement of which results in the formation of crystal/glass. This suggests that the orientational order may play a crucial role in controlling the propensity for crystallization/glass transition in systems having directional bonds. read less USED (low confidence) J. Zhang, W. Liu, P. Chen, H. He, C. He, and D. Yun, “Molecular dynamics study of the interaction between symmetric tilt Σ5(2 1 0) 〈0 0 1〉 grain boundary and radiation-induced point defects in Fe-9Cr alloy,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2019. link Times cited: 7 USED (low confidence) H. Nguyen, “Graphene layer of hybrid graphene/hexagonal boron nitride model upon heating,” Carbon Letters. 2019. link Times cited: 9 USED (low confidence) C. Chen et al., “Effect of indium doping on motions of 〈a〉-prismatic edge dislocations in wurtzite gallium nitride,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2019. link Times cited: 3 Abstract: The influences of indium doping on dynamics of 〈a〉-prismatic… read moreAbstract: The influences of indium doping on dynamics of 〈a〉-prismatic edge dislocation along shuffle plane in wurtzite GaN have been investigated employing classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The dependence of dislocation motion mode and dislocation velocity on indium doping concentration, temperature, and applied shear stress was clarified. Moreover, the simulation results were further analyzed using elastic theory of dislocation and thermal activation theory of dislocation motion, showing excellent agreement with the simulation. Our findings help gain deep insights into modifying dynamic behaviors of TDs through the alloying doping and offer generic tools to the study of other wurtzite materials of promising application prospects, such as AlGaN and ZnO. read less USED (low confidence) J. Chen and B. Wang, “Existence criteria and validity of plate models for graphene-like materials,” Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy. 2019. link Times cited: 5 USED (low confidence) X. Zhuang, B. He, B. Javvaji, and H. S. Park, “Intrinsic bending flexoelectric constants in two-dimensional materials,” Physical Review B. 2019. link Times cited: 45 Abstract: Flexoelectricity is a form of electromechanical coupling tha… read moreAbstract: Flexoelectricity is a form of electromechanical coupling that has recently emerged because, unlike piezoelectricity, it is theoretically possible in any dielectric material. Two-dimensional (2D) materials have also garnered significant interest because of their unusual electromechanical properties and high flexibility, but the intrinsic flexoelectric properties of these materials remain unresolved. In this work, using atomistic modeling accounting for charge-dipole interactions, we report the intrinsic flexoelectric constants for a range of two-dimensional materials, including graphene allotropes, nitrides, graphene analogs of group-IV elements, and the transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). We accomplish this through a proposed mechanical bending scheme that eliminates the piezoelectric contribution to the total polarization, which enables us to directly measure the flexoelectric constants. While flat 2D materials like graphene have low flexoelectric constants due to weak π − σ interactions, buckling is found to increase the flexoelectric constants in monolayer group-IV elements. Finally, due to significantly enhanced charge transfer coupled with structural asymmetry due to bending, the TMDCs are found to have the largest flexoelectric constants, including MoS 2 having a flexoelectric constant ten times larger than graphene. read less USED (low confidence) N. S. Weingarten, “Dislocation mobility and Peierls stress of c-type screw dislocations in GaN from molecular dynamics,” Computational Materials Science. 2018. link Times cited: 10 USED (low confidence) S. Pradeep, R. Loganathan, S. Surender, K. Prabakaran, K. Asokan, and K. Baskar, “Effect of gamma irradiation on AlInGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures grown by MOCVD,” Superlattices and Microstructures. 2018. link Times cited: 5 USED (low confidence) Y. Qian, F. Shang, Q. Wan, and Y. Yan, “The mechanism of plastic deformation in intact and irradiated GaN during indentation: A molecular dynamics study,” Computational Materials Science. 2018. link Times cited: 23 USED (low confidence) C. Chen, P. Song, F. Meng, P. Ou, X. Liu, and J. Song, “Effect of topological patterning on self-rolling of nanomembranes,” Nanotechnology. 2018. link Times cited: 6 Abstract: The effects of topological patterning (i.e., grating and rec… read moreAbstract: The effects of topological patterning (i.e., grating and rectangular patterns) on the self-rolling behaviors of heteroepitaxial strained nanomembranes have been systematically studied. An analytical modeling framework, validated through finite-element simulations, has been formulated to predict the resultant curvature of the patterned nanomembrane as the pattern thickness and density vary. The effectiveness of the grating pattern in regulating the rolling direction of the nanomembrane has been demonstrated and quantitatively assessed. Further to the rolling of nanomembranes, a route to achieve predictive design of helical structures has been proposed and showcased. The present study provides new knowledge and mechanistic guidance towards predictive control and tuning of roll-up nanostructures via topological patterning. read less USED (low confidence) F. Zhang et al., “Structural connection between gallium crystals and near-Tm liquids under ambient pressure,” Scripta Materialia. 2018. link Times cited: 4 USED (low confidence) E. Lee and T. Luo, “Thermal transport across solid-solid interfaces enhanced by pre-interface isotope-phonon scattering,” Applied Physics Letters. 2018. link Times cited: 26 Abstract: Thermal transport across solid interfaces can play critical … read moreAbstract: Thermal transport across solid interfaces can play critical roles in the thermal management of electronics. In this letter, we use non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the isotope effect on the thermal transport across SiC/GaN interfaces. It is found that engineered isotopes (e.g., 10% 15N or 71Ga) in the GaN layer can increase the interfacial thermal conductance compared to the isotopically pure case by as much as 23%. Different isotope doping features, such as the isotope concentration, skin depth of the isotope region, and its distance from the interface, are investigated, and all of them lead to increases in thermal conductance. Studies of spectral temperatures of phonon modes indicate that interfacial thermal transport due to low-frequency phonons (< 20 THz) is enhanced after isotopes are introduced. These results suggest that the enhanced thermal conductance is related to the isotope-phonon scattering, which facilitates the redistribution of phonon energy among different mod... read less USED (low confidence) T. Gao et al., “Structural properties and defects of GaN crystals grown at ultra-high pressures: A molecular dynamics simulation,” Superlattices and Microstructures. 2017. link Times cited: 4 USED (low confidence) T. Gao, Y. Li, Z. Yao, X. Hu, and Q. Xie, “Properties of tetrahedral clusters and medium range order in GaN during rapid solidification,” Superlattices and Microstructures. 2017. link Times cited: 3 USED (low confidence) S. Rouhi, H. Pourmirzaagha, and M. O. Bidgoli, “Molecular dynamics simulations of gallium nitride nanosheets under uniaxial and biaxial tensile loads,” International Journal of Modern Physics B. 2017. link Times cited: 3 Abstract: Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are employed to study th… read moreAbstract: Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are employed to study the elastic properties of gallium nitride (GaN) nanosheets. Young’s and bulk moduli of GaN nanosheets with different side lengths and height/width ratio are obtained. Besides, the configuration of the nanosheet at different strains is represented until the fracture initiation and final fracture are observed. It is seen that the zigzag nanosheets have larger elastic moduli than armchair ones with the same sizes. Moreover, increasing the length size of the nanosheets results in decreasing Young’s modulus. Bulk moduli of GaN nanosheets are also obtained by applying biaxial loading on all edges. It is seen that under the biaxial tensile force, the fracture is initiated at the nanosheet corners and is continued toward the nanosheet center. A nonlinear relation between the bulk modulus and nanosheet size is observed. read less USED (low confidence) L. Xiong et al., “Temperature-dependent structure evolution in liquid gallium,” Acta Materialia. 2017. link Times cited: 49 USED (low confidence) Y. Zhao et al., “Molecular dynamics simulation of nano-indentation of (111) cubic boron nitride with optimized Tersoff potential,” Applied Surface Science. 2016. link Times cited: 25 USED (low confidence) P. Karaseov et al., “Experimental study and MD simulation of damage formation in GaN under atomic and molecular ion irradiation,” Vacuum. 2016. link Times cited: 7 USED (low confidence) T. Pavloudis, J. Kioseoglou, T. Karakostas, and P. Komninou, “Ordered structures in III-Nitride ternary alloys,” Computational Materials Science. 2016. link Times cited: 7 USED (low confidence) T. Pavloudis, K. Termentzidis, P. Komninou, C. D. Latham, P. Briddon, and J. Kioseoglou, “The influence of structural characteristics on the electronic and thermal properties of GaN/AlN core/shell nanowires,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2016. link Times cited: 8 Abstract: Interatomic potential based molecular dynamics and ab initio… read moreAbstract: Interatomic potential based molecular dynamics and ab initio calculations are employed to investigate the structural, thermal, and electronic properties of polar GaN/AlN core/shell nanowires. Nanowire models for the molecular dynamics simulations contain hundreds of thousands of atoms with different shell-to-nanowire ratios. The energetic and structural properties are evaluated through a detailed examination of the strain, the stress, and the displacement fields. It is found that the relaxation of the AlN shell is initiated at the edges, with the shell becoming increasingly stress free when the shell-to-nanowire ratio is increased. The basal lattice parametera of the AlN shell is found to have a smaller value than the value predicted by the elasticity theory. The stresses on the GaN core are strongly influenced by the shell. The core retains the alattice parameter of bulk GaN only up to a shell-to-nanowire ratio equal to 0.10 and is significantly compressed beyond this point. Concerning the thermal properties, the molecular dynamics simulations conclude that there is a linear relationship between the thermal conductivity and the shell-to-core area ratio of the GaN/AlN core/shell nanowires. The bandgaps of the nanowires are calculated through ab initio calculations of 103 atoms and the influence of the structural characteristics on the electronic properties is investigated. A well-defined relationship that predicts the bandgap of the GaN/AlN nanowires, follows the 2nd order Vegard's law and taking into account the shell-to-nanowire ratio, is established. Finally, the valence band maximum is found to be dominated by the surface N-2p levels, while the conduction band minimum is dominated by the core and interface Ga-3s, and the surface Al-2s levels. read less USED (low confidence) A. Zhou et al., “Effect of lattice defects on the property of GaN crystal: A molecular dynamics simulation study,” Superlattices and Microstructures. 2015. link Times cited: 5 USED (low confidence) S. Porowski et al., “The challenge of decomposition and melting of gallium nitride under high pressure and high temperature,” Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2015. link Times cited: 32 USED (low confidence) A. Yadav et al., “Low and moderate dose gamma-irradiation and annealing impact on electronic and electrical properties of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors,” Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids. 2015. link Times cited: 15 Abstract: To understand the effects of 60Co gamma-irradiation, systema… read moreAbstract: To understand the effects of 60Co gamma-irradiation, systematic studies were carried out on n-channel AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors. Electrical testing, combined with electron beam-induced current measurements, was able to provide critical information on defects induced in the material as a result of gamma-irradiation. It was shown that at low gamma-irradiation doses, the minority carrier diffusion length in AlGaN/GaN exhibits an increase up to ∼300 Gy. The observed effect is due to longer minority carrier (hole) life time in the material's valence band as a result of an internal electron irradiation by Compton electrons. However, for larger doses of gamma irradiation (above 400 Gy), deteriorations in transport properties and device characteristics were observed. This is consistent with the higher density of deep traps in the material's forbidden gap induced by a larger dose of gamma-irradiation. Moderate annealing of device structures at 200°C for 25 min resulted in partial recovery of transport properties and device performance. read less USED (low confidence) R. Gröger, L. Leconte, and A. Ostapovets, “Structure and stability of threading edge and screw dislocations in bulk GaN,” Computational Materials Science. 2015. link Times cited: 16 USED (low confidence) P. Süle and M. Szendrő, “Time-lapsed graphene moiré superlattices on Cu(1 1 1),” Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 2015. link Times cited: 7 Abstract: We report classical molecular dynamics simulations (CMD) of … read moreAbstract: We report classical molecular dynamics simulations (CMD) of the moiré superlattice of graphene on Cu(1 1 1) using a new parameterized Abell–Tersoff potential for the graphene/Cu(1 1 1) interface fitted in this paper to nonlocal van der Waals density functional theory calculations. The interfacial force field with time-lapsed CMD provides superlattices in good quantitative agreement with the available experimental results. The long range coincidence supercells with nonequivalent moiré hills have also been identified and analyzed. Spot profile analysis reveals that the moiré spots are inequivalent over large areas, and their heights are randomly distributed. This result is in accordance with recent atomic force microscopy studies. Our simulations also shed light on the transient dynamics of the moiré superlattice in atomic detail. The moiré superlattice exhibits a pattern which is dynamical rather than statically pinned to the support, and can be observed mostly via time-lapsing. The instantaneous snapshots of the periodic moiré pattern at low temperature are already weakly disordered, lacking the apparent sharpness of the time-averaged pattern and of the scanning tunneling microscopy images. This suggests the existence of competition of orders—between a static (first-order) moiré superstructure and a dynamical (second-order) moiré superstructure. read less USED (low confidence) W. Ye and B. Chen, “Investigation of the surface elasticity of GaN by atomistic simulations and its application to the elastic relaxation of GaN nanoisland,” Materials Letters. 2015. link Times cited: 19 USED (low confidence) W. Ye and B. Chen, “Elastic relaxation in 3D epitaxial nanoisland with strain-dependent surface stress effect,” Journal of Crystal Growth. 2015. link Times cited: 3 USED (low confidence) M. W. Ullah, A. Kuronen, F. Djurabekova, K. Nordlund, A. Titov, and P. Karaseov, “Defect clustering in irradiation of GaN by single and molecular ions,” Vacuum. 2014. link Times cited: 9 USED (low confidence) W. Ren, A. Kuronen, and K. Nordlund, “Atomistic simulation of irradiation effects in GaN nanowires,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2014. link Times cited: 2 USED (low confidence) N. S. Weingarten and P. Chung, “a-Type edge dislocation mobility in wurtzite GaN using molecular dynamics,” Scripta Materialia. 2013. link Times cited: 23 USED (low confidence) M. Hu and D. Poulikakos, “Graphene mediated thermal resistance reduction at strongly coupled interfaces,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2013. link Times cited: 56 USED (low confidence) I. Batyrev, C.-C. Wu, P. Chung, N. S. Weingarten, and K. Jones, “Control of Defects in Aluminum Gallium Nitride ((Al)GaN) Films on Grown Aluminum Nitride (AlN) Substrates.” 2013. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: : We present efforts aimed at establishing a multiscale appr… read moreAbstract: : We present efforts aimed at establishing a multiscale approach for simulating dislocations in aluminum gallium nitride ((Al)GaN) semiconductors. We performed quantum mechanical and classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to study the electronic and atomic structure of threading edge and screw dislocations in AlGaN, focusing on the structure of the dislocation core and the electrical activity of dislocations, and estimating dislocation velocities as a function of applied stress and temperature. We used the calculated mobility functions from MD to study different junction configurations using a discrete dislocation dynamics (DDD) simulator, ParaDiS. Finally, we predicted the most likely slip planes in wurtzite (Al)GaN semiconductors based on general crystallographic principles. The most important results are (1) aluminum (Al) atoms do not segregate to the dislocation core and atoms in the dislocation core do not produce any defect levels in the bandgap; (2) we performed first time classical MD calculations of dislocation velocity as a function of applied stress for three slip systems in gallium nitride (GaN); (3) we adapted ParaDiS to simulate wurtzite semiconductors; and (4) the plane strain produced by the lattice mismatch during growth on the (0001) plane does not create a shear stress on the basal or prismatic planes, hence the operational slip plane must be a pyramidal plane, the most probable being the 1/3{11[bar over 23]}{11[bar over 2]2} slip system. read less USED (low confidence) X. W. Zhou, R. Jones, J. Duda, and P. Hopkins, “Molecular dynamics studies of material property effects on thermal boundary conductance.,” Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP. 2013. link Times cited: 38 Abstract: Thermal boundary resistance (inverse of conductance) between… read moreAbstract: Thermal boundary resistance (inverse of conductance) between different material layers can dominate the overall thermal resistance in nanostructures and therefore impact the performance of the thermal property limiting nano devices. Because relationships between material properties and thermal boundary conductance have not been fully understood, optimum devices cannot be developed through a rational selection of materials. Here we develop generic interatomic potentials to enable material properties to be continuously varied in extremely large molecular dynamics simulations to explore the dependence of thermal boundary conductance on the characteristic properties of materials such as atomic mass, stiffness, and interfacial crystallography. To ensure that our study is not biased to a particular model, we employ different types of interatomic potentials. In particular, both a Stillinger-Weber potential and a hybrid embedded-atom-method + Stillinger-Weber potential are used to study metal-on-semiconductor compound interfaces, and the results are analyzed considering previous work based upon a Lennard-Jones (LJ) potential. These studies, therefore, reliably provide new understanding of interfacial transport phenomena particularly in terms of effects of material properties on thermal boundary conductance. Our most important finding is that thermal boundary conductance increases with the overlap of the vibrational spectra between metal modes and the acoustic modes of the semiconductor compound, and increasing the metal stiffness causes a continuous shift of the metal modes. As a result, the maximum thermal boundary conductance occurs at an intermediate metal stiffness (best matched to the semiconductor stiffness) that maximizes the overlap of the vibrational modes. read less USED (low confidence) S. Verma, D. Pandey, and R. Yadav, “Size dependent ultrasonic properties of InN nanowires,” Physica B-condensed Matter. 2012. link Times cited: 6 USED (low confidence) M. W. Ullah, A. Kuronen, K. Nordlund, F. Djurabekova, P. Karaseov, and A. Titov, “Atomistic simulation of damage production by atomic and molecular ion irradiation in GaN,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2012. link Times cited: 17 Abstract: We have studied defect production during single atomic and m… read moreAbstract: We have studied defect production during single atomic and molecular ion irradiation having an energy of 50 eV/amu in GaN by molecular dynamics simulations. Enhanced defect recombination is found in GaN, in accordance with experimental data. Instantaneous damage shows non-linearity with different molecular projectile and increasing molecular mass. Number of instantaneous defects produced by the PF4 molecule close to target surface is four times higher than that for PF2 molecule and three times higher than that calculated as a sum of the damage produced by one P and four F ion irradiation (P+4×F). We explain this non-linearity by energy spike due to molecular effects. On the contrary, final damage created by PF4 and PF2 shows a linear pattern when the sample cools down. Total numbers of defects produced by Ag and PF4 having similar atomic masses are comparable. However, defect-depth distributions produced by these species are quite different, also indicating molecular effect. read less USED (low confidence) T. Kawamura, Y. Kangawa, K. Kakimoto, and Y. Suzuki, “Molecular dynamics simulation of diffusion behavior of N atoms on the growth surface in GaN solution growth,” Journal of Crystal Growth. 2012. link Times cited: 5 USED (low confidence) M. Coan, P. León-Plata, and J. Seminario, “Ab Initio Analysis of the Interactions of GaN Clusters with Oxygen and Water,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2012. link Times cited: 7 Abstract: We calculate the interactions of oxygen and water with the G… read moreAbstract: We calculate the interactions of oxygen and water with the Ga-face of GaN clusters, which could be used as testbeds for the actual Ga-face on GaN crystals of importance in electronics; however, our additional goal is the analysis of the nanoclusters for several other applications in nanotechnology. Our results show that the local spin plays an important role in these interactions. It is found that the most stable interaction of O2 and the GaN clusters results in the complete dissociation of the O2 molecule to form two Ga–O–Ga bonds, while the most stable interaction between a H2O molecule and the GaN clusters is the complete dissociation of one of the O–H bonds to form a Ga–O–H bond and a Ga–H bond. read less USED (low confidence) G. Loh, E. Teo, and B. Tay, “Phononic and structural response to strain in wurtzite-gallium nitride nanowires,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2012. link Times cited: 13 Abstract: Gallium nitride (GaN) nanowires exist in a myriad of cross-s… read moreAbstract: Gallium nitride (GaN) nanowires exist in a myriad of cross-sectional shapes. In this study, a series of classical molecular dynamics simulations is performed to investigate the strain-phononics-structure relationship in rectangular and triangular wurtzite-GaN nanowires. The thermal conductivity of the nanowires is linearly dependent on the uniaxial strain in both compressive and tensile regimes, and shows no significant dissimilitude for the same amount of strain exerted on the two types of nanowire. This is coherent with an analytical approach using the Boltzmann transport theory. However, the thermomechanical behaviour at the vertex regions shows palpable differences between the two subfamilies, relative to the non-vertex faceted regions, as the structural morphology is most disparate at the vertices. Furthermore, the degree of strain asymmetry is a strong determinant of the vibrational response and consequently thermal conductance. read less USED (low confidence) S.-K. Chien, Y.-T. Yang, and C.-K. Chen, “The effects of vacancy defects and nitrogen doping on the thermal conductivity of armchair (10,10) single-wall carbon nanotubes,” Solid State Communications. 2011. link Times cited: 17 USED (low confidence) O. Tan, M. C. Wu, V. Chihaia, and J. Kuo, “Physisorption Structure of Water on the GaN Polar Surface: Force Field Development and Molecular Dynamics Simulations,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2011. link Times cited: 13 Abstract: The adsorption mechanism of water on the GaN (0001) polar su… read moreAbstract: The adsorption mechanism of water on the GaN (0001) polar surface is investigated via both the Density Functional Theory (DFT) method and its derived classical force field. The physisorption binding energy and the adsorption geometry of the water molecule on the clean Ga-terminated surface are analyzed via the first-principle static calculations. The adsorption energy hypersurfaces are then extracted to be used in the fitting of the interaction potentials between water and GaN. Classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations based on the developed force field are performed for the interfacial system of liquid water and the GaN surface slab. From our computations, the interfacial water exhibits significant oscillatory profiles for the atomic densities and the molecular orientations. Further data analysis suggests a highly confined first layer with the O being locked right upon the surface Ga atoms and the H pointing toward the neighboring O to form the weakened hydrogen bonds. A bilayer configuration with op... read less USED (low confidence) E. C. Perez-Angel and J. Seminario, “Ab Initio Analysis and Harmonic Force Fields of Gallium Nitride Nanoclusters,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2011. link Times cited: 18 Abstract: Gallium nitride (GaN) clusters are analyzed to set approache… read moreAbstract: Gallium nitride (GaN) clusters are analyzed to set approaches for more extended calculations at the nanoscale. We test the atom components and very small clusters using the most sophisticated compound methods such as G1−G3, CBS, W1, and a flavor of DFT (B3PW91) using several sizes and qualities of basis sets. Results are compared with very precise experimental information when available. Interestingly, the B3PW91 yields results comparable to the high-quality compound methods. For negative ions, it is difficult to assess the quality of the methods; the electron affinity (EA) calculations, as expected, yield better results when diffuse functions are used. All ionization potentials (IPs) are well reproduced by all methods, but the best results are obtained with B3PW91 for the Ga atom and with the compound methods for N. Among the compound methods, the W1 ones use the largest basis sets with 93 functions (which include two sets of g-functions) for one gallium atom. Geometry optimizations are performed with MP... read less USED (low confidence) O. V. Avdeev et al., “Manufacturing of Bulk AlN Substrates.” 2010. link Times cited: 2 Abstract: The unique properties of the group III-nitrides [21,37] make… read moreAbstract: The unique properties of the group III-nitrides [21,37] make them the best material for optoelectronic devices emitting light in the visible and UV spectral ranges, including sources for general illumination [56,69,92,102,117], and high power/high frequency electronic devices capable of operating at high temperatures and in harsh environment [7,67,80,97]. To fully exploit it in optoelectronics and communication technology, two problems are to be solved: (1) difficulties of high-level p-doping and (2) lack of lattice and thermally matched substrates. read less USED (low confidence) H.-jun Shen, “Thermal-conductivity and tensile-properties of BN, SiC and Ge nanotubes,” Computational Materials Science. 2009. link Times cited: 42 USED (low confidence) F. M. Morales et al., “Determination of the composition of InxGa1−xN from strain measurements,” Acta Materialia. 2009. link Times cited: 63 USED (low confidence) Z. Wang, F. Gao, X. Zu, and W. J. Weber, “Physical Properties of GaN Nanotubes as Revealed by Computer Simulation.” 2008. link Times cited: 1 USED (low confidence) W. Moon, H. J. Kim, and C. H. Choi, “Molecular dynamics simulation of melting behavior of GaN nanowires,” Scripta Materialia. 2007. link Times cited: 24 USED (low confidence) C. Björkas, K. Vörtler, and K. Nordlund, “Major elemental asymmetry and recombination effects in irradiated WC,” Physical Review B. 2006. link Times cited: 7 Abstract: We study the initial state of irradiation damage in WC, an a… read moreAbstract: We study the initial state of irradiation damage in WC, an alloy with a large mass difference between the constituents, using molecular dynamics computer simulations. We find that a vast majority of the resulting isolated defects are carbon. Moreover, an in-cascade defect recombination effect similar to that in metals is observed. Both effects are shown to be related to the high formation energy of W defects. read less USED (low confidence) A. Béré and A. Serra, “On the atomic structures, mobility and interactions of extended defects in GaN: dislocations, tilt and twin boundaries,” Philosophical Magazine. 2006. link Times cited: 94 Abstract: Results obtained by atomic computer simulation based on an a… read moreAbstract: Results obtained by atomic computer simulation based on an adapted Stillinger–Weber (SW) potential concerning the structure and relative stability of lattice dislocations, tilt and twin boundaries in GaN are discussed. The method used for the search and description of all possible atomic configurations depends on the crystallographic structure; consequently it is of general application and the results are transferable to the wurtzite binary compounds. On the contrary, the relaxed structures and their relative energetic stability are potential dependent. The results presented here correspond to a GaN model described by a pair potential. Whenever it has been possible our results have been compared with experiments or with ab initio calculations. We present the core shape and energy of and crystal dislocations of both edge and screw character; [0001] tilt boundaries of misorientation angles from 9.3° (corresponding to Σ37) to θ = 44.8° (corresponding to Σ43) and ( ) twin boundaries (n = 1, 2, 3) 1, 2, 3, 4. The atomic structures of the tilt boundaries can be described in terms of the three stable structures of the prism -edge dislocation core. The ( ) twin boundary is entirely described by 6-coordinated channels whereas the other twin boundaries present more complex structural units. read less USED (low confidence) S. Nagao, K. Nordlund, and R. Nowak, “Anisotropic elasticity of IVB transition-metal mononitrides determined by ab initio calculations,” Physical Review B. 2006. link Times cited: 43 Abstract: Elastic parameters of IVB transition-metal mononitrides, TiN… read moreAbstract: Elastic parameters of IVB transition-metal mononitrides, TiN, ZrN, and HfN in the cubic NaCl crystal structure have been calculated by means of density-functional theory with the generalized gradient approximation. The elastic constants c{sub 11}, c{sub 12}, and c{sub 44} were shown to be sufficiently converged with the density of the k-point mesh in the deformed Brillouin zone to discuss the elastic anisotropy of the systems. It was found that the anisotropy coefficient {kappa}{identical_to}(c{sub 11}-c{sub 12})/2c{sub 44} increases with the atomic number of the metal element, i.e., HfN exhibits as strong anisotropy as {kappa}=2.02. The Young's modulus of HfN along is approximately two times higher than that along . Moreover, analysis of the deformation energy by the applied strain modes shows that this elastic anisotropy originates from the strong covalent bonding between metal and nitrogen atoms along . read less USED (low confidence) F. Gao, E. Bylaska, and W. J. Weber, “Defect Properties in GaN: Ab Initio and Empirical Potential Calculations,” Materials Science Forum. 2005. link Times cited: 2 Abstract: The defect properties and atomic configurations in GaN have … read moreAbstract: The defect properties and atomic configurations in GaN have been comparatively investigated using density functional theory (DFT) and molecular dynamics method with two representative potentials. The DFT calculations show that the relaxation of vacancies is generally small, but the relaxation around antisite defects is large. The N interstitials, starting from any possible configurations, eventually relax into a N+-N< 0 2 11 > split interstitial. In the case of Ga interstitials, the most stable configuration is a Ga octahedral interstitial, but the Ga+-Ga< 0 2 11 > split interstitial can bridge the gap between non-bounded Ga atoms. The formation energies of vacancies and antisite defects obtained using the Stillinger-Weber potential (SW) are in reasonable agreement with those obtained by DFT calculations, whereas the Tersoff-Brenner (TB) potential better describes the behavior of N interstitials. read less USED (low confidence) F. Gao, E. Bylaska, and W. J. Weber, “Intrinsic defect properties in GaN calculated by ab initio and empirical potential methods,” Physical Review B. 2004. link Times cited: 38 Abstract: Density functional theory (DFT) has been used to investigate… read moreAbstract: Density functional theory (DFT) has been used to investigate the formation, properties, and atomic configurations of vacancies, antisite defects and interstitials in GaN, and the DFT results are compared with those calculated by molecular dynamics simulations using two representative potentials. The DFT calculations reveal that the relaxation of vacancies is generally small, but the relaxation around antisite defects is large, especially for the Ga antisite that is not stable and converts to a ${\mathrm{N}}^{+}\ensuremath{-}\mathrm{N}⟨0001⟩$ split interstitial plus a Ga vacancy at the original site. The N interstitials, starting from all possible sites, eventually relax into a ${\mathrm{N}}^{+}\ensuremath{-}\mathrm{N}⟨11\overline{2}0⟩$ split interstitial. In the case of Ga interstitials, the most stable configuration is a Ga octahedral interstitial, but the energy difference among all the interstitials is small. The ${\mathrm{Ga}}^{+}\ensuremath{-}\mathrm{Ga}⟨11\overline{2}0⟩$ split interstitial can bridge the gap between nonbonded Ga atoms, thereby leading to a chain of four Ga atoms along the $⟨11\overline{2}0⟩$ direction in GaN. The formation energies of vacancies and antisite defects obtained using the Stillinger-Weber (SW) potential are in reasonable agreement with those obtained by DFT calculations, whereas the Tersoff-Brenner (TB) potential better describes the behavior of N interstitials. In the case of Ga interstitials, the most stable configuration predicted by the TB model is a ${\mathrm{Ga}}^{+}\ensuremath{-}\mathrm{N}⟨11\overline{2}0⟩$ split interstitial; while for the SW model the Ga tetrahedral configuration is more stable, which is in contrast to DFT results. read less USED (low confidence) K. Nordlund, “Atomistic simulation of radiation effects in carbon-based materials and nitrides,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2004. link Times cited: 13 USED (low confidence) W. Jiang, W. J. Weber, C. Wang, L. Wang, and K. Sun, “Experimental Studies of Defects, Implants and their Processes in Ion-Irradiated Gallium Nitride Single Crystals,” Defect and Diffusion Forum. 2004. link Times cited: 18 Abstract: This chapter reviews the experimental results, obtained by t… read moreAbstract: This chapter reviews the experimental results, obtained by the authors, on the disorder accumulation, disorder recovery, and behavior of implants in ion-irradiated 6H silicon carbide (6H-SiC) single crystals. The disorder on both the Si and C sublattices has been studied using a combination of Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and nuclear reaction analysis in channeling geometry. Damage states have been analyzed based on multiaxial channeling along different orientations. The surface morphologies and damage states have been examined using electron microscopy. Damage accumulation has been investigated as a function of ion fluence, irradiation temperature, ion species, and dose rate. The results of both isochronal and isothermal annealing, as well as dynamic recovery induced by energetic ion beams are summarized. In addition, the behavior of noble-metal implants and gas species in SiC are discussed. read less USED (low confidence) J. Nord, K. Nordlund, B. Pipeleers, and A. Vantomme, “Implantation angle dependence of ion irradiation damage in GaN,” Materials Science and Engineering B-advanced Functional Solid-state Materials. 2003. link Times cited: 11 USED (low confidence) X. Du et al., “Machine-learning-accelerated simulations enable heuristic-free surface reconstruction,” ArXiv. 2023. link Times cited: 2 Abstract: Understanding material surfaces and interfaces is vital in a… read moreAbstract: Understanding material surfaces and interfaces is vital in applications like catalysis or electronics. Ab initio simulations, combining energies from electronic structure with statistical mechanics, can, in principle, predict the structure of material surfaces as a function of thermodynamic variables. However, accurate energy simulations are prohibitive when coupled to the vast phase space that must be statistically sampled. Here, we present a bi-faceted computational loop to predict surface phase diagrams of multi-component materials that accelerates both the energy scoring and statistical sampling methods. Fast, scalable, and data-efficient machine learning interatomic potentials are trained on high-throughput density-functional theory calculations through closed-loop active learning. Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampling in the semi-grand canonical ensemble is enabled by using virtual surface sites. The predicted surfaces for GaN(0001) and SrTiO 3 (001) are in agreement with past work and suggest that the proposed strategy can model complex material surfaces and discover previously unreported surface terminations. read less USED (low confidence) W. Bao, Z.-liang Wang, and D. Tang, “Phonon transport across GaN/AlN interface: Interfacial phonon modes and phonon local non-equilibrium analysis,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2022. link Times cited: 9 USED (low confidence) M.-W. Tan et al., “Cascade mechanism and mechanical property of the dislocation loop formation in GaN twin crystal-induced crystallization,” Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 2022. link Times cited: 5 USED (low confidence) L. Zhen-Shuai, S. Xiao-Wei, L. Zi-Jiang, S. Ting, and T. Jun-Hong, “Phase diagram prediction of GaN and its high pressure melting characteristics,” Acta Physica Sinica. 2022. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: The III-V compound semiconductor GaN has become an excellent… read moreAbstract: The III-V compound semiconductor GaN has become an excellent semiconductor material for the development of high-frequency and high-power electronic devices because of its excellent characteristics, including large band width, high thermal conductivity and fast electron saturation rate, and has received extensive attention from experts and scholars in recent years. However, the decomposition temperature of GaN is lower than the melting temperature, some of its fundamental properties, such as melting temperature and high temperature phase transition pressure, are still ambiguous, and the investigation of fundamental properties dominates the whole process of this material from development to mature applications. In the present work, the classical molecular dynamics simulations combined with the first-principles calculations and lattice dynamics methods are adopted to predict the phase diagrams of GaN with wurtzite and rocksalt structures in the pressure range of 0-80 GPa. The phase transition pressures of 44.3 GPa and 45.9 GPa obtained from the first-principles calculations and molecular dynamics simulations from wurtzite to rocksalt structure in GaN at zero temperature are in agreement with the available experimental results (Sadovyi B et al. 2020 Phys. Rev. B 102 235109). The melting temperature at 0 GPa is 2295 K by extrapolating the GaN melting curve of the wurtzite structure. With the pressure increases to 33.3 GPa, the melting curve of wurtzite structure in GaN intersects with the melting curve of rocksalt structure, and the melting temperature of both structures increases with the increase of pressure. It is found that GaN may have a superionic phase and the superionic phase transition occurs in the wurtzite structure at pressures greater than 2.0 GPa and temperatures above 2550 K, whereas the rocksalt structure undergoes a superionic phase transition at pressures and temperatures more than 33.1 GPa and 4182 K, the phase transition temperatures of both increase with increasing pressure. The slope of the phase boundary line of GaN is positive at high temperatures and gradually changes to a curve with negative slope as the temperature decreases. read less USED (low confidence) Y. Huang, M. Wang, Y. Xu, and F. Zhu, “Investigation of vibration-assisted nano-grinding of gallium nitride via molecular dynamics,” Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 2021. link Times cited: 27 USED (low confidence) D. Jaramillo-Cabanzo, “Plasma-assisted liquid phase epitaxy of gallium nitride using molten gallium.” 2019. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: ............................................................… read moreAbstract: ....................................................................................................................... v LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. xi LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... xiii CHAPTER read less USED (low confidence) A. Soloviev, R. Gruzdev, A. V. Derkun, and E. Lähderanta, “Identification of Graphene Properties in the Framework of Molecular Dynamics.” 2017. link Times cited: 0 USED (low confidence) Y. Mori et al., “Growth of Bulk Nitrides from a Na Flux.” 2015. link Times cited: 8 USED (low confidence) Z.-J. Wu, “The mechanism governing cutting of hard materials with hybrid Laser/Waterjet system through controlled fracture.” 2015. link Times cited: 3 Abstract: ............................................................… read moreAbstract: ........................................................................................................ 79 5. read less USED (low confidence) N. S. Weingarten, “Dislocation Mobilities in GaN from Molecular Dynamics Simulations,” MRS Proceedings. 2015. link Times cited: 2 USED (low confidence) A. Yadav et al., “Impact of low dose gamma irradiation on electronic carrier transport in AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors,” MRS Proceedings. 2015. link Times cited: 4 Abstract: AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors were exposed to… read moreAbstract: AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors were exposed to 60 Co gamma-irradiation to doses up to 300Gy. The impact of Compton- electron injection (due to gamma-irradiation) is studied through monitoring of minority carrier transport using Electron Beam Induced Current (EBIC) technique. Temperature dependent EBIC measurements were conducted on devices before and after exposure to the irradiation, which provide us with critical information on gamma-irradiation induced defects in the material. As a result of irradiation, minority carrier diffusion length increases significantly, with an accompanying decrease in the activation energy. This is consistent with the longer life time of minority carrier in the material’s valence band as a result of an internal electron injection and subsequent trapping of Compton electrons on neutral levels. read less USED (low confidence) J. Loh and D. Baillargeat, “Strain-Induced Phononic and Structural Response in Wurtzite-Gallium Nitride Nanowires,” MRS Proceedings. 2013. link Times cited: 2 USED (low confidence) X.-C. Li, X. Shu, Y. Liu, F. Gao, and G. Lu, “Modified analytical interatomic potential for a W–H system with defects,” Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2011. link Times cited: 100 USED (low confidence) O. V. Avdeev et al., “Growth of Bulk AlN Crystals.” 2011. link Times cited: 4 USED (low confidence) Y. Kobayashi, Y. Doi, and A. Nakatani, “Study of Temperature Dependence of Island Formation and Structure of Gallium Nitride in MBE Growth,” journal of the Japan Society for Testing Materials. 2010. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: Homoepitaxial growth on gallium nitride substrate is simulat… read moreAbstract: Homoepitaxial growth on gallium nitride substrate is simulated by molecular dynamics (MD) method. Crystal growth configuration is evaluated qualitatively according to the atomic configuration and the radial distribution function. Moreover, crystal structure is evaluated quantitatively by considering variance of local atomic density as a monitoring index. As a result, we found that the growth layer is formed two-dimensionally and like film formation when the substrate temperature is high. It is found that the dynamics of crystal growth can be understood from not only variance value but also gradient of temporal evolution of variance. read less USED (low confidence) F. Gao, E. Bylaska, A. El-Azab, and W. J. Weber, “Comparative Study of Defect Properties in GaN: Ab initio and Empirical Potential Calculations,” MRS Proceedings. 2003. link Times cited: 1 Abstract: Density functional theory (DFT) is used to study the formati… read moreAbstract: Density functional theory (DFT) is used to study the formation, properties and atomic configurations of monovacancies, antisite defects and possible interstitials in GaN. The relaxation around a vacancy is generally small, but the relaxation around antisite defects is large, particularly for a Ga antisite defect, which is not stable and converts to an N-N split interstitial. All N interstitials, starting from any possible sites, eventually transfer into the N-N split interstitials, forming N molecules. In the case of Ga interstitials, the most favorable configuration is the Ga octahedral interstitial. However, it is found that the Ga-Ga split interstitial can bridge the gap between non-bonded Ga atoms along the direction, which leads to the formation of Ga atomic wires in GaN, with bond distance close to those noted in bulk Ga. In addition, two representative potentials, namely Stillinger-Weber and Tersoff-Brenner potentials, have been employed to deter mine the formation of defects using molecular dynamics (MD) method in GaN. The MD results are discussed and compared to DFT calculations. The present DFT and MD results provide guidelines for evaluating the quality and fit of empirical potentials for large-scale simulations of ion-solid interaction and thermal annealing of defects in GaN. read less USED (low confidence) K. Nordlund, J. Nord, A. Krasheninnikov, and K. Albe, “Atomic-scale simulations of radiation effects in GaN and carbon nanotubes,” MRS Proceedings. 2003. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: Gallium nitride and carbon nanotubes have received wide inte… read moreAbstract: Gallium nitride and carbon nanotubes have received wide interest in the materials research community since the mid-1990's. The former material is already in use in optoelectronics applications, while the latter is considered to be extremely promising in a wide range of materials. Common to both materials is that ion irradiation may be useful for modifying their properties. In this paper we overview our recent molecular dynamics simulations results on ion irradiation of these materials. We employ such potentials to study the basic physics of how ion irradiation affects these materials. In particular we discuss the reasons for the high radiation hardness of GaN, and the surprising nature of vacancies and interstitials in carbon nanotubes read less NOT USED (low confidence) M. Shi, X. Jiang, Y. Hu, L. Ling, and X. Wang, “An improved meta-heuristic algorithm for developing high-quality ReaxFF force fields of Fe/Ni transition metals and alloys,” Computational Materials Science. 2023. link Times cited: 1 NOT USED (low confidence) M. Müser, S. Sukhomlinov, and L. Pastewka, “Interatomic potentials: achievements and challenges,” Advances in Physics: X. 2022. link Times cited: 12 Abstract: ABSTRACT Interatomic potentials approximate the potential en… read moreAbstract: ABSTRACT Interatomic potentials approximate the potential energy of atoms as a function of their coordinates. Their main application is the effective simulation of many-atom systems. Here, we review empirical interatomic potentials designed to reproduce elastic properties, defect energies, bond breaking, bond formation, and even redox reactions. We discuss popular two-body potentials, embedded-atom models for metals, bond-order potentials for covalently bonded systems, polarizable potentials including charge-transfer approaches for ionic systems and quantum-Drude oscillator models mimicking higher-order and many-body dispersion. Particular emphasis is laid on the question what constraints ensue from the functional form of a potential, e.g., in what way Cauchy relations for elastic tensor elements can be violated and what this entails for the ratio of defect and cohesive energies, or why the ratio of boiling to melting temperature tends to be large for potentials describing metals but small for short-ranged pair potentials. The review is meant to be pedagogical rather than encyclopedic. This is why we highlight potentials with functional forms sufficiently simple to remain amenable to analytical treatments. Our main objective is to provide a stimulus for how existing approaches can be advanced or meaningfully combined to extent the scope of simulations based on empirical potentials. Graphical abstract read less NOT USED (low confidence) S. Zhang et al., “Insight into the roles of the glassy phase in glass-ceramics during the cascade collisions,” Computational Materials Science. 2021. link Times cited: 0 NOT USED (low confidence) S. Pearton, A. Haque, A. Khachatrian, A. Ildefonso, L. Chernyak, and F. Ren, “Review—Opportunities in Single Event Effects in Radiation-Exposed SiC and GaN Power Electronics,” ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 2021. link Times cited: 19 NOT USED (low confidence) A. Rohskopf, S. Wyant, K. Gordiz, H. R. Seyf, M. G. Muraleedharan, and A. Henry, “Fast & accurate interatomic potentials for describing thermal vibrations,” Computational Materials Science. 2020. link Times cited: 7 NOT USED (low confidence) T. Wang, J. Carrete, N. Mingo, and G. Madsen, “Phonon Scattering by Dislocations in GaN.,” ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2019. link Times cited: 26 Abstract: Crystal imperfections such as dislocations strongly influenc… read moreAbstract: Crystal imperfections such as dislocations strongly influence the performance and thermal transport behavior of GaN-based devices. We show that the experimental data used to parametrize the effect of dislocations on the thermal conductivity can be explained using only the reported film thickness and point defect concentrations. The analysis highlights the boundary-scattering-governed reduction of thermal conductivity in GaN, which had been underestimated in earlier models. To quantify the influence of dislocations on the thermal transport in GaN, we adopt a Green's function approach based on accurate ab initio interatomic force constants. While calculations at the level of density functional theory are necessary for three-phonon and point defect scattering, we show that scattering due to dislocations can be satisfactorily approximated using semiempirical potentials. This makes the Green's function approach to dislocation scattering a quantitatively predictive, yet computationally practical, method for obtaining detailed phonon scattering rates. read less NOT USED (low confidence) T. Nguyen, K. Sato, and Y. Shibutani, “Development of Fe-C interatomic potential for carbon impurities in α-iron,” Computational Materials Science. 2018. link Times cited: 10 NOT USED (low confidence) M. Carreon, D. Jaramillo-Cabanzo, I. Chaudhuri, M. Menon, and M. Sunkara, “Synergistic interactions of H2 and N2 with molten gallium in the presence of plasma,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. 2018. link Times cited: 11 Abstract: The present study examines the interaction of hydrogen and n… read moreAbstract: The present study examines the interaction of hydrogen and nitrogen plasmas with gallium in an effort to gain insights into the mechanisms behind the synergetic effect of plasma and a catalytic metal. Absorption/desorption experiments were performed, accompanied by theoretical-computational calculations. Experiments were carried out in a plasma-enhanced, Ga-packed, batch reactor and entailed monitoring the change in pressure at different temperatures. The results indicated a rapid adsorption/dissolution of the gas into the molten metal when gallium was exposed to plasma, even at a low temperature of 100 °C. The experimental observations, when hydrogen was used, indicate that gallium acts as a hydrogen sink in the presence of plasma. Similar results were obtained with Ga in the presence of nitrogen plasma. In addition, density functional theory calculations suggest a strong interaction between atomic hydrogen and molten gallium. This interaction is described as a high formation of Ga-H species on the surfa... read less NOT USED (low confidence) A. Minkin, A. Knizhnik, and B. Potapkin, “GPU implementations of some many-body potentials for molecular dynamics simulations,” Adv. Eng. Softw. 2017. link Times cited: 9 NOT USED (low confidence) Y.-Y. Liu, B.-L. Li, W.-X. Zhou, and K. Chen, “Triggering piezoelectricity directly by heat to produce alternating electric voltage,” Applied Physics Letters. 2016. link Times cited: 11 Abstract: Piezoelectricity has proved itself a promising mechanism for… read moreAbstract: Piezoelectricity has proved itself a promising mechanism for energy conversion and signal sensing by taking advantage of its ability to convert mechanical energy into electricity. Here, we demonstrate that the piezoelectricity in free-standing non-centrosymmetric nanowires can also be triggered directly by heat to produce electricity. The feasibility of the idea is first analyzed by the dynamic theory of crystal lattices and then confirmed by molecular dynamics simulations. The most salient point is that the heat-induced voltage drop across the cross section of the free-standing nanowires alternates periodically with the vibration of the nanowire. Moreover, the electric potential induced by heat here (as large as 0.34 V) is proved to be comparable with the previously reported potentials induced by mechanical energy, and the maximum value can be tuned by controlling the size of the nanowire and the applied heat. read less NOT USED (low confidence) S. Rouhi, “On the effect of vacancy defect on the mechanical properties of gallium nitride nanosheets,” International Journal of Modern Physics B. 2016. link Times cited: 8 Abstract: Using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, the influence of … read moreAbstract: Using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, the influence of the vacancy defects on the mechanical properties of gallium nitride (GaN) nanosheets is investigated. Two types of defective nanosheets are studied. In one of them, only one atom is removed at the vacancies and in the other, the number of removed atoms is not limited. It is shown that GaN nanosheets with multiple vacancies have larger in-plane elastic modulus than nanosheets with single vacancies. Besides, the ultimate stress and strain of GaN nanosheets are computed. Compared to perfect nanosheet, a significant decrease is observed in the ultimate stress of GaN nanosheet with only 2% defect. By plotting the fracture evolution of nanosheets under uni-directional tensile loading, three different patterns are observed. Moreover, by using bi-directional tensile tests on the nanosheets, the bulk moduli of perfect and defective GaN nanosheets are computed. read less NOT USED (low confidence) Z. Su and J. Malen, “Heat Dissipation in GaN Based Power Electronics.” 2013. link Times cited: 3 Abstract: Gallium Nitride (GaN) possesses superior electronic properti… read moreAbstract: Gallium Nitride (GaN) possesses superior electronic properties for RF power electronics that play critical roles in various wireless communication technologies and military applications [1]. Heat generated as a byproduct of operation in these devices, increases their operating temperature and degrades their performance and lifetime. While bulk GaN has a high thermal conductivity (k) approaching 250 W/m-K, [2, 3] GaN thin films and devices experience a much lower k due to the presence of additional phonon scattering mechanisms and departures from Fourier transport [4, 5]. We will review thermal transport in GaN based devices, broadly addressing the impact of heat source dimensions, film thicknesses, interfaces, and defects. read less NOT USED (low confidence) L. Briquet et al., “Reactive force field potential for carbon deposition on silicon surfaces,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2012. link Times cited: 16 Abstract: In this paper a new interatomic potential based on the Kieff… read moreAbstract: In this paper a new interatomic potential based on the Kieffer force field and designed to perform molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of carbon deposition on silicon surfaces is implemented. This potential is a third-order reactive force field that includes a dynamic charge transfer and allows for the formation and breaking of bonds. The parameters for Si–C and C–C interactions are optimized using a genetic algorithm. The quality of the potential is tested on its ability to model silicon carbide and diamond physical properties as well as the formation energies of point defects. Furthermore, MD simulations of carbon deposition on reconstructed (100) silicon surfaces are carried out and compared to similar simulations using a Tersoff-like bond order potential. Simulations with both potentials produce similar results showing the ability to extend the use of the Kieffer potential to deposition studies. The investigation reveals the presence of a channelling effect when depositing the carbon at 45° incidence angle. This effect is due to channels running in directions symmetrically equivalent to the (110) direction. The channelling is observed to a lesser extent for carbon atoms with 30° and 60° incidence angles relative to the surface normal. On a pristine silicon surface, sticking coefficients were found to vary between 100 and 73%, depending on deposition conditions. read less NOT USED (low confidence) P. M. Diehm, P. Ágoston, and K. Albe, “Size-dependent lattice expansion in nanoparticles: reality or anomaly?,” Chemphyschem : a European journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry. 2012. link Times cited: 180 Abstract: Size-dependent lattice expansion of nanoparticles is observe… read moreAbstract: Size-dependent lattice expansion of nanoparticles is observed for many ionic compounds, including metal oxides, while lattice contraction prevails for pure metals. However, the physical origin of this effect, which is of importance for the thermodynamic, chemical and electronic properties of nanoparticles, is discussed controversially. After a survey of the experimental literature, revealing a wide variety of materials with size-dependent lattice expansion, we show that the negative surface stress is the key reason for lattice expansion, while the excess of lattice sums or point defects of various charge states can be excluded as general explanations. Ab initio calculations of surface stresses for various surface structures of metal oxides confirm the model of a surface-induced lattice expansion. read less NOT USED (low confidence) M. Assadi, R. Zheng, S. Li, and S. Ringer, “First-principles investigation of electrical and magnetic properties of ZnO based diluted magnetic semiconductors codoped with H,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2012. link Times cited: 9 Abstract: Hydrogen (H) behavior in ZnO based diluted magnetic semicond… read moreAbstract: Hydrogen (H) behavior in ZnO based diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMSs) was investigated theoretically. It was found that H exhibits diverse electronic and structural behavior across a range of different DMSs, depending on the doped transition metal element. For instance in the extensively debated Co doped ZnO system (ZnO:Co), H dopants do not introduce significant carrier concentrations at room temperature thus carrier mediated magnetism is not attainable by H codoping. In this case, magnetism can be manipulated by other mechanisms. In contrast, in the ZnO:V system, H is positively charged for the entire bandgap region, meaning carrier mediated magnetism may be possible. read less NOT USED (low confidence) M. Hu, X. Zhang, D. Poulikakos, and C. Grigoropoulos, “Large ‘near junction’ thermal resistance reduction in electronics by interface nanoengineering,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2011. link Times cited: 54 NOT USED (low confidence) M. Tungare, Y. Shi, N. Tripathi, P. Suvarna, and F. Shahedipour-Sandvik, “A Tersoff‐based interatomic potential for wurtzite AlN,” physica status solidi (a). 2011. link Times cited: 41 Abstract: Aluminum nitride (AlN) is a popular buffer layer and interla… read moreAbstract: Aluminum nitride (AlN) is a popular buffer layer and interlayer. The understanding of how AlN serves as a wetting and fracture‐mitigating layer relies on molecular pictures of the AlN layer and the interfaces. However, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation studies on AlN system, particularly on its wurtzite phase, have been limited. This is because most existing interatomic force fields of AlN target the less common zinc blende phase. Here, we report a new Tersoff‐based AlN force field for its wurtzite structure. This potential has been extensively tested in terms of lattice parameters, bulk modulus, cohesive energy, and heat capacity. In addition, thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) of wurtzite AlN, a key property to precisely model heterostructures, has been calculated using MD method. The value of 2.66 × 10−6 K−1 calculated at 300 K for TEC is in excellent agreement with the reported experimental value. read less NOT USED (low confidence) D. Powell, M. Migliorato, and A. Cullis, “Optimized Tersoff potential parameters for tetrahedrally bonded III-V semiconductors,” Physical Review B. 2007. link Times cited: 64 Abstract: We address the issue of accurate parametrization for the Abe… read moreAbstract: We address the issue of accurate parametrization for the Abell-Tersoff empirical potential applied to tetrahedrally bonded semiconductor materials. Empirical potential methods for structural relaxation are widely used for group IV semiconductors while, with few notable exceptions, work on III-V materials has not been extensive. In the case of the Abell-Tersoff potential parametrizations exist only for III-As and III-N, and are designed to correctly predict only a limited number of cohesive and elastic properties. In this work we show how by fitting to a larger set of cohesive and elastic properties calculated from density functional theory, we are able to obtain parameters for III-As, III-N, III-P, and III-Sb zinc blende semiconductors, which can also correctly predict important nonlinear effects in the strain. read less NOT USED (low confidence) F. S. A. Muriefah, F. Luca, and A. Togbé, “Computational Methods.” 2006. link Times cited: 171 NOT USED (low confidence) F. Gao, R. Devanathan, T. Oda, and W. J. Weber, “Development of partial-charge potential for GaN,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2006. link Times cited: 4 NOT USED (low confidence) O. Kaya and N. Donmezer, “Investigation of the Thermal Transport Properties Across Van der Waals Interfaces of 2D Materials,” IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. 2022. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: Two-dimensional (2D) materials have attracted extensive rese… read moreAbstract: Two-dimensional (2D) materials have attracted extensive research interest in various applications in recent years due to their superior thermal, electrical, and optical properties, making them preferable for potential electronic and optoelectronic applications. These 2D materials form Van der Waals interfaces with common substrate materials due to fabrication and/or device requirements. Since the generated heat during the operation of the devices cause degradation and reliability concerns, interface thermal boundary conductance (TBCs) and in-plane thermal conductivities of the interfaces should be well understood for proper thermal management. Herein, we investigate the TBC and in-plane thermal conductivities of the Van der Waals interfaces of 2D materials by approach to-equilibrium molecular dynamics (AEMD) and non-equilibrium molecular dynamics (NEMD) simulations. Our results show that the TBC is higher for the interfaces with stronger phonon DOS and lattice match. Also, the increasing number of 2D material layers increases the TBC of the interface. The results also showed that the thermal conductivity of the materials forming the interface could affect each other's in-plane thermal conductivity. Changes in thermal conductivities of individual in-plane thermal conductivities can be as high as 70%. Change in thermal conductivity depends on the difference in thermal conductivities of materials in contact and only visible in the vicinity of the interface. Thermal management strategies should pay attention to the trade-off between the changes in individual thermal conductivities and TBC of the interfaces. read less NOT USED (low confidence) S. Porowski et al., “Melting of tetrahedrally bonded semiconductors: ‘anomaly’ of the phase diagram of GaN?,” Journal of Crystal Growth. 2019. link Times cited: 7 NOT USED (low confidence) R. Jones, C. Weinberger, S. Coleman, and G. Tucker, “Introduction to Atomistic Simulation Methods.” 2016. link Times cited: 1 NOT USED (low confidence) M. Hu, X. Zhang, K. Giapis, and D. Poulikakos, “Atomistic Mechanisms of Enhancing Energy Conversion Efficiency of Nanostructured Thermoelectrics.” 2011. link Times cited: 0 NOT USED (high confidence) M. Wen, Y. Afshar, R. Elliott, and E. Tadmor, “KLIFF: A framework to develop physics-based and machine learning interatomic potentials,” Comput. Phys. Commun. 2021. link Times cited: 12 NOT USED (high confidence) L. Zhang, L. Li, Y. Wang, Y. Suo, S. Liu, and Z. Gan, “Atomic simulation of AlGaN film deposition on AlN template,” Molecular Physics. 2020. link Times cited: 4 Abstract: In this article, we study the deposition of AlGaN film on Al… read moreAbstract: In this article, we study the deposition of AlGaN film on AlN template by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The effects of growth temperature and film thickness on the dislocation of deposited AlGaN film are simulated and studied. The atomic structure of deposited AlGaN film is also investigated. We find that the dislocations usually occur at the interface between AlN template and AlGaN film and then extend towards the growth direction. The dislocation density decreases with the increase of AlGaN film thickness, which indicates that increasing the thickness of deposited AlGaN film to a certain extent is beneficial to reducing dislocation. In addition, increasing the growth temperature can also effectively reduce the dislocation in deposited AlGaN film. Furthermore, the crystallinity of deposited AlGaN film could be improved by increasing the growth temperature. This is consistent with the dislocation discussion. The mobility of adatoms increases as the growth temperature increases. So it is easier for adatoms to find their ideal lattice points at higher temperature. Thus the dislocation and other defects can be effectively reduced and the crystal quality of deposited AlGaN film could be improved. GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT read less NOT USED (high confidence) T. Wonglakhon and D. Zahn, “Interaction potentials for modelling GaN precipitation and solid state polymorphism,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2020. link Times cited: 3 Abstract: We outline a molecular mechanics model for the interaction o… read moreAbstract: We outline a molecular mechanics model for the interaction of gallium and nitride ions ranging from small complexes to nanoparticles and bulk crystals. While the current GaN force fields allow the modelling of either bulk crystals or single ions dispersed in solution, our model covers both and hence paves the way to describing aggregate formation and crystal growth processes from molecular simulations. The key to this is the use of formal +3 and −3 charges on the gallium and nitride ions, whilst accounting for the charge transfer in GaN crystals by means of additional potential energy terms. The latter are fitted against experimental data of GaN in the wurtzite structure and benchmarked for the zinc-blende and rock-salt polymorphs. Comparison to quantum chemical references and experiment shows reasonable agreement of structures and formation energy of [GaN]n aggregates, elastic properties of the bulk crystal, the transition pressure of the wurtzite to rock-salt transformation and intrinsic point defects. Furthermore, we demonstrate force field transferability towards the modelling of GaN nanoparticles from simulated annealing runs. read less NOT USED (high confidence) N. Chen, Q. Peng, Z. Jiao, I. van Rooyen, W. Skerjanc, and F. Gao, “Analytical bond-order potential for silver, palladium, ruthenium and iodine bulk diffusion in silicon carbide,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2019. link Times cited: 6 Abstract: The analytical bond-order potential has been developed for s… read moreAbstract: The analytical bond-order potential has been developed for simulating fission product (Ag, Pd, Ru, and I) behavior in SiC, especially for their diffusion. We have proposed adding experimentally available elastic constants and physical properties of the elements as well as important defect formation energies calculated from density functional theory simulation to the list of typical properties as the extensive fitting database. The results from molecular dynamics simulations are in a reasonable agreement with defect properties and energy barriers of their experimental/computational counterparts. The successful validation of the new potential has established a good reliability and transferability of the potentials, which enables the ability of simulation in extended scale. The kinetic behavior such as diffusion of different interstitials is then realized by applying the new interatomic potentials. The bulk diffusion is less likely to dominate the transport of the four fission products under pure thermal condition, when we refer to their extremely small values of the effective diffusion coefficients. The interstitial mechanism is hard for Pd, Ru, and I to access due to the high formation energy and high migration energy. However, it is found that the migration energy of silver is relatively low, which indicates Ag diffusion via an interstitial mechanism being feasible, especially under irradiation condition, where massive interstitials can be formed in high-temperature nuclear reactors. read less NOT USED (high confidence) E. D. Russo et al., “Compositional accuracy in atom probe tomography analyses performed on III-N light emitting diodes,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2019. link Times cited: 15 Abstract: Laser-assisted atom probe tomography (APT) and high-resoluti… read moreAbstract: Laser-assisted atom probe tomography (APT) and high-resolution dark-field electron holography (HR-DFEH) were performed to investigate the composition of a polar [0001] GaN/AlxGa1 − xN/InyGa1 − yN light emitting diode. In particular, the III-site fraction of both AlxGa1 − xN and InyGa1 − yN alloys was studied adopting a comparative approach. HR-DFEH allows mapping the projected strain with a subnanometer spatial resolution which is used for the calculation of the two-dimensional alloy composition distribution. APT provides three-dimensional alloys composition distribution with a nanometer spatial resolution. However, here we reveal that important inaccuracies affect local composition measurements. A Ga-poor composition is obtained in high DC-electric field regions. Moreover, such inaccuracies may be locally enhanced where the [0001] pole intersects the surface of the analyzed specimen, leading to a lower fraction of Ga measured. III-site fractions closer to the nominal values were measured at low field conditions. Ga loss is thought to be due to preferential DC field induced evaporation of Ga ions between laser pulses. This is explained in terms of formation of a metallic layer on the tip surface during APT analysis, where weak Ga-Ga bonds are formed, promoting the loss of Ga at high field conditions.Laser-assisted atom probe tomography (APT) and high-resolution dark-field electron holography (HR-DFEH) were performed to investigate the composition of a polar [0001] GaN/AlxGa1 − xN/InyGa1 − yN light emitting diode. In particular, the III-site fraction of both AlxGa1 − xN and InyGa1 − yN alloys was studied adopting a comparative approach. HR-DFEH allows mapping the projected strain with a subnanometer spatial resolution which is used for the calculation of the two-dimensional alloy composition distribution. APT provides three-dimensional alloys composition distribution with a nanometer spatial resolution. However, here we reveal that important inaccuracies affect local composition measurements. A Ga-poor composition is obtained in high DC-electric field regions. Moreover, such inaccuracies may be locally enhanced where the [0001] pole intersects the surface of the analyzed specimen, leading to a lower fraction of Ga measured. III-site fractions closer to the nominal values were measured at low field con... read less NOT USED (high confidence) Z. Fan, Y. Wang, X. Gu, P. Qian, Y. Su, and T. Ala‐Nissila, “A minimal Tersoff potential for diamond silicon with improved descriptions of elastic and phonon transport properties,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2019. link Times cited: 10 Abstract: Silicon is an important material and many empirical interato… read moreAbstract: Silicon is an important material and many empirical interatomic potentials have been developed for atomistic simulations of it. Among them, the Tersoff potential and its variants are the most popular ones. However, all the existing Tersoff-like potentials fail to reproduce the experimentally measured thermal conductivity of diamond silicon. Here we propose a modified Tersoff potential and develop an efficient open source code called GPUGA (graphics processing units genetic algorithm) based on the genetic algorithm and use it to fit the potential parameters against energy, virial and force data from quantum density functional theory calculations. This potential, which is implemented in the efficient open source GPUMD (graphics processing units molecular dynamics) code, gives significantly improved descriptions of the thermal conductivity and phonon dispersion of diamond silicon as compared to previous Tersoff potentials and at the same time well reproduces the elastic constants. Furthermore, we find that quantum effects on the thermal conductivity of diamond silicon at room temperature are non-negligible but small: using classical statistics underestimates the thermal conductivity by about 10% as compared to using quantum statistics. read less NOT USED (high confidence) T. Riedl et al., “Applicability of molecular statics simulation to partial dislocations in GaAs,” arXiv: Materials Science. 2019. link Times cited: 0 NOT USED (high confidence) R. Li, K. Gordiz, A. Henry, P. Hopkins, E. Lee, and T. Luo, “Effect of light atoms on thermal transport across solid-solid interfaces.,” Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP. 2019. link Times cited: 12 Abstract: Thermal transport across solid interfaces is of great import… read moreAbstract: Thermal transport across solid interfaces is of great importance for applications like power electronics. In this work, we perform non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations to study the effect of light atoms on the thermal transport across SiC/GaN interfaces, where light atoms refer to substitutional or interstitial defect atoms lighter than those in the pristine lattice. Various light atom doping features, such as the light atom concentration, mass of the light atom, and skin depth of the doped region, have been investigated. It is found that substituting Ga atoms in the GaN lattice with lighter atoms (e.g. boron atoms) with 50% concentration near the interface can increase the thermal boundary conductance (TBC) by up to 50%. If light atoms are introduced interstitially, a similar increase in TBC is observed. Spectral analysis of interfacial heat transfer reveals that the enhanced TBC can be attributed to the stronger coupling of mid- and high-frequency phonons after introducing light atoms. We have also further included quantum correction, which reduces the amount of enhancement, but it still exists. These results may provide a route to improve TBC across solid interfaces as light atoms can be introduced during material growth. read less NOT USED (high confidence) L. Zhang, H. Yan, K. Sun, S. Liu, and Z. Gan, “Molecular dynamics simulations of AlN deposition on GaN substrate,” Molecular Physics. 2019. link Times cited: 9 Abstract: ABSTRACT In this work, we investigated the deposition of AlN… read moreAbstract: ABSTRACT In this work, we investigated the deposition of AlN film on GaN substrate by using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The effects of GaN substrate surface, growth temperature, and injected N: Al flux ratio on the growth of AlN film were simulated and studied. Consequently, the deposited AlN film on the (0001) Ga-terminated GaN surface achieves better surface morphology and crystallinity than that on the (000-1) N-terminated GaN surface due to the different diffusion ability of Al and N adatoms on two GaN surfaces. Furthermore, with the increase of growth temperature, the surface morphology and crystallinity of AlN film were improved owing to the enhanced mobility of adatoms. At the optimised injected N: Al flux ratio of 1, comparatively good surface morphology and crystallinity of deposited AlN films were realised. This method lays a foundation for the follow-up real-time study of defects and stress evolution of AlN on GaN and can be applied to film growth of other materials. GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT read less NOT USED (high confidence) Y. Xu, F. Zhu, M. Wang, X. Liu, and S. Liu, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of GaN Nano-grinding,” 2018 IEEE 20th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC). 2018. link Times cited: 3 Abstract: The molecular dynamics model of wurtzite crystal structure G… read moreAbstract: The molecular dynamics model of wurtzite crystal structure GaN in nano-grinding was established using the Tersoff multi-body potential. The complete structure defect-free GaN model and the defect-containing GaN model were set for comparison. The MD model used hemispherical diamond abrasive grains as the grinding tool, and the micro-regular ensemble (NVE) was used in the grinding process. Additionally, the GaN grinding simulation results under different loading conditions (changing grinding speed, depth) were analyzed to study the changes of internal crystal structure and the evolution of crystal defects. The results show that there is a transition from wurtzite to zinc-blende in GaN during the grinding. Moreover, defects and grinding force increase as the depth of grinding increases. The grinding speed has no obvious influence on the grinding force. When the grinding distance reaches 15 nm, the grinding force decreases slightly with the increase of the speed. read less NOT USED (high confidence) K. Termentzidis et al., “Enhanced thermal conductivity in percolating nanocomposites: a molecular dynamics investigation.,” Nanoscale. 2018. link Times cited: 6 Abstract: In this work we present a molecular dynamics investigation o… read moreAbstract: In this work we present a molecular dynamics investigation of thermal transport in a silica-gallium nitride nanocomposite. A surprising enhancement of the thermal conductivity for crystalline volume fractions larger than 5% is found, which cannot be predicted by an effective medium approach, not even including percolation effects, the model systematically leading to an underestimation of the effective thermal conductivity. The behavior can instead be reproduced if an effective volume fraction twice larger than the real one is assumed, which translates into a percolation effect surprisingly stronger than the usual one. Such a scenario can be understood in terms of a phonon tunneling between inclusions, enhanced by the iso-orientation of all particles. Indeed, if a misorientation is introduced, the thermal conductivity strongly decreases. We also show that a percolating nanocomposite clearly stands in a different position than other nanocomposites, where thermal transport is dominated by the interface scattering and where parameters such as the interface density play a major role, differently from our case. read less NOT USED (high confidence) F. Gao, N. Chen, D. Huang, E. Heller, and P. Levan, “Atomic-level based non-ionizing energy loss: an application to GaAs and GaN semiconductor materials,” Optical Engineering + Applications. 2018. link Times cited: 3 Abstract: Large-scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, along with … read moreAbstract: Large-scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, along with bond-order interatomic potentials, have been employed to study defect production, clustering and their evolution within high energy displacement cascades in semiconductors. Based on the MD results, the damage density within a cascade core is evaluated, and used to describe a new energy partition function. In addition, we have further developed a model to determine the non-ionizing energy loss (NIEL) for semiconductors, which can be used to predict the displacement damage degradation induced by space radiation on electronic components. The atomic-level based NIEL model has been applied to GaAs and GaN. At low energies, the most surviving defects are single interstitials and vacancies, and only 20% of the interstitial population is contained in clusters in GaAs, but a direct-impact amorphization in GaAs occurs with a high degree of probability during the cascade lifetime for Ga PKAs (primary knock-on atoms) with energies higher than 2 keV. However, a large number of atoms will be displaced during the collisional phase with a compacted cascade volume in GaN, and consequently, a great number of displaced atoms recombine significantly with vacancies at the same time, i.e., a pseudo-metallic behavior (PMB). This leads to the result that the majority of surviving defects are just single interstitials or vacancies for all recoil energies considered with only a small number of defects forming clusters. The total number of defects simulated in GaN can be very well predicted by the simplied Norgett, Robison and Torrens (NRT) formula due to the PMB, in contrast to GaAs where the defect number becomes much larger than the NRT value. The calculated NIEL in GaN is often found smaller than that predicted by a model based on the simple Kinchin-Pease formula. The comparisons of defect creation, density and effective NIEL in GaN to those of GaAs suggest that GaN may be much more resistant to displacement damage than GaAs, and therefore, very suitable for use in high-power space-energy systems and space-probe applications. read less NOT USED (high confidence) L. Zhang, H. Yan, G. Zhu, S. Liu, Z. Gan, and Z. Zhang, “Effect of Substrate Surface on Deposition of AlGaN: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation,” Crystals. 2018. link Times cited: 8 Abstract: The growth of AlGaN has been extensively studied, but corres… read moreAbstract: The growth of AlGaN has been extensively studied, but corresponding research related to the effect of AlN substrate surface has rarely been reported in literature. In this article, the effects of AlN substrate surface on deposition of AlGaN films were investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. (0001) Al-terminated and (0001¯) N-terminated AlN were considered as substrates. The quality of surface morphology and atomic scale structure of deposited AlGaN film are discussed in detail. The results show that the surface morphology and crystal quality of AlGaN film grown on (0001) Al-terminated AlN surface are better than for that grown on (0001¯) N-terminated AlN surface under various growing temperatures and Al/Ga injection ratios between Al and Ga. This can be attributed to the higher mobility of Al and Ga adatoms on the (0001) Al-terminated AlN surface. These findings can provide guidance for the preparation of high-quality AlGaN thin films on AlN substrate. read less NOT USED (high confidence) N. Chen, E. Rasch, D. Huang, E. Heller, and F. Gao, “Atomic-Scale Simulation for Pseudometallic Defect-Generation Kinetics and Effective NIEL in GaN,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 2018. link Times cited: 14 Abstract: We have employed large-scale molecular dynamics simulations … read moreAbstract: We have employed large-scale molecular dynamics simulations to study defect production, clustering, and its evolution in GaN for energies of a primary knock-on atom ranging from 500 eV to 40 keV. In the presence of proton radiation, a large number of atoms will be displaced during the collisional phase with a compacted cascade volume, but a great number of displaced atoms recombine significantly with vacancies at the same time, i.e., a pseudometallic behavior (PMB). This leads to the result that the majority of surviving defects are just single interstitials or vacancies for all recoil energies considered with only a small number of defects forming clusters. The total number of defects simulated in GaN can be very well predicted by the simplified Norgett, Robison, and Torrens (NRT) formula due to the PMB, in contrast to GaAs where the defect number becomes much larger than the NRT value. Moreover, the damage density within a cascade core is evaluated and applied to construct a model to calculate an energy-partition function for studying the nonionizing energy loss (NIEL) in GaN. The calculated NIEL in GaN is often found to be smaller than that predicted by a model based on the simple Kinchin–Pease formula. The comparisons of defect creation, density, and effective NIEL in GaN to those of GaAs suggest that GaN may be much more resistant to displacement damage than GaAs at low temperatures. read less NOT USED (high confidence) R. J. Wang, C. Wang, and Y. Feng, “Effective geometric size and bond-loss effect in nanoelasticity of GaN nanowires,” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2017. link Times cited: 7 NOT USED (high confidence) E. Lee and T. Luo, “The role of optical phonons in intermediate layer-mediated thermal transport across solid interfaces.,” Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP. 2017. link Times cited: 13 Abstract: Thermal transport across solid interfaces plays important ro… read moreAbstract: Thermal transport across solid interfaces plays important roles in many applications, especially in the thermal management of modern power electronics. In this study, we use non-equilibrium MD (NEMD) simulations to systematically study a model SiC/GaN interface, which is an important interface in GaN-based power electronics, mated by different intermediate layers (ILs) with the focus on how the atomic masses of the ILs influence the overall thermal conductance. To isolate the mass effect, the Tersoff potential with the same parameters is used to approximate the interatomic interactions between all atoms, with the only differences between materials being their atomic masses. The NEMD results show that the thermal boundary conductance (TBC) of IL-mated interfaces depends not only on the total primitive cell mass of the IL but also on the relative masses of the atoms within the unit cell. By analyzing the vibrational power spectra (VPS) of SiC, IL, and GaN, it is found that the optical phonons play important roles in thermal transport across the solid/solid interfaces. There is an optimal mass ratio of the atoms in the unit cell of the IL that can maximize the overlap of IL optical phonon VPS with those of SiC and GaN. Furthermore, the atomic masses of a number of III-V semiconductor compounds are studied for the ILs. It is shown that when only considering the mass effect, in the classical limit, AlN will be the best IL to enhance thermal transport across SiC/GaN interfaces with an improvement of as much as 27% over that of a pristine SiC/GaN interface. Despite the known limitation of the model (e.g., absence of strain and quantum effects), the results from this work may still provide some useful information for the design of ILs to improve thermal transport across solid/solid interfaces. read less NOT USED (high confidence) T. Ohba, W. Yang, S. Tan, K. J. Kanarik, and K. Nojiri, “Atomic layer etching of GaN and AlGaN using directional plasma-enhanced approach,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2017. link Times cited: 27 Abstract: The directional atomic layer etching (ALE) of GaN and AlGaN … read moreAbstract: The directional atomic layer etching (ALE) of GaN and AlGaN has been developed. The GaN ALE process consists of cyclic Cl2 plasma chemisorption and Ar ion removal. The etch per cycle (EPC) was 0.4 nm within the self-limiting regime, which is 50 to 100 V. The root-mean-square surface roughness RRMS was 0.6 nm, which was improved from an initial roughness of 0.8 nm. For AlGaN ALE, BCl3 was added to the chlorine step to obtain a smooth surface with RRMS of 0.3 nm and stoichiometry similar to the initial sample. The ultra smooth surface obtained by etching is promising for use in next-generation power devices. read less NOT USED (high confidence) K. Choudhary, F. Y. Congo, T. Liang, C. Becker, R. Hennig, and F. Tavazza, “Evaluation and comparison of classical interatomic potentials through a user-friendly interactive web-interface,” Scientific Data. 2017. link Times cited: 21 NOT USED (high confidence) J. Polvi, K. Heinola, and K. Nordlund, “An interatomic potential for W–N interactions,” Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 2016. link Times cited: 5 Abstract: N2 gas is routinely used as a seeding species in fusion plas… read moreAbstract: N2 gas is routinely used as a seeding species in fusion plasma to control the amount of power emitted from the plasma by radiation to the tungsten walls of an ITER-like divertor. Nitrogen atoms interact with the plasma-facing materials beryllium and tungsten, and form chemical bonds with the wall surfaces, as well as with plasma hydrogen isotopes, thus raising a special interest in W–N and N–H interactions in the fusion community. In this work we describe the development of an analytical interatomic potential for W–N interactions and benchmark the potential against DFT calculation results for N defects in tungsten. read less NOT USED (high confidence) P. Kuopanportti, E. Hayward, C. Fu, A. Kuronen, and K. Nordlund, “Interatomic FeH potential for irradiation and embrittlement simulations,” Computational Materials Science. 