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Monovacancy formation energy and relaxation volume for hcp Co
Description Computes unrelaxed and relaxed monovancany formation energies and relaxation volume for hcp Co at zero temperature and zero pressure
The supported atomic species.
A statement of applicability provided by the contributor, informing users of the intended use of this KIM Item.
Contributor Junhao Li
Maintainer Daniel S. Karls
Developer Junhao Li
Published on KIM 2023
How to Cite

This Test is archived in OpenKIM [1-4].

[1] Li J. Monovacancy formation energy and relaxation volume for hcp Co [Internet]. OpenKIM; 2023. Available from: https://openkim.org/cite/TE_746865778644_001

[2] Li J, Fuemmeler E. Monovacancy formation energy and relaxation volume for cubic and hcp monoatomic crystals v001. OpenKIM; 2023. doi:10.25950/fca89cea

[3] Tadmor EB, Elliott RS, Sethna JP, Miller RE, Becker CA. The potential of atomistic simulations and the Knowledgebase of Interatomic Models. JOM. 2011;63(7):17. doi:10.1007/s11837-011-0102-6

[4] Elliott RS, Tadmor EB. Knowledgebase of Interatomic Models (KIM) Application Programming Interface (API). OpenKIM; 2011. doi:10.25950/ff8f563a

Click here to download the above citation in BibTeX format.
Funding Not available
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Citable Link https://openkim.org/cite/TE_746865778644_001
KIM Item TypeTest
Properties as defined in kimspec.edn. These properties are inhereted from the Test Driver.
KIM API Version2.3.0
Simulator Name
The name of the simulator as defined in kimspec.edn. This Simulator Name is inhereted from the Test Driver.
Programming Language(s)
The programming languages used in the code and the percentage of the code written in each one.
100.00% Python
Previous Version VacancyFormationEnergyRelaxationVolume_hcp_Co__TE_746865778644_000

Model Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
EAM_Dynamo_DeluigiPