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LAMMPS Tersoff-ZBL potential for Si-C developed by Devanathan, Diaz de la Rubia, and Weber (1998) v000 |
Description | We have calculated the displacement threshold energies (Ed) for C and Si primary knock-on atoms (PKA) in β-SiC using molecular dynamic simulations. The interactions between atoms were modeled using a modified form of the Tersoff potential in combination with a realistic repulsive potential obtained from density-functional theory calculations. The simulation cell was cubic, contained 8000 atoms and had periodic boundaries. The temperature of the simulation was about 150 K. Our results indicate strong anisotropy in the Ed values for both Si and C PKA. The displacement threshold for Si varies from about 36 eV along [001] to 113 eV along [111], while Ed for C varies from 28 eV along [111] to 71 eV along [111]. These results are in good agreement with experimental observations. |
The supported atomic species.
| C, Si |
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None |
Content Origin | NIST IPRP (https://www.ctcms.nist.gov/potentials/C.html#C-Si) |
Contributor |
Daniel S. Karls |
Maintainer |
Daniel S. Karls |
Developer |
Ram Devanathan Tomas Diaz de la Rubia William J. Weber |
Published on KIM | 2019 |
How to Cite |
This Simulator Model originally published in [1] is archived in OpenKIM [2-4]. [1] Devanathan R, Rubia TD de la, Weber WJ. Displacement threshold energies in β-SiC. Journal of Nuclear Materials [Internet]. 1998;253(1):47–52. Available from: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022311597003048 doi:10.1016/S0022-3115(97)00304-8 — (Primary Source) A primary source is a reference directly related to the item documenting its development, as opposed to other sources that are provided as background information. [2] Devanathan R, Rubia TD de la, Weber WJ. LAMMPS Tersoff-ZBL potential for Si-C developed by Devanathan, Diaz de la Rubia, and Weber (1998) v000. OpenKIM; 2019. doi:10.25950/ab249ae7 [3] Tadmor EB, Elliott RS, Sethna JP, Miller RE, Becker CA. The potential of atomistic simulations and the Knowledgebase of Interatomic Models. JOM. 2011;63(7):17. doi:10.1007/s11837-011-0102-6 [4] Elliott RS, Tadmor EB. Knowledgebase of Interatomic Models (KIM) Application Programming Interface (API). OpenKIM; 2011. doi:10.25950/ff8f563a Click here to download the above citation in BibTeX format. |
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USED (high confidence) S. Pearton et al., “Review—Radiation Damage in Wide and Ultra-Wide Bandgap Semiconductors,” ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 2021. link Times cited: 36 USED (high confidence) S. Yang, Y. Nakagawa, M. Kondo, and T. Shibayama, “Anisotropic Defect Distribution in He+-Irradiated 4h-Sic: Effect of Stress on Defect Distribution,” AMI: Acta Materialia. 2021. link Times cited: 18 Abstract: Irradiation-induced anisotropic swelling in hexagonal α-SiC … read more USED (high confidence) J. Woźny, A. Kovalchuk, J. Podgórski, and Z. Lisik, “Extended Hückel Semi-Empirical Approach as an Efficient Method for Structural Defects Analysis in 4H-SiC,” Materials. 2021. link Times cited: 1 Abstract: This paper presents an efficient method to calculate the inf… read more USED (high confidence) E. Kishor and N. Swaminathan, “Molecular-dynamics-based characterization and comparison of the radiation damage properties of three polytypes of cubic BC3,” Sādhanā. 2020. link Times cited: 1 USED (high confidence) Z. Xu et al., “Nanocutting mechanism of 6H-SiC investigated by scanning electron microscope online observation and stress-assisted and ion implant-assisted approaches,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2020. link Times cited: 14 USED (high confidence) Z. Xu et al., “Nanocutting mechanism of 6H-SiC investigated by scanning electron microscope online observation and stress-assisted and ion implant-assisted approaches,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2020. link Times cited: 0 USED (high confidence) W.-min Li et al., “Threshold displacement energies and displacement cascades in 4H-SiC: Molecular dynamic simulations,” AIP Advances. 2019. link Times cited: 15 Abstract: Molecular dynamic (MD) simulations were used to study thresh… read more USED (high confidence) Z. Bai, L. Zhang, H. Li, and L. Liu, “Nanopore Creation in Graphene by Ion Beam Irradiation: Geometry, Quality, and Efficiency.,” ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2016. link Times cited: 56 Abstract: Ion beam irradiation is a promising approach to fabricate na… read more USED (high confidence) K. Leung, Z. Pan, and D. Warner, “Kohn–Sham density functional theory prediction of fracture in silicon carbide under mixed mode loading,” Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 2016. link Times cited: 6 Abstract: The utility of silicon carbide (SiC) for high temperature st… read more USED (high confidence) W. Li and J. Xue, “Ion implantation of low energy Si into graphene: insight from computational studies,” RSC Advances. 2015. link Times cited: 7 Abstract: By employing both molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and ab… read more USED (high confidence) S. Kiani et al., “Dislocation glide-controlled room-temperature plasticity in 6H-SiC single crystals,” Acta Materialia. 2014. link Times cited: 45 USED (high confidence) E. Jin, L. Niu, E. Lin, and Z. Duan, “Effects of irradiation on the mechanical behavior of twined SiC nanowires,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2013. link Times cited: 8 Abstract: Irradiation is known to bring new features in one-dimensiona… read more USED (high confidence) Y. Zhang et al., “Nanoscale engineering of radiation tolerant silicon carbide.,” Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP. 2012. link Times cited: 93 Abstract: Radiation tolerance is determined by how effectively the mic… read more USED (high confidence) J. Palko and J. R. Srour, “Amorphous Inclusions in Irradiated Silicon and Their Effects on Material and Device Properties,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 2008. link Times cited: 27 Abstract: Clustered damage plays an important role in determining the … read more USED (high confidence) W. Jiang, W. J. Weber, C. M. Wang, and Y. Zhang, “Disordering behavior and helium diffusion in He^+ irradiated 6H–SiC,” Journal of Materials Research. 2002. link Times cited: 14 Abstract: Single-crystal 6H–SiC wafers were irradiated at 300 K with 5… read more USED (low confidence) X. Zhou, M. Hou, R. Liu, and B. Liu, “Fabrication of beryllium oxide based fully ceramic microencapsulated nuclear fuels with dispersed TRISO particles by pressureless sintering method,” Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2024. link Times cited: 0 USED (low confidence) Y. Chen, H. Liu, C. Yan, and H. Wei, “Influence of Temperature and Incidence Angle on the Irradiation Cascade Effect of 6H-SiC: Molecular Dynamics Simulations,” Micromachines. 2023. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: SiC devices have been typically subjected to extreme environ… read more USED (low confidence) S. Leroch, R. Stella, A. Hössinger, and L. Filipovic, “Molecular dynamics study of Al implantation in 4H-SiC,” 2023 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD). 2023. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: We have performed a molecular dynamics study of Al-implantat… read more USED (low confidence) Z. Ou, W. Wu, and H. Dai, “Molecular dynamics simulation-based study of single-crystal 3C-SiC nano-indentation with water film,” Applied Physics A. 2023. link Times cited: 0 USED (low confidence) Y. Liu et al., “Deep learning inter-atomic potential for irradiation damage in 3C-SiC,” Computational Materials Science. 2023. link Times cited: 0 USED (low confidence) Y. Fan, Z. Xu, C. Yang, Z. Yang, K. Zhang, and S. Zheng, “Xenon ion implantation induced defects and amorphization in 4H–SiC: Insights from MD simulation and Raman spectroscopy characterization,” Ceramics International. 2023. link Times cited: 2 USED (low confidence) L. H. Tuan and L. Sang, “Annealing coatings of graphene on silicon and application to tribology,” Tribology International. 2023. link Times cited: 1 USED (low confidence) N. Mitra and K. Ramesh, “Physics of molecular deformation mechanism in 6H-SiC,” Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 2023. link Times cited: 2 Abstract: Even though there have been several studies in literature of… read more USED (low confidence) Y. Chen, H. Liu, T. Gao, and H. Wei, “Simulation of the Irradiation Cascade Effect of 6H-SiC Based on Molecular Dynamics Principles,” Micromachines. 2023. link Times cited: 1 Abstract: When semiconductor materials are exposed to radiation fields… read more USED (low confidence) H. Huang, Y. Zhong, B. Cai, J. Wang, Z. Liu, and Q. Peng, “Size- and Temperature-Dependent Thermal Transport Across a Cu−Diamond Interface: Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations,” SSRN Electronic Journal. 2023. link Times cited: 3 USED (low confidence) B.-G. Jeong, S. Lahkar, Q. An, and K. Reddy, “Mechanical Properties and Deformation Behavior of Superhard Lightweight Nanocrystalline Ceramics,” Nanomaterials. 2022. link Times cited: 4 Abstract: Lightweight polycrystalline ceramics possess promising physi… read more USED (low confidence) W. Wu, Y. Hu, X. Meng, J. Dai, and H. Dai, “Molecular dynamics simulation of ion-implanted single-crystal 3C-SiC nano-indentation,” Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2022. link Times cited: 12 USED (low confidence) C. Yin et al., “A Multi-Scale Simulation Study of Irradiation Swelling of Silicon Carbide,” Materials. 2022. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: Silicon carbide (SiC) is a promising structural and cladding… read more USED (low confidence) Y. Jin et al., “Role of interface on irradiation damage of Cu−diamond composites using classical molecular dynamics simulations,” Ceramics International. 2022. link Times cited: 4 USED (low confidence) T.-K. Liu, T. Shao, F. Lyu, X. Lai, and A. Shen, “Molecular dynamics simulations to assess the radiation resistance of different crystal orientations of diamond under neutron irradiation,” Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 2022. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: The evolution of defects in diamond under neutron irradiatio… read more USED (low confidence) Q. Wang, N. Gui, X. Huang, X. Yang, J. Tu, and S. Jiang, “The effect of temperature and cascade collision on thermal conductivity of 3C-SiC: A molecular dynamics study,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2021. link Times cited: 10 USED (low confidence) D. Sahoo, P. Chaudhuri, and N. Swaminathan, “A molecular dynamics study of displacement cascades and radiation induced amorphization in Li2TiO3,” Computational Materials Science. 2021. link Times cited: 11 USED (low confidence) Q. Ran et al., “Molecular dynamics simulation of displacement cascades in cubic silicon carbide,” Nuclear materials and energy. 2021. link Times cited: 10 USED (low confidence) H. He et al., “Primary damage of 10 keV Ga PKA in bulk GaN material under different temperatures,” Nuclear Engineering and Technology. 2020. link Times cited: 14 USED (low confidence) A. Y. Nobakht et al., “Reconstruction of effective potential from statistical analysis of dynamic trajectories,” arXiv: Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics. 2020. link Times cited: 6 Abstract: The broad incorporation of microscopic methods is yielding a… read more USED (low confidence) L. Zhao, M. Alam, J. Zhang, R. Janisch, and A. Hartmaier, “Amorphization-governed elasto-plastic deformation under nanoindentation in cubic (3C) silicon carbide,” Ceramics International. 2020. link Times cited: 43 USED (low confidence) B. Dacus, B. Beeler, and D. Schwen, “Calculation of threshold displacement energies in UO2,” Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2019. link Times cited: 15 USED (low confidence) X. Fu, Z. Xu, Z. He, A. Hartmaier, and F. Fang, “Molecular dynamics simulation of silicon ion implantation into diamond and subsequent annealing,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2019. link Times cited: 17 USED (low confidence) Y. Li, Y. Li, and W. Xiao, “Point defects and grain boundary effects on tensile strength of 3C-SiC studied by molecular dynamics simulations,” Nuclear Engineering and Technology. 2019. link Times cited: 4 USED (low confidence) M. A. Abdol, S. Sadeghzadeh, M. Jalaly, and M. M. Khatibi, “Constructing a three-dimensional graphene structure via bonding layers by ion beam irradiation,” Scientific Reports. 2019. link Times cited: 18 USED (low confidence) C. Xu, G. He, C. Liu, and H. Wang, “Twin-size effects on the hardness and plastic deformation mechanisms of nanotwinned diamond,” Ceramics International. 2018. link Times cited: 18 USED (low confidence) M. Suhail, B. Puliyeri, P. Chaudhuri, R. Annabattula, and N. Swaminathan, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Primary Damage in β-Li2TiO3,” Fusion Engineering and Design. 2018. link Times cited: 7 USED (low confidence) B. Cowen and M. El-Genk, “Characterization of radiation damage in TiO2 using molecular dynamics simulations,” Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 2018. link Times cited: 1 Abstract: Molecular dynamics simulations are carried out to characteri… read more USED (low confidence) B. Cowen and M. El-Genk, “Point defects production and energy thresholds for displacements in crystalline and amorphous SiC,” Computational Materials Science. 2018. link Times cited: 11 USED (low confidence) X. Ma et al., “Graphitization resistance determines super hardness of lonsdaleite, nanotwinned and nanopolycrystalline diamond,” Carbon. 2018. link Times cited: 25 USED (low confidence) C. Zhang, H.-Z. Song, F. Mao, C. Wang, D.-Q. Wang, and F.-S. Zhang, “Molecular dynamics simulation of irradiation damage of SiC/Gra/SiC composites,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2017. link Times cited: 4 USED (low confidence) S. Goel, S. Chavoshi, and A. Murphy, “Molecular dynamics simulation (MDS) to study nanoscale machining processes.” 2017. link Times cited: 2 Abstract: 1 Molecular dynamics simulation (MDS) to study nanoscale cut… read more USED (low confidence) J. Martinez-Asencio, C. Ruestes, E. Bringa, and M. Caturla, “Defect production in Ar irradiated graphene membranes under different initial applied strains,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2017. link Times cited: 1 USED (low confidence) Y. Li, W. Xiao, and H. Li, “Molecular dynamics simulation of C/Si ratio effect on the irradiation swelling of β-SiC,” Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2016. link Times cited: 4 USED (low confidence) B. Cowen and M. El-Genk, “Probability-based threshold displacement energies for oxygen and silicon atoms in α-quartz silica,” Computational Materials Science. 2016. link Times cited: 17 USED (low confidence) J. Xi et al., “The role of point defects in the swelling and elastic modulus of irradiated cubic silicon carbide,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2015. link Times cited: 11 USED (low confidence) Y. Han and V. Tomar, “An ab-initio analysis of the influence of knock-on atom induced damage on the peak tensile strength of 3C-SiC grain boundaries,” International Journal of Damage Mechanics. 2015. link Times cited: 2 Abstract: The effect of knock-on atom induced damage on the peak tensi… read more USED (low confidence) Y. Rosandi and H. Urbassek, “Subsurface and interface channeling of keV ions in graphene/SiC,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2014. link Times cited: 1 USED (low confidence) K. Leung, Z. Pan, and D. Warner, “Atomistic-based predictions of crack tip behavior in silicon carbide across a range of temperatures and strain rates,” Acta Materialia. 2014. link Times cited: 25 USED (low confidence) J. Xi et al., “Evolution of Defects and Defect Clusters in β-SiC Irradiated at High Temperature,” Fusion Science and Technology. 2014. link Times cited: 11 Abstract: A molecular dynamics study has been performed to investigate… read more USED (low confidence) K. Kang, T. Eun, M.-C. Jun, and B.-J. Lee, “Governing factors for the formation of 4H or 6H-SiC polytype during SiC crystal growth: An atomistic computational approach,” Journal of Crystal Growth. 2014. link Times cited: 30 USED (low confidence) Y. Han and V. Tomar, “An ab initio study of the structure–strength correlation in impact damaged SiC grain boundaries,” Computational Materials Science. 2014. link Times cited: 4 USED (low confidence) P. K. Nandi, A. Annamareddy, and J. Eapen, “Role of CSL Boundaries on Displacement Cascades in β-SiC,” MRS Proceedings. 2013. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are carried out to under… read more USED (low confidence) P. Käshammer and T. Sinno, “Interactions of twin boundaries with intrinsic point defects and carbon in silicon,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2013. link Times cited: 22 Abstract: Although multicrystalline silicon (mc-Si) is currently the m… read more USED (low confidence) J. Xi et al., “Evolution of atoms with special coordination number in β-SiC with temperature,” Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2013. link Times cited: 7 USED (low confidence) S. Zhao, J. Xue, C. Lan, L. Sun, Y. Wang, and S. Yan, “Influence of high pressure on the threshold displacement energies in silicon carbide: A Car–Parrinello molecular dynamics approach,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2012. link Times cited: 10 USED (low confidence) D. Li and Z. Wang, “TENSILE BEHAVIOR OF AMORPHOUS LAYER COATED SILICON CARBIDE NANOWIRES: AN ATOMIC SIMULATION,” Modern Physics Letters B. 2011. link Times cited: 1 Abstract: The tensile behavior of amorphous layer coated SiC nanowires… read more USED (low confidence) E. Lampin, C. Priester, C. Krzeminski, and L. Magaud, “Graphene buffer layer on Si-terminated SiC studied with an empirical interatomic potential,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2010. link Times cited: 23 Abstract: The atomistic structure of the graphenebuffer layer on Si-te… read more USED (low confidence) Z. Wang, J. Li, F. Gao, and W. J. Weber, “Tensile and compressive mechanical behavior of twinned silicon carbide nanowires,” Acta Materialia. 2010. link Times cited: 39 USED (low confidence) H. Pan and X. Si, “Molecular dynamics simulations of diameter dependence tensile behavior of silicon carbide nanotubes,” Physica B-condensed Matter. 2009. link Times cited: 28 USED (low confidence) D. Farrell, N. Bernstein, and W. K. Liu, “Thermal effects in 10 keV Si PKA cascades in 3C-SiC,” Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2009. link Times cited: 41 USED (low confidence) Z. Wang, X. Zu, F. Gao, and W. J. Weber, “Nanomechanical behavior of single crystalline SiC nanotubes revealed by molecular dynamics simulations,” Journal of Applied Physics. 2008. link Times cited: 7 Abstract: Molecular dynamics simulations with Tersoff potentials were … read more USED (low confidence) Z. Wang, D. Cheng, Z. Li, and X. Zu, “Simulation on the effects of torsion strain on the mechanical properties of SiC nanowires under tensile and compressive loading,” European Physical Journal-applied Physics. 2008. link Times cited: 3 Abstract: Molecular dynamics simulations with Tersoff potentials were … read more USED (low confidence) Z. Wang, X. Zu, F. Gao, and W. J. 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Weber, “Atomistic simulations on the thermal stability of the antisite pair in 3C- and 4H-SiC,” Physical Review B. 2006. link Times cited: 16 Abstract: The thermal stability of the first-neighbor antisite pair co… read more USED (low confidence) G. Lucas and L. Pizzagalli, “Ab Initio Investigations of Threshold Displacement Energies and Stability of Associated Defects in Cubic Silicon Carbide,” Solid State Phenomena. 2005. link Times cited: 0 Abstract: Using first principles molecular dynamics simulations, we ha… read more USED (low confidence) A. Soum-Glaude, L. Thomas, É. Tomasella, J. Badie, and R. Berjoan, “Selective effect of ion/surface interaction in low frequency PACVD of SiC:H films: Part A. Gas phase considerations,” Surface & Coatings Technology. 2005. link Times cited: 14 USED (low confidence) W. J. Weber, F. Gao, R. Devanathan, and W. Jiang, “The efficiency of damage production in silicon carbide,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2004. link Times cited: 30 USED (low confidence) M. Ishimaru, I. Bae, and Y. Hirotsu, “Electron-beam-induced amorphization in SiC,” Physical Review B. 2003. link Times cited: 52 Abstract: We performed electron irradiation into silicon carbide (SiC)… read more USED (low confidence) W. J. Weber, W. Jiang, Y. Zhang, and A. Hallén, “Damage evolution and recovery in 4H and 6H silicon carbide irradiated with aluminum ions,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2002. link Times cited: 6 USED (low confidence) W. Jiang, W. J. Weber, S. Thevuthasan, and V. Shutthanandan, “Deuterium channeling study of disorder in Al22+-implanted 6H-SiC,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2002. link Times cited: 5 USED (low confidence) Z. Zolnai et al., “Investigation of ion implantation-induced damage in the carbon and silicon sublattices of 6H-SiC,” Diamond and Related Materials. 2002. link Times cited: 10 USED (low confidence) M. Posselt, V. Belko, and E. Chagarov, “Influence of polytypism on elementary processes of ion-beam-induced defect production in SiC,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2001. link Times cited: 4 USED (low confidence) F. Gao, E. Bylaska, W. J. Weber, and L. Corrales, “Native defect properties in β-SiC: Ab initio and empirical potential calculations,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2001. link Times cited: 44 USED (low confidence) W. Jiang, W. J. Weber, and S. Thevuthasan, “Ion Implantation and Thermal Annealing in Silicon Carbide and Gallium Nitride,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2001. link Times cited: 7 USED (low confidence) W. J. Weber, W. Jiang, and S. Thevuthasan, “Accumulation, dynamic annealing and thermal recovery of ion-beam-induced disorder in silicon carbide,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2001. link Times cited: 49 USED (low confidence) W. Jiang, W. J. Weber, S. Thevuthasan, and V. Shutthanandan, “Accumulation and Recovery of Disorder on Silicon and Carbon Sublattices in Ion-Irradiated 6H-SiC,” Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2001. link Times cited: 43 USED (low confidence) L. Malerba and J. Perlado, “Molecular dynamics simulation of irradiation-induced amorphization of cubic silicon carbide,” Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2001. link Times cited: 45 USED (low confidence) L. Malerba, J. Perlado, A. Sánchez-Rubio, I. Pastor, L. Colombo, and T. D. Rubia, “Molecular dynamics simulation of defect production in irradiated β-SiC,” Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2000. link Times cited: 13 USED (low confidence) W. J. Weber, W. Jiang, and S. Thevuthasan, “Defect annealing kinetics in irradiated 6H–SiC,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2000. link Times cited: 29 USED (low confidence) B. Park, W. J. Weber, and L. Corrales, “Molecular dynamics study of the threshold displacement energy in MgO,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2000. link Times cited: 29 USED (low confidence) R. Devanathan and W. J. Weber, “Displacement energy surface in 3C and 6H SiC,” Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2000. link Times cited: 190 USED (low confidence) W. Jiang, S. Thevuthasan, W. J. Weber, and R. Grötzschel, “Deuterium channeling analysis for He+-implanted 6H–SiC,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2000. link Times cited: 19 USED (low confidence) W. Jiang, W. J. Weber, S. Thevuthasan, and D. Mccready, “DISPLACEMENT ENERGY MEASUREMENTS FOR ION-IRRADIATED 6H-SIC,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 1999. link Times cited: 26 USED (low confidence) W. Jiang, W. J. Weber, S. Thevuthasan, and D. Mccready, “Damage accumulation and annealing in 6H–SiC irradiated with Si+,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 1998. link Times cited: 43 USED (low confidence) U. Saha and K. Devan, “The computation of displacement damage cross sections of silicon, carbon and silicon carbide for high energy applications,” Materials Today: Proceedings. 2018. link Times cited: 1 USED (low confidence) D. Sahoo, I. Szlufarska, D. Morgan, and N. Swaminathan, “Role of pre-existing point defects on primary damage production and amorphization in silicon carbide (β-SiC),” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2018. link Times cited: 13 USED (low confidence) L. Sang, “Affect of the graphene layers on the melting temperature of silicon by molecular dynamics simulations,” Computational Materials Science. 2016. link Times cited: 8 USED (low confidence) S. Goel, X. Luo, A. Agrawal, and R. Reuben, “Diamond machining of silicon: A review of advances in molecular dynamics simulation,” International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture. 2015. link Times cited: 314 USED (low confidence) X. Yuan and L. Hobbs, “Influence of Interatomic Potentials in MD Investigation of Ordering in a -SiC,” MRS Proceedings. 2000. link Times cited: 4 Abstract: Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of a -SiC using several … read more USED (low confidence) R. Devanathan, F. Gao, and W. J. Weber, “Computer Simulation of Energy Dependence of Primary Damage States in SiC,” MRS Proceedings. 2000. link Times cited: 0 USED (low confidence) J. Perlado, L. Malerba, A. Sánchez-Rubio, and T. D. Rubia, “Analysis of displacement cascades and threshold displacement energies in β-sic,” Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2000. link Times cited: 48 USED (low confidence) R. Scholz and H. 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Funding | Not available |
Short KIM ID
The unique KIM identifier code.
| SM_578912636995_000 |
Extended KIM ID
The long form of the KIM ID including a human readable prefix (100 characters max), two underscores, and the Short KIM ID. Extended KIM IDs can only contain alpha-numeric characters (letters and digits) and underscores and must begin with a letter.
| Sim_LAMMPS_TersoffZBL_DevanathanDiazdelaRubiaWeber_1998_SiC__SM_578912636995_000 |
10.25950/ab249ae7 https://doi.org/10.25950/ab249ae7 https://commons.datacite.org/doi.org/10.25950/ab249ae7 |
KIM Item Type | Simulator Model |
KIM API Version | 2.1 |
Simulator Name
The name of the simulator as defined in kimspec.edn.
Potential Type | tersoff |
Simulator Potential | tersoff/zbl |
Run Compatibility | portable-models |
Grade | Name | Category | Brief Description | Full Results | Aux File(s) |
P | vc-species-supported-as-stated | mandatory | The model supports all species it claims to support; see full description. |
Results | Files |
P | vc-periodicity-support | mandatory | Periodic boundary conditions are handled correctly; see full description. |
Results | Files |
P | vc-permutation-symmetry | mandatory | Total energy and forces are unchanged when swapping atoms of the same species; see full description. |
Results | Files |
A | vc-forces-numerical-derivative | consistency | Forces computed by the model agree with numerical derivatives of the energy; see full description. |
Results | Files |
F | vc-dimer-continuity-c1 | informational | The energy versus separation relation of a pair of atoms is C1 continuous (i.e. the function and its first derivative are continuous); see full description. |
Results | Files |
P | vc-objectivity | informational | Total energy is unchanged and forces transform correctly under rigid-body translation and rotation; see full description. |
Results | Files |
P | vc-inversion-symmetry | informational | Total energy is unchanged and forces change sign when inverting a configuration through the origin; see full description. |
Results | Files |
F | vc-memory-leak | informational | The model code does not have memory leaks (i.e. it releases all allocated memory at the end); see full description. |
Results | Files |
N/A | vc-thread-safe | mandatory | The model returns the same energy and forces when computed in serial and when using parallel threads for a set of configurations. Note that this is not a guarantee of thread safety; see full description. |
Results | Files |
This bar chart plot shows the mono-atomic body-centered cubic (bcc) lattice constant predicted by the current model (shown in the unique color) compared with the predictions for all other models in the OpenKIM Repository that support the species. The vertical bars show the average and standard deviation (one sigma) bounds for all model predictions. Graphs are generated for each species supported by the model.
This graph shows the cohesive energy versus volume-per-atom for the current mode for four mono-atomic cubic phases (body-centered cubic (bcc), face-centered cubic (fcc), simple cubic (sc), and diamond). The curve with the lowest minimum is the ground state of the crystal if stable. (The crystal structure is enforced in these calculations, so the phase may not be stable.) Graphs are generated for each species supported by the model.
This bar chart plot shows the mono-atomic face-centered diamond lattice constant predicted by the current model (shown in the unique color) compared with the predictions for all other models in the OpenKIM Repository that support the species. The vertical bars show the average and standard deviation (one sigma) bounds for all model predictions. Graphs are generated for each species supported by the model.
This graph shows the dislocation core energy of a cubic crystal at zero temperature and pressure for a specific set of dislocation core cutoff radii. After obtaining the total energy of the system from conjugate gradient minimizations, non-singular, isotropic and anisotropic elasticity are applied to obtain the dislocation core energy for each of these supercells with different dipole distances. Graphs are generated for each species supported by the model.
(No matching species)This bar chart plot shows the mono-atomic face-centered cubic (fcc) elastic constants predicted by the current model (shown in blue) compared with the predictions for all other models in the OpenKIM Repository that support the species. The vertical bars show the average and standard deviation (one sigma) bounds for all model predictions. Graphs are generated for each species supported by the model.
This bar chart plot shows the mono-atomic face-centered cubic (fcc) lattice constant predicted by the current model (shown in red) compared with the predictions for all other models in the OpenKIM Repository that support the species. The vertical bars show the average and standard deviation (one sigma) bounds for all model predictions. Graphs are generated for each species supported by the model.
This bar chart plot shows the intrinsic and extrinsic stacking fault energies as well as the unstable stacking and unstable twinning energies for face-centered cubic (fcc) predicted by the current model (shown in blue) compared with the predictions for all other models in the OpenKIM Repository that support the species. The vertical bars show the average and standard deviation (one sigma) bounds for all model predictions. Graphs are generated for each species supported by the model.
(No matching species)This bar chart plot shows the mono-atomic face-centered cubic (fcc) relaxed surface energies predicted by the current model (shown in blue) compared with the predictions for all other models in the OpenKIM Repository that support the species. The vertical bars show the average and standard deviation (one sigma) bounds for all model predictions. Graphs are generated for each species supported by the model.
(No matching species)This bar chart plot shows the mono-atomic simple cubic (sc) lattice constant predicted by the current model (shown in the unique color) compared with the predictions for all other models in the OpenKIM Repository that support the species. The vertical bars show the average and standard deviation (one sigma) bounds for all model predictions. Graphs are generated for each species supported by the model.
Test | Test Results | Link to Test Results page | Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.
Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI) |
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for bcc Carbon | view | 2438 | |
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for diamond Carbon | view | 2503 | |
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for fcc Carbon | view | 2246 | |
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for sc Carbon | view | 2727 |
Test | Test Results | Link to Test Results page | Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.
Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI) |
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for bcc Si v004 | view | 1790 | |
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for diamond Si v004 | view | 1988 | |
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for fcc Si v004 | view | 1780 | |
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for sc Si v004 | view | 1641 |
Test | Test Results | Link to Test Results page | Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.
Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI) |
Elastic constants for CSi in AFLOW crystal prototype A2B_cP12_205_c_a at zero temperature and pressure v000 | view | 255095 |
Test | Test Results | Link to Test Results page | Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.
Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI) |
Elastic constants for bcc C at zero temperature v005 | view | 4364 | |
Elastic constants for diamond C at zero temperature v000 | view | 16203 | |
Elastic constants for fcc C at zero temperature v005 | view | 4524 | |
Elastic constants for sc C at zero temperature v005 | view | 3273 |
Test | Test Results | Link to Test Results page | Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.
Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI) |
Elastic constants for bcc Si at zero temperature v006 | view | 5342 | |
Elastic constants for diamond Si at zero temperature v001 | view | 6910 | |
Elastic constants for fcc Si at zero temperature v006 | view | 8893 | |
Elastic constants for sc Si at zero temperature v006 | view | 7837 |
Test | Test Results | Link to Test Results page | Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.
Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI) |
Elastic constants for hcp C at zero temperature | view | 3594 | |
Elastic constants for hcp Si at zero temperature | view | 3337 |
Test | Test Results | Link to Test Results page | Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.
Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI) |
Cohesive energy and equilibrium lattice constant of graphene v002 | view | 2399 |
Test | Test Results | Link to Test Results page | Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.
Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI) |
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for bcc C v007 | view | 6078 | |
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for bcc Si v007 | view | 6718 | |
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for diamond C v007 | view | 6494 | |
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for diamond Si v007 | view | 7933 | |
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for fcc C v007 | view | 6494 | |
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for fcc Si v007 | view | 6590 | |
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for sc C v007 | view | 6238 | |
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for sc Si v007 | view | 5598 |
Test | Test Results | Link to Test Results page | Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.
Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI) |
Equilibrium lattice constants for hcp C | view | 11358 | |
Equilibrium lattice constants for hcp Si | view | 9722 |
Test | Test Results | Link to Test Results page | Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.
Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI) |
Linear thermal expansion coefficient of diamond Si at 293.15 K under a pressure of 0 MPa v002 | view | 889466 |
Test | Test Results | Link to Test Results page | Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.
Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI) |
Monovacancy formation energy and relaxation volume for diamond Si | view | 2349966 |
Test | Test Results | Link to Test Results page | Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.
Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI) |
Vacancy formation and migration energy for diamond Si | view | 4557256 |
Test | Error Categories | Link to Error page |
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for bcc Carbon | other | view |
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for fcc Silicon | other | view |
Cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve for sc Carbon | other | view |
Test | Error Categories | Link to Error page |
Elastic constants for fcc C at zero temperature | other | view |
Elastic constants for fcc Si at zero temperature | other | view |
Test | Error Categories | Link to Error page |
Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for C in AFLOW crystal prototype A_oC8_67_m v002 | other | view |
Test | Error Categories | Link to Error page |
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for bcc C v007 | other | view |
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for diamond C v007 | other | view |
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for fcc C v007 | other | view |
Equilibrium zero-temperature lattice constant for sc C v007 | other | view |
Test | Error Categories | Link to Error page |
Equilibrium lattice constants for hcp C v005 | other | view |
Equilibrium lattice constants for hcp Si v005 | other | view |
Test | Error Categories | Link to Error page |
Linear thermal expansion coefficient of diamond Si at 293.15 K under a pressure of 0 MPa v001 | other | view |
Verification Check | Error Categories | Link to Error page |
MemoryLeak__VC_561022993723_004 | other | view |
Sim_LAMMPS_TersoffZBL_DevanathanDiazdelaRubiaWeber_1998_SiC__SM_578912636995_000.txz | Tar+XZ | Linux and OS X archive |
Sim_LAMMPS_TersoffZBL_DevanathanDiazdelaRubiaWeber_1998_SiC__SM_578912636995_000.zip | Zip | Windows archive |