2016. link Times cited: 18 NOT USED (high confidence) T. Ito, T. Akiyama, and K. Nakamura, “Systematic approach to developing empirical interatomic potentials for III–N semiconductors,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2016. link Times cited: 5 Abstract: A systematic approach to the derivation of empirical interat… read moreAbstract: A systematic approach to the derivation of empirical interatomic potentials is developed for III–N semiconductors with the aid of ab initio calculations. The parameter values of empirical potential based on bond order potential are determined by reproducing the cohesive energy differences among 3-fold coordinated hexagonal, 4-fold coordinated zinc blende, wurtzite, and 6-fold coordinated rocksalt structures in BN, AlN, GaN, and InN. The bond order p is successfully introduced as a function of the coordination number Z in the form of p = a exp(−bZn) if Z ≤ 4 and p = (4/Z)α if Z ≥ 4 in empirical interatomic potential. Moreover, the energy difference between wurtzite and zinc blende structures can be successfully evaluated by considering interaction beyond the second-nearest neighbors as a function of ionicity. This approach is feasible for developing empirical interatomic potentials applicable to a system consisting of poorly coordinated atoms at surfaces and interfaces including nanostructures. read less NOT USED (high confidence) Z. Fan, “Molecular Simulations of Nanoscale Transformations in Ionic Semiconductor Nanocrystals.” 2016. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: The aim of the study described in this thesis is to obtain a… read moreAbstract: The aim of the study described in this thesis is to obtain a profound understanding of transformations in NCs at the atomic level, by performing molecular simulations for such transformations, and by comparing the simulation results with available experimental high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) data to validate the simulations and to reveal underlying physical mechanisms. These transformations include structural and morphological transitions and cation exchange processes in ionic nanocrystals (II-VI and IV-VI semiconductors). The main simulation method used is classical Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation. First principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations were used to develop empirical force fields that are able to accurately reproduce phase transitions. Using these newly developed force fields, large scaled classical MD simulations were carried out and linked to HRTEM experiments. The partially charged rigid ion model (PCRIM) was chosen for the force fields. This PCRIM approach has a simple functional form with a few number of parameters and has a clear physical meaning for ionic crystals. To simulate cation exchange in colloidal NC systems at the NC/solution interface, we used a combination of all-atom force fields and a coarse-grained model. In Chapter 2, an ab-initio based force field for ZnO is developed within the framework of the PCRIM approach. The values of the partial charges were determined by Bader charge analysis of DFT calculations on various ZnO phases. Beside Coulombic interactions, only short-ranged pairwise interatomic interactions were included. An initial guess of the parameters of the short-ranged pair potentials were first obtained by the lattice inversion method. The parameters were further adjusted by an ab-initio potential surface fitting procedure. The new ZnO force field has a very simple functional form is able to accurately reproduce several important physical properties of ZnO materials. These physical properties include the lattice parameters and phase stability of several ZnO polymorphs, as well as the elastic constants, bulk moduli, phonon dispersion, and melting points of wurtzite ZnO. The transition pressure of the wurtzite-to-rocksalt transition calculated with the force field equals 12.3 GPa, in agreement with experimental measurements and DFT calculations. A wurtzite-to-honeycomb phase transition is predicted at an uniaxial pressure of 8.8 GPa. We found a rational and effective way to derive force fields with simple functional forms for accurate simulations of phase transitions in ionic crystals. In Chapter 3, we developed a transferable force field for CdS-CdSe-PbSPbSe solid systems. The selection of the force field and the fitting procedure are similar to that of the ZnO force field in Chapter 2. The challenges when developing this force field were to maintain the transferability of this force field for four materials (CdS, CdSe, PbS, and PbSe) and to describe their mixed phases. This was solved by assuming that different cations/anions have the same values of the partial charges, and that shortranged interatomic interactions between two cations/anions are the same in different materials. For the mixed phases, DFT calculations of the mixed phases were included in both the training and validation sets. This work is the first step for further simulation studies of these II-VI and IV-VI semiconductor NCs and heteronanocrystals (HNCs). In Chapter 4, a thermally induced morphological and structural transition of CdSe NCs was investigated using MD simulations. In MD simulations, a CdSe nanosphere with the ZB structure transforms into a tetrapodlike morphology at 800 K. In a CdSe tetrapod, four WZ legs attach to the {111} facets of a tetrahedral ZB core. This transformation is achieved by a layer-by-layer slip of the ZB-{111} bilayer. Simulations show that the slips are mediated by the formation of Cd vacancies on the surface of the NCs to overcome the potentially large energy barriers associated with slip. The morphology of the annealed NCs is found to be temperature and size-dependent. An octapod-like morphology is found in NCs with a relatively large NC size and in a certain range of the heating temperature. Surprisingly, nanoscale transformations of CdSe NCs have been directly observed in HRTEM in situ heating experiments. Our findings provide a simple method to modify the morphology of ionic NCs and can potentially be used in the synthesis of branched NCs. The cation exchange process of PbSe/CdSe HNCs has been investigated by HRTEM in situ heating experiments in combination with MD simulations and DFT calculations in Chapter 5. In the HRTEM experiments, we bserved that Cd atoms in PbSe/CdSe nanodumbbells (CdSe rods with one or two PbSe tip(s)) are replaced by Pb atoms. The exchange rate depends on the heating temperature and the amount of Pb atoms present in the system. Sometimes, fully converted PbSe nanodumbells can be observed. MD simulations were performed to investigate the mechanism of this cation exchange process. It was found that the the CdSe domains near the PbSe/CdSe interfaces have significant structural disorder. These findings are in line with the experimental observation that the exchange process proceeds in a layer-by-layer fashion along the WZ- direction. We concluded that cation exchange in PbSe/CdSe HNCs is mediated by the local structural disorder which enables the formation of vacancies and accelerated the motion of cations. In Chapter 6, a coarse-grained psuedoligand model was introduced to simulate cation exchange in PbS colloidal NCs taking into account the cation-solvent interactions. Modelling colloidal NC systems including interactions with the solvent has long been a challenge due to the large system size and long time scales. Here, we incorporated the effects of ligands and solvents into negatively charged large spherical coarse-grained psuedoligands. MD simulations combining coarse-grained and all-atom models can successfully reproduce the cation exchange process in PbS colloidal NCs. Simulations show that the exchange rate and system equilibrium can be controlled by the temperature and by changing ligands. The exchange process is directly related to vacancy formation and the high mobility of Cd ions at the PbS/CdS interface. Our simulations also predict that high-pressure conditions will be beneficial for achieving fast exchange at elevated temperatures. Our coarse-grained model can be easily extended to other systems for the computational investigation of transformations in nanostructures. read less NOT USED (high confidence) K. Nordlund, C. Björkas, T. Ahlgren, A. Lasa, and A. Sand, “Multiscale modelling of plasma–wall interactions in fusion reactor conditions,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2014. link Times cited: 58 Abstract: The interaction of fusion reactor plasma with the material o… read moreAbstract: The interaction of fusion reactor plasma with the material of the first wall involves a complex multitude of interlinked physical and chemical effects. Hence, modern theoretical treatment of it relies to a large extent on multiscale modelling, i.e. using different kinds of simulation approaches suitable for different length and time scales in connection with each other. In this review article, we overview briefly the physics and chemistry of plasma–wall interactions in tokamak-like fusion reactors, and present some of the most commonly used material simulation approaches relevant for the topic. We also give summaries of recent multiscale modelling studies of the effects of fusion plasma on the modification of the materials of the first wall, especially on swift chemical sputtering, mixed material formation and hydrogen isotope retention in tungsten. read less NOT USED (high confidence) T. Kawamura, H. Hayashi, T. Miki, Y. Suzuki, Y. Kangawa, and K. Kakimoto, “Molecular beam epitaxy growth of GaN under Ga-rich conditions investigated by molecular dynamics simulation,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2014. link Times cited: 9 Abstract: Molecular beam epitaxial growth of GaN under Ga-rich conditi… read moreAbstract: Molecular beam epitaxial growth of GaN under Ga-rich conditions was simulated using a classical molecular dynamics method. We investigated nitrogen incorporation into the growth surface and the initial growth process using two kinds of simulation models: the Ga adlayer model and Ga droplet model. The simulation of the Ga adlayer model showed that the injected N atom diffused through the Ga adlayer and nucleation occurred in the solid/liquid interface. The simulation of the Ga droplet model showed that the injected N atom diffused on the bare GaN crystal surface and nucleation occurred at the edge of the Ga droplet. In the both simulations, scattering of injected N atoms on the surface of the Ga layer was often observed. Because Ga atoms in the Ga layer were intensively moving compared with that in the GaN crystal, injected N atoms were probably scattered by collisions with the Ga atoms in the Ga layer. read less NOT USED (high confidence) K. Nordlund and F. Djurabekova, “Multiscale modelling of irradiation in nanostructures,” Journal of Computational Electronics. 2014. link Times cited: 42 NOT USED (high confidence) K. Henriksson, C. Björkas, and K. Nordlund, “Atomistic simulations of stainless steels: a many-body potential for the Fe–Cr–C system,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2013. link Times cited: 65 Abstract: Stainless steels found in real-world applications usually ha… read moreAbstract: Stainless steels found in real-world applications usually have some C content in the base Fe–Cr alloy, resulting in hard and dislocation-pinning carbides—Fe3C (cementite) and Cr23C6—being present in the finished steel product. The higher complexity of the steel microstructure has implications, for example, for the elastic properties and the evolution of defects such as Frenkel pairs and dislocations. This makes it necessary to re-evaluate the effects of basic radiation phenomena and not simply to rely on results obtained from purely metallic Fe–Cr alloys. In this report, an analytical interatomic potential parameterization in the Abell–Brenner–Tersoff form for the entire Fe–Cr–C system is presented to enable such calculations. The potential reproduces, for example, the lattice parameter(s), formation energies and elastic properties of the principal Fe and Cr carbides (Fe3C, Fe5C2, Fe7C3, Cr3C2, Cr7C3, Cr23C6), the Fe–Cr mixing energy curve, formation energies of simple C point defects in Fe and Cr, and the martensite lattice anisotropy, with fair to excellent agreement with empirical results. Tests of the predictive power of the potential show, for example, that Fe–Cr nanowires and bulk samples become elastically stiffer with increasing Cr and C concentrations. High-concentration nanowires also fracture at shorter relative elongations than wires made of pure Fe. Also, tests with Fe3C inclusions show that these act as obstacles for edge dislocations moving through otherwise pure Fe. read less NOT USED (high confidence) P. León-Plata, M. Coan, and J. Seminario, “Effects of trimethylaluminium and tetrakis(ethylmethylamino) hafnium in the early stages of the atomic-layer-deposition of aluminum oxide and hafnium oxide on hydroxylated GaN nanoclusters,” Journal of Molecular Modeling. 2013. link Times cited: 2 NOT USED (high confidence) D. Spiteri, J. Pomeroy, and M. Kuball, “Influence of microstructural defects on the thermal conductivity of GaN: A molecular dynamics study,” physica status solidi (b). 2013. link Times cited: 14 Abstract: The lattice thermal conductivity is known to depend on cryst… read moreAbstract: The lattice thermal conductivity is known to depend on crystal quality, but the reduction in thermal conductivity due to specific defects is presently unclear. Molecular dynamics simulations were used to investigate the impact of microstructural defects on the thermal conductivity of gallium nitride. The conductivity of a finite crystal was reduced to (39 ± 4)% by a screw dislocation density of 2.0 × 1013 cm−2 and to (51 ± 4)% by an edge dislocation of similar density, illustrating that the type of dislocation is important for thermal conductivity. The effect of stacking faults on thermal conductivity was also investigated. read less NOT USED (high confidence) W. Ye, B. Paliwal, A. Ougazzaden, and M. Cherkaoui, “Analytical close-form solutions to the elastic fields of solids with dislocations and surface stress,” Philosophical Magazine. 2013. link Times cited: 7 Abstract: The concept of eigenstrain is adopted to derive a general an… read moreAbstract: The concept of eigenstrain is adopted to derive a general analytical framework to solve the elastic field for 3D anisotropic solids with general defects by considering the surface stress. The formulation shows the elastic constants and geometrical features of the surface play an important role in determining the elastic fields of the solid. As an application, the analytical close-form solutions to the stress fields of an infinite isotropic circular nanowire are obtained. The stress fields are compared with the classical solutions and those of complex variable method. The stress fields from this work demonstrate the impact from the surface stress when the size of the nanowire shrinks but becomes negligible in macroscopic scale. Compared with the power series solutions of complex variable method, the analytical solutions in this work provide a better platform and they are more flexible in various applications. More importantly, the proposed analytical framework profoundly improves the studies of general 3D anisotropic materials with surface effects. read less NOT USED (high confidence) T. Kawamura et al., “Structural Analysis of Carbon-Added Na–Ga Melts in Na Flux GaN Growth by First-Principles Calculation,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2013. link Times cited: 9 Abstract: We investigated the fundamentals of the effect of C addition… read moreAbstract: We investigated the fundamentals of the effect of C addition on Na flux GaN growth by first-principles calculation. We simulated C-added Na–Ga melts using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to examine the local melt structure around a N atom. We also calculated C–N bond energy using constrained MD simulations. Results show that a N atom bonded to a C atom and there were no Ga atoms around the N atom because C–N bond energy was larger than Ga–N bond energy. This is the reason for the suppression of heterogeneous nucleation by C addition. It was also found that the C–N bond energy was affected by surrounding Ga atoms and that the C–N atomic distance increased with the Ga coordination number around the N atom. read less NOT USED (high confidence) D. Ward, X. W. Zhou, B. M. Wong, J. Zimmerman, and F. Doty, “Analytical bond-order potential for the cadmium telluride binary system.” 2012. link Times cited: 69 Abstract: CdTe and Cd${}_{1\ensuremath{-}x}$Zn${}_{x}$Te are the leadi… read moreAbstract: CdTe and Cd${}_{1\ensuremath{-}x}$Zn${}_{x}$Te are the leading semiconductor compounds for both photovoltaic and radiation detection applications. The performance of these materials is sensitive to the presence of atomic-scale defects in the structures. To enable accurate studies of these defects using modern atomistic simulation technologies, we have developed a high-fidelity analytical bond-order potential for the CdTe system. This potential incorporates primary ($\ensuremath{\sigma}$) and secondary ($\ensuremath{\pi}$) bonding and the valence dependence of the heteroatom interactions. The functional forms of the potential are directly derived from quantum-mechanical tight-binding theory under the condition that the first two and first four levels of the expanded Green's function for the $\ensuremath{\sigma}$- and $\ensuremath{\pi}$-bond orders, respectively, are retained. The potential parameters are optimized using iteration cycles that include first-fitting properties of a variety of elemental and compound configurations (with coordination varying from 1 to 12) including small clusters, bulk lattices, defects, and surfaces, and then checking crystalline growth through vapor deposition simulations. It is demonstrated that this CdTe bond-order potential gives structural and property trends close to those seen in experiments and quantum-mechanical calculations and provides a good description of melting temperature, defect characteristics, and surface reconstructions of the CdTe compound. Most importantly, this potential captures the crystalline growth of the ground-state structures for Cd, Te, and CdTe phases in vapor deposition simulations. read less NOT USED (high confidence) O. V. Avdeev et al., “Development of 2’ AlN Substrates Using SiC Seeds.” 2012. link Times cited: 5 Abstract: The unique properties of the group III-nitrides (Edgar et al… read moreAbstract: The unique properties of the group III-nitrides (Edgar et al., 1999; Jain et al., 2000; Kasap & Capper, 2006) make them the best semiconductor material for • optoelectronic devices emitting light in the visible and UV spectral ranges (Orton & Foxon, 1998), including sources for general illumination (Craford, 2005; Liu, 2009; Miyajima et al., 2001; Nakamura et al., 2000; Schubert & Kim, 2005; Schubert, 2006; Taguchi, 2003; Zukauskas et al., 2002), • photodetectors for these spectral ranges, including solar-blind UV detectors, • high power/high frequency electronic devices capable of operating at high temperatures and in harsh environment (Bennett et al., 2004; Morkoc, 1998; Pearton et al., 2000; Shur, 1998; Skierbiszewski, 2005; Xing et al., 2001). To fully exploit the potential of the group III-nitrides in optoelectronics and communication technology, two problems are to be solved: 1. difficulties of doping group III-nitrides, especially attaining the high-level p-doping in 1999 AlN was even called an "undopable" material (Fara et al., 1999) (p-doping is also a problem for other wide bandgap semiconductors oxides such as ZnO and chalcogenides such as ZnSe; ) and 2. the lack of large high crystalline quality native substrates with required electrical properties. read less NOT USED (high confidence) M. Daw, J. Lawson, and C. Bauschlicher, “Interatomic potentials for Zirconium Diboride and Hafnium Diboride,” Computational Materials Science. 2011. link Times cited: 19 NOT USED (high confidence) D. Ward, X. W. Zhou, B. M. Wong, F. Doty, and J. Zimmerman, “Accuracy of existing atomic potentials for the CdTe semiconductor compound.,” The Journal of chemical physics. 2011. link Times cited: 35 Abstract: CdTe and CdTe-based Cd(1-x)Zn(x)Te (CZT) alloys are importan… read moreAbstract: CdTe and CdTe-based Cd(1-x)Zn(x)Te (CZT) alloys are important semiconductor compounds that are used in a variety of technologies including solar cells, radiation detectors, and medical imaging devices. Performance of such systems, however, is limited due to the propensity of nano- and micro-scale defects that form during crystal growth and manufacturing processes. Molecular dynamics simulations offer an effective approach to study the formation and interaction of atomic scale defects in these crystals, and provide insight on how to minimize their concentrations. The success of such a modeling effort relies on the accuracy and transferability of the underlying interatomic potential used in simulations. Such a potential must not only predict a correct trend of structures and energies of a variety of elemental and compound lattices, defects, and surfaces but also capture correct melting behavior and should be capable of simulating crystalline growth during vapor deposition as these processes sample a variety of local configurations. In this paper, we perform a detailed evaluation of the performance of two literature potentials for CdTe, one having the Stillinger-Weber form and the other possessing the Tersoff form. We examine simulations of structures and the corresponding energies of a variety of elemental and compound lattices, defects, and surfaces compared to those obtained from ab initio calculations and experiments. We also perform melting temperature calculations and vapor deposition simulations. Our calculations show that the Stillinger-Weber parameterization produces the correct lowest energy structure. This potential, however, is not sufficiently transferrable for defect studies. Origins of the problems of these potentials are discussed and insights leading to the development of a more transferrable potential suitable for molecular dynamics simulations of defects in CdTe crystals are provided. read less NOT USED (high confidence) Z. Zhang, A. Chatterjee, C. Grein, A. Ciani, and P. Chung, “Atomic-scale modeling of InxGa1−xN quantum dot self-assembly,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. B. Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena. 2011. link Times cited: 5 Abstract: The authors simulate in three dimensions the molecular beam … read moreAbstract: The authors simulate in three dimensions the molecular beam epitaxial growth of InxGa1−xN with classical molecular dynamics. Atomic interactions are simulated with Stillinger–Weber potentials. Both homoepitaxial and heteroepitaxial growths are studied. The effects of substrate temperature and indium concentration on quantum dot morphology, concentration profiles, and the thickness of wetting layers qualitatively agree with experimental findings. The authors’ simulations support earlier suggestions that quantum dot formation in the InGaN/GaN system is governed by a stress-driven phase separation mechanism. read less NOT USED (high confidence) X. W. Zhou and R. Jones, “Effects of cutoff functions of Tersoff potentials on molecular dynamics simulations of thermal transport,” Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 2011. link Times cited: 19 Abstract: Past molecular dynamics studies of thermal transport have pr… read moreAbstract: Past molecular dynamics studies of thermal transport have predominantly used Stillinger–Weber potentials. As materials continuously shrink, their properties increasingly depend on defect and surface effects. Unfortunately, Stillinger–Weber potentials are best used for diamond-cubic-like bulk crystals. They cannot represent the energies of many metastable phases, nor can they accurately predict the energetics of defective and surface regions. To study nanostructured materials, where these regions can dominate thermal transport, the accuracy of Tersoff potentials in representing these structures is more desirable. Based upon an analysis of thermal transport in a GaN system, we demonstrate that the cutoff function of the existing Tersoff potentials may lead to problems in determining the thermal conductivity. To remedy this issue, improved cutoff schemes are proposed and evaluated. read less NOT USED (high confidence) Y. Kobayashi, Y. Doi, and A. Nakatani, “Strain Dependence of Formation Mechanism of Growth Layer in Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Gallium Nitride,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2010. link Times cited: 2 Abstract: In this study, the epitaxial growth of gallium nitride (GaN)… read moreAbstract: In this study, the epitaxial growth of gallium nitride (GaN) on a GaN substrate is investigated by a molecular dynamics (MD) method. Furthermore, the difference between the surface diffusion of atoms of a strained substrate and an unstrained substrate is examined. From the results of this examination, it is found that the diffusion characteristic in the unstrained case is higher than that in the strained case. Therefore, in the unstrained case, GaN grows layer-by-layer. On the other hand, in the strained case, multiple layers of GaN grow simultaneously. Furthermore, it is also found that the wurtzite structure of GaN differs between the strained case and the unstrained case. read less NOT USED (high confidence) C. Björkas, K. Henriksson, M. Probst, and K. Nordlund, “A Be–W interatomic potential,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2010. link Times cited: 29 Abstract: In this work, an interatomic potential for the beryllium–tun… read moreAbstract: In this work, an interatomic potential for the beryllium–tungsten system is derived. It is the final piece of a potential puzzle, now containing all possible interactions between the fusion reactor materials beryllium, tungsten and carbon as well as the plasma hydrogen isotopes. The potential is suitable for plasma–wall interaction simulations and can describe the intermetallic Be2W and Be12W phases. The interaction energy between a Be surface and a W atom, and vice versa, agrees qualitatively with ab initio calculations. The potential can also reasonably describe BexWy molecules with x, y = 1, 2, 3, 4. read less NOT USED (high confidence) E. Despiau-Pujo and P. Chabert, “Low energy Ar + bombardment of GaN surfaces : A statistical study of ion reflection and sputtering,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. 2010. link Times cited: 6 Abstract: Statistical molecular dynamics simulations are performed to … read moreAbstract: Statistical molecular dynamics simulations are performed to analyze the sputtering of w-GaN (wurtzite) and z-GaN (zinc blende) surfaces under 100 eV Ar+ ion bombardment. Ion reflection and physical sputtering mechanisms are investigated as a function of the ion impact angle and the crystalline nature of samples. The probability of ion reflection is lower for the w-GaN phase and increases with the angle of incidence θi. As θi becomes more glancing, the reflected ions become more energetic and their angular distribution tends to narrow. The sputtering yields of w-GaN and z-GaN surfaces are maximum for θi=45°. For near-normal incidence, the probability of sputtering is smaller for the w-GaN phase, suggesting that the atomic arrangement in the pristine state modifies the characteristics of the momentum transfer occurring between the ion and the surface atoms during the collision cascade. Atomic nitrogen sputters preferentially and represents 87% to 100% of sputtered species due to its lower mass. These statis... read less NOT USED (high confidence) E. Despiau-Pujo and P. Chabert, “MD simulations of GaN sputtering by Ar+ ions: Ion-induced damage and near-surface modification under continuous bombardment,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. 2010. link Times cited: 19 Abstract: Results from molecular dynamics simulations of continuous 50… read moreAbstract: Results from molecular dynamics simulations of continuous 50–200 eV Ar+ bombardment on wurtzite and zinc blende GaN surfaces are reported. A new analytical bond-order potential, originally developed for growth process studies, is used to investigate the low-energy physical sputtering of GaN compounds. Preferential sputtering of N atoms is initially observed up to 3.5×1015 ions/cm2 fluence, after which the layers reach steady state sputtering. The crystalline structure of the GaN sample does not have a major influence on the sputtering yield due to the rapid amorphization of the top surface after a few hundred impacts. Concentration depth profiles indicate a surface enrichment in gallium with a N/Ga concentration ratio equal to 0.59±0.1 for 100 eV bombardment, in agreement with published experimental studies. For the same conditions, Ga, N, and GaN species represent 25, 60, and 7% of the sputtered products. A significant fraction of those products leave the surface with kinetic energies sufficiently high t... read less NOT USED (high confidence) X. W. Zhou, R. Jones, and S. Aubry, “Molecular Dynamics Prediction of Thermal Conductivity of GaN Films and Wires at Realistic Length Scales,” Physical Review B. 2010. link Times cited: 23 Abstract: Recent molecular dynamics simulation methods have enabled th… read moreAbstract: Recent molecular dynamics simulation methods have enabled thermal conductivity of bulk materials to be estimated. In these simulations, periodic boundary conditions are used to extend the system dimensions to the thermodynamic limit. Such a strategy cannot be used for nanostructures with finite dimensions which are typically much larger than it is possible to simulate directly. To bridge the length scales between the simulated and the actual nanostructures, we perform large-scale molecular dynamics calculations of thermal conductivities at different system dimensions to examine a recently developed conductivity vs dimension scaling theory for both film and wire configurations. We demonstrate that by an appropriate application of the scaling law, reliable interpolations can be used to accurately predict thermal conductivity of films and wires as a function of film thickness or wire radius at realistic length scales from molecular dynamics simulations. We apply this method to predict thermal conductivities for GaN wurtzite nanostructures. read less NOT USED (high confidence) A. Krasheninnikov and K. Nordlund, “Ion and electron irradiation-induced effects in nanostructured materials,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2010. link Times cited: 877 Abstract: A common misconception is that the irradiation of solids wit… read moreAbstract: A common misconception is that the irradiation of solids with energetic electrons and ions has exclusively detrimental effects on the properties of target materials. In addition to the well-known cases of doping of bulk semiconductors and ion beam nitriding of steels, recent experiments show that irradiation can also have beneficial effects on nanostructured systems. Electron or ion beams may serve as tools to synthesize nanoclusters and nanowires, change their morphology in a controllable manner, and tailor their mechanical, electronic, and even magnetic properties. Harnessing irradiation as a tool for modifying material properties at the nanoscale requires having the full microscopic picture of defect production and annealing in nanotargets. In this article, we review recent progress in the understanding of effects of irradiation on various zero-dimensional and one-dimensional nanoscale systems, such as semiconductor and metal nanoclusters and nanowires, nanotubes, and fullerenes. We also consider the t... read less NOT USED (high confidence) K. Albe, J. Nord, and K. Nordlund, “Dynamic charge-transfer bond-order potential for gallium nitride,” Philosophical Magazine. 2009. link Times cited: 10 Abstract: We present an analytical interatomic potential for gallium n… read moreAbstract: We present an analytical interatomic potential for gallium nitride which is based on a new environment-dependent dynamic charge-transfer model. The model consists of a short-ranged bond-order potential that accounts for covalent/metallic interactions and an ionic Coulomb potential with effective point charges that are dynamically adjusted. In contrast to established models, these point charges are distance-dependent and vary with the number and type of nearest neighbour atoms. The basic concepts stem from the idea of bond charges. We assume pairwise symmetric charge transfer between atoms of different type forming a bond. Charge contributions of all bonds to an atomic site are weighted and added, yielding the effective charge per atom. Mulliken charges, as obtained from density-functional theory calculations within the local-density approximation, are used for adjusting the parameters and functional form of the potential. The short-range contributions are chosen as angular-dependent many-body bond-order potentials, which can be understood as an extension of a Finnis–Sinclair type potential. read less NOT USED (high confidence) Z. Chen, Z. Yu, P. Lu, and Y. Liu, “Molecular dynamics simulations of atomic assembly in the process of GaN film growth,” Physica B-condensed Matter. 2009. link Times cited: 11 NOT USED (high confidence) C. Björkas et al., “Interatomic potentials for the Be–C–H system,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2009. link Times cited: 65 Abstract: Analytical bond-order potentials for beryllium, beryllium ca… read moreAbstract: Analytical bond-order potentials for beryllium, beryllium carbide and beryllium hydride are presented. The reactive nature of the formalism makes the potentials suitable for simulations of non-equilibrium processes such as plasma–wall interactions in fusion reactors. The Be and Be–C potentials were fitted to ab initio calculations as well as to experimental data of several different atomic configurations and Be–H molecule and defect data were used in determining the Be–H parameter set. Among other tests, sputtering, melting and quenching simulations were performed in order to check the transferability of the potentials. The antifluorite Be2C structure is well described by the Be–C potential and the hydrocarbon interactions are modelled by the established Brenner potentials. read less NOT USED (high confidence) J. Kioseoglou, P. Komninou, and T. Karakostas, “Core models of a‐edge threading dislocations in wurtzite III(Al,Ga,In)‐nitrides,” physica status solidi (a). 2009. link Times cited: 14 Abstract: An empirical bond‐order many body interatomic Tersoff potent… read moreAbstract: An empirical bond‐order many body interatomic Tersoff potential is used for atomistic calculations of the multiple atomic configurations (5/7, 8 and 4) of the a‐edge threading dislocations in III(Al,Ga,In)‐N compound semiconductors. Structural‐ and energy‐related conclusions are drawn which are attributed to the complexity of the III–III metal type and N–N interactions (bondGa–Ga < bondAl–Al < bondIn–In) in connection with the difference of the lattice parameters (aAlN < aGaN < aInN) and the elastic constants. The 5/7‐atomic core configuration is calculated as the most energetically and structurally favourable in all the three compounds. Taking the 5/7‐atom model as a reference, the 8‐atom core model becomes the next favourable one when the lattice parameter increases (aInN) while the 4‐atom core model is the second energetically favourable when the lattice parameter decreases (aAlN). read less NOT USED (high confidence) J. Adhikari, “Miscibility of In x Ga1−x As alloys: a study using atomistic simulations,” Molecular Physics. 2009. link Times cited: 4 Abstract: Atomistic simulations are used in combination with the two p… read moreAbstract: Atomistic simulations are used in combination with the two potential energy functions, namely, the Valence Force Field (VFF) model and the Tersoff model, to study the solution thermodynamics of In x Ga1−x As alloy. The simulation data, in the form of a T − x diagram, is contrasted with the results obtained by using the Ho and Stringfellow approach. It is observed that for the VFF model, the upper critical solution temperature obtained from simulation data is approximately 850 K, which is higher than the 729 K predicted by the Ho and Stringfellow treatment. The composition range for which the two-phase heterogeneous region exists is wider than that predicted by the Ho and Stringfellow approach. The Tersoff model predicts a complex miscibility diagram, where the 850 K temperature corresponds to the approximate ‘eutectic’ temperature. Further improvement of model predictions may be made possible by investigation of temperature and composition dependent interaction parameter in a modified regular solution theory, and investigation of non-random, non-ideal solution models in the Ho and Stringfellow treatment, development of temperature dependent VFF model parameters and adjustment of Tersoff model parameters to account for longer range interactions which exist at temperatures above 850 K. The miscibility diagram constructed using the Tersoff model simulation data can be used to provide information on the phase stability and equilibrium Indium content at any given temperature for the crystalline solid solution. read less NOT USED (high confidence) E. C. Do, Y.-H. Shin, and B.-J. Lee, “Atomistic modeling of III–V nitrides: modified embedded-atom method interatomic potentials for GaN, InN and Ga1−xInxN,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2009. link Times cited: 26 Abstract: Modified embedded-atom method (MEAM) interatomic potentials … read moreAbstract: Modified embedded-atom method (MEAM) interatomic potentials for the Ga–N and In–N binary and Ga–In–N ternary systems have been developed based on the previously developed potentials for Ga, In and N. The potentials can describe various physical properties (structural, elastic and defect properties) of both zinc-blende and wurtzite-type GaN and InN as well as those of constituent elements, in good agreement with experimental data or high-level calculations. The potential can also describe the structural behavior of Ga1−xInxN ternary nitrides reasonably well. The applicability of the potentials to atomistic investigations of atomic/nanoscale structural evolution in Ga1−xInxN multi-component nitrides during the deposition of constituent element atoms is discussed. read less NOT USED (high confidence) P. S. Branicio, J. Rino, C. Gan, and H. Tsuzuki, “Interaction potential for indium phosphide: a molecular dynamics and first-principles study of the elastic constants, generalized stacking fault and surface energies,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2009. link Times cited: 31 Abstract: Indium phosphide is investigated using molecular dynamics (M… read moreAbstract: Indium phosphide is investigated using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and density-functional theory calculations. MD simulations use a proposed effective interaction potential for InP fitted to a selected experimental dataset of properties. The potential consists of two- and three-body terms that represent atomic-size effects, charge–charge, charge–dipole and dipole–dipole interactions as well as covalent bond bending and stretching. Predictions are made for the elastic constants as a function of density and temperature, the generalized stacking fault energy and the low-index surface energies. read less NOT USED (high confidence) C. Sanz-Navarro et al., “Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Carbon-Supported Ni Clusters Using the Reax Reactive Force Field,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2008. link Times cited: 30 Abstract: Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed using a R… read moreAbstract: Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed using a Reax force field for C/H/Ni systems to study the structural changes of an Ni_(100) cluster adsorbed on a carbon platelet. Three different edges of a carbon platelet are considered. We find a complete restructuring of the initial structure of the Ni_(100) clusters adsorbed on the armchair and zigzag edges. Nonetheless, the mean Ni−Ni bond length hardly changes. Several preferential sites on each of the graphite edges are identified. Diffusion of the entire cluster is found both for adsorption on the basal plane and for binding to a hydrogen terminated graphite edge. read less NOT USED (high confidence) J. Kioseoglou, P. Komninou, and T. Karakostas, “Interatomic potential calculations of III(Al, In)–N planar defects with a III‐species environment approach,” physica status solidi (b). 2008. link Times cited: 22 Abstract: III–N compound semiconductors are nowadays widely used in el… read moreAbstract: III–N compound semiconductors are nowadays widely used in electronic device technology. Due to the complexity of their structures planar and linear defects may have various atomic configurations. Since in the wurtzite structure of AlN and InN the second‐neighbor distance is very close to the stable “metallic” Al–Al and In–In distances respectively, a III‐species environment approach based on a Tersoff empirical bond order interatomic potential is developed in which the cut‐off distance for Al–Al and In–In interactions is tuned. In particular, the work is focused on two issues: the development of an approach for the calculation of defected structures in III‐nitrides and the application of this method on a series of planar defects in wurtzite structure. Various structural and energy‐related conclusions are drawn that are attributed to the complexity of the III–III metal type and N–N interactions in connection with the difference of the lattice parameters and the elastic constants. Molecular dynamic simulations are led to the conclusion that structural transformations may also occur. The Austerman–Gehman and Holt models for the inversion domain boundary (IDB) on the (10$ \bar 1 $0) plane are higher in energy than the IDB* model of Northrup, Neugebauer, and Romano. The model of Blank et al. for the translation domain boundary (TDB) on the {1$ \bar 2 $10} plane is unstable with respect to Drum's model. The Austerman model for the IDB on the {1$ \bar 2 $10} plane is unstable with respect to the IDB* model appropriate for this plane. The Austerman {10$ \bar 1 $0} IDB model is recognized as a strong candidate, among the IDB atomic configurations. Moreover, models for IDBs on {10$ \bar 1 $0} planes in which the boundary plane intersects two bonds (type‐2 models) are less stable than models in which the boundary plane intersects one bond (type‐1 models), in all cases considered. It is confirmed that the III‐species environment approach describes the “wrong”‐bonded defect local configuration structures more realistically with respect to the standard approach. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) read less NOT USED (high confidence) X. W. Zhou and H. Wadley, “A potential for simulating the atomic assembly of cubic elements,” Computational Materials Science. 2007. link Times cited: 10 NOT USED (high confidence) Z. Wang, X. Zu, F. Gao, and W. J. Weber, “Size dependence of melting of GaN nanowires with triangular cross sections,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2007. link Times cited: 13 Abstract: Molecular dynamics simulations have been used to study the m… read moreAbstract: Molecular dynamics simulations have been used to study the melting of GaN nanowires with triangular cross sections. The variation in potential energy as a function of the cross-sectional area of GaN nanowires, along with the atomic configuration, is used to monitor the phase transition. The thermal stability of GaN nanowires is strongly size dependent. The melting temperature of the GaN nanowires increases with increasing cross-sectional area to a saturation value. Melting of the nanowires is initiated at the surface edges formed by the triangular shape and then spreads across the nanowire surface. As temperature increases, the melting expands into the inner regions of the nanowires. read less NOT USED (high confidence) C. Björkas, K. Nordlund, K. Arstila, J. Keinonen, V. Dhaka, and M. Pessa, “Damage production in GaAs and GaAsN induced by light and heavy ions,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2006. link Times cited: 26 Abstract: Ion irradiation causes damage in semiconductor crystal struc… read moreAbstract: Ion irradiation causes damage in semiconductor crystal structures and affects charge carrier dynamics. We have studied the damage production by high-energy (100keV–10MeV) H, He, Ne, and Ni ions in GaAs and GaAs90N10 using molecular dynamics computer simulations. We find that the heavier Ne and Ni ions produce a larger fraction of damage in large clusters than H and He. These large clusters are either in the form of amorphous zones or (after room-temperature aging or high-temperature annealing) in the form of vacancy and antisite clusters. The total damage production in GaAs and GaAs90N10 is found to be practically the same for all the ions. A clearly smaller fraction of the damage in GaAs90N10 compared to GaAs is in large clusters, however. Our results indicate that experimentally observed differences in charge carrier lifetimes between light and heavy ion irradiations, and before and after annealing, can be understood in terms of the large defect clusters. An increasing amount of damage in large clusters... read less NOT USED (high confidence) P. Erhart, N. Juslin, O. Goy, K. Nordlund, R. Müller, and K. Albe, “Analytic bond-order potential for atomistic simulations of zinc oxide,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2006. link Times cited: 75 Abstract: An interatomic potential for zinc oxide and its elemental co… read moreAbstract: An interatomic potential for zinc oxide and its elemental constituents is derived based on an analytical bond-order formalism. The model potential provides a good description of the bulk properties of various solid structures of zinc oxide including cohesive energies, lattice parameters, and elastic constants. For the pure elements zinc and oxygen the energetics and structural parameters of a variety of bulk phases and in the case of oxygen also molecular structures are reproduced. The dependence of thermal and point defect properties on the cutoff parameters is discussed. As exemplary applications the irradiation of bulk zinc oxide and the elastic response of individual nanorods are studied. read less NOT USED (high confidence) N. Juslin et al., “Analytical interatomic potential for modeling nonequilibrium processes in the W–C–H system,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2005. link Times cited: 264 Abstract: A reactive interatomic potential based on an analytical bond… read moreAbstract: A reactive interatomic potential based on an analytical bond-order scheme is developed for the ternary system W–C–H. The model combines Brenner’s hydrocarbon potential with parameter sets for W–W, W–C, and W–H interactions and is adjusted to materials properties of reference structures with different local atomic coordinations including tungsten carbide, W–H molecules, as well as H dissolved in bulk W. The potential has been tested in various scenarios, such as surface, defect, and melting properties, none of which were considered in the fitting. The intended area of application is simulations of hydrogen and hydrocarbon interactions with tungsten, which have a crucial role in fusion reactor plasma-wall interactions. Furthermore, this study shows that the angular-dependent bond-order scheme can be extended to second nearest-neighbor interactions, which are relevant in body-centered-cubic metals. Moreover, it provides a possibly general route for modeling metal carbides. © 2005 American Institute of Physics. DOI: 10.1063/1.2149492 read less NOT USED (high confidence) J. Purton, M. Lavrentiev, and N. Allan, “Monte Carlo simulation of GaN/InN mixtures,” Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2005. link Times cited: 15 Abstract: Exchange Monte Carlo calculations in the semi-grand canonica… read moreAbstract: Exchange Monte Carlo calculations in the semi-grand canonical ensemble are used to determine the mixing properties of GaN and InN in both the wurtzite and zinc blende structures. Inter-atomic potentials are obtained via empirical fitting to the experimental, bulk properties of the end member materials. The difference in structure is reflected in the variation of the enthalpy of mixing with composition and phase diagrams for the hexagonal and cubic phases. The calculated consolute temperature is ≈1725 K, in line with previous calculations. The calculated phase diagrams for the two structures are markedly asymmetric with the maximum in the binodals lying markedly on the Ga rich side. Our results are compared with available experimental data. read less NOT USED (high confidence) P. Erhart and K. Albe, “Analytical potential for atomistic simulations of silicon, carbon, and silicon carbide,” Physical Review B. 2005. link Times cited: 462 Abstract: We present an analytical bond-order potential for silicon, c… read moreAbstract: We present an analytical bond-order potential for silicon, carbon, and silicon carbide that has been optimized by a systematic fitting scheme. The functional form is adopted from a preceding work {\}Phys. Rev. B 65, 195124 (2002) and is built on three independently fitted potentials for Si-Si, C-C, and Si-C interaction. For elemental silicon and carbon, the potential perfectly reproduces elastic properties and agrees very well with first-principles results for high-pressure phases. The formation enthalpies of point defects are reasonably reproduced. In the case of silicon stuctural features of the melt agree nicely with data taken from literature. For silicon carbide the dimer as well as the solid phases B1, B2, and B3 were considered. Again, elastic properties are very well reproduced including internal relaxations under shear. Comparison with first-principles data on point defect formation enthalpies shows fair agreement. The successful validation of the potentials for configurations ranging from the molecular to the bulk regime indicates the transferability of the potential model and makes it a good choice for atomistic simulations that sample a large configuration space. read less NOT USED (high confidence) K. Harafuji, T. Tsuchiya, and K. Kawamura, “Molecular dynamics simulation of dislocations in wurtzite-type GaN crystal,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2004. link Times cited: 13 Abstract: Microscopic dislocation structures in wurtzite-type GaN crys… read moreAbstract: Microscopic dislocation structures in wurtzite-type GaN crystal have been studied by the use of molecular dynamics simulation. Parameters for a two-body interatomic potential are determined by the Hartree-Fock ab initio method. A dislocation is generated by the coalescence of the facing planes of a semi-infinite trench structure in the crystal. Six types of trench structures with different depth-directions and extension-directions are examined. Temperatures of 1000 and 1500K are considered. A core structure with an eightfold ring has been confirmed for edge dislocations along the c axis, though there appear a few atoms that are shifted from the ring core structure. The ring core structure is consistent with reported theoretical expectations and experimental observations. A tenfold ring core structure is also observed for edge dislocations along the c axis. A screw dislocation is generated by an attracting force between gallium and nitrogen atoms across the trench space when the attracting force has a larg... read less NOT USED (high confidence) K. Harafuji, T. Tsuchiya, and K. Kawamura, “Molecular dynamics simulation for evaluating melting point of wurtzite-type GaN crystal,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2004. link Times cited: 65 Abstract: A two-phase molecular dynamics simulation of coexisting soli… read moreAbstract: A two-phase molecular dynamics simulation of coexisting solid and liquid has been carried out to investigate the melting point of wurtzite-type GaN crystals. The melting point is determined by examining the movement of the interface between the solid and liquid during the simulation. The potential is a two-body interatomic one composed of the long-range Coulomb interaction, the Gilbert-type short-range repulsion, the covalent bonding and covalent repulsion of the modified Morse type, and the van der Waals interaction. The melting point and the interface morphology depend on the crystallization direction. The melting point Tm(K) increases with pressure P(GPa), but there appears a discontinuity in the vicinity of 8–9GPa. This is due to the solid-electrolyte-like behavior of Ga atoms with a partial charge in the high-pressure region. The discontinuity has not yet been confirmed by experiment. The least-squares fitted result is Tm=2538+177P−4.62P2 at pressures lower than 8GPa and Tm=2825+210P−5P2 at pressures... read less NOT USED (high confidence) N. Nenuwe and E. Agbalagba, “High-pressure Effect of Elastic and Mechanical Properties of Hexagonal Gallium Nitride.” 2021. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: This study examines an effect of pressure up to 50 GPa on th… read moreAbstract: This study examines an effect of pressure up to 50 GPa on the elastic and mechanical properties of wurtzite gallium nitride (w-GaN) by using classical potential within the Atomistic Tool Kit (ATK)-force field. The obtained results show that the elastic constants and other related parameters, such as Young’s modulus, shear modulus, bulk modulus, Poisson’s ratio, Pugh’s ratio, Zener anisotropy factor and Kleinman parameter increase monotonically with increase of pressure up to 32 GPa. Beyond this pressure, we observed a non-linear behavior with increase in pressure. This might be attributed to the phase transition in GaN in the pressure range of 33.4 44.6 GPa. The results obtained for zero pressure are consistent with both experimental data and the theoretical data shown in references. read less NOT USED (high confidence) J. Yeo, “Modeling and simulation of the structural evolution and thermal properties of ultralight aerogel and 2D materials.” 2014. link Times cited: 1