OpenKIM Username: petr-grigorev
OpenKIM User ID: e76ad141-1557-4e16-8cd1-b5a98d24ad26
Biography —
I am from Saint-Petersburg and obtained my master degree in Physics from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University in 2012. The same year I enrolled in a Ph.D. program shared between Ghent University and Complutense University of Madrid within the framework of Erasmus Mundus FUSION-DC. However I spent most of my time at Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK•CEN in Mol, Belgium working on my research project together with Structural Materials expert group. I defended my Ph.D. in April 2017 and, shortly after that, joined Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling as a Research Fellow. In December 2020 I started as a postdoc at the Départment Théorie et Simulation Numérique of Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille (CINaM).
Description of Work —
I am a Research Fellow working in the field of computational material science. I am interested in application and development of simulation methods bridging different length and time scales. Recently I have been working on incorporating methods of reproducible research, uncertainty quantification and machine learning in multiscale modelling approach.
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