KIM ID VC_303890932454_005-and-MO_228581001644_004-vr
KIM ID (with timestamp) VC_303890932454_005-and-MO_228581001644_004-1686590541-vr
KIM Item Type Verification Result
Verification Check DimerContinuityC1__VC_303890932454_005
Model Morse_Shifted_GirifalcoWeizer_1959LowCutoff_Mo__MO_228581001644_004
Whetstone Benchmark

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions Per Second (MWIPS)
CPU AMD EPYC 7662 64-Core Processor
The amount of time the CPU was busy executing code in user space.

Measured in seconds
Usertime × Whetstone Benchmark
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
Grade F
Category informational
Name vc-dimer-continuity-c1
Description Determines whether a model has a continuous energy and first derivative, i.e. belongs to the C^1 continuity class, for all possible dimers. For a model supporting N species, there are N + N!/(2(N-2)! distinct dimers for all possible species combinations. (For example if N=3, there are 3+3!/2=6 dimers. If the species are A,B,C, the 6 dimers are AA, BB, CC, AB, AC, BC.) For each dimer, the equilibrium separation and cutoff are determined. The continuity across the cutoff is assessed. Then an analysis is performed to detect any discontinuities from half the equilibrium distance to the cutoff. Although the verification check only requires C^1 continuity to pass, continuity up to 3rd order is checked and reported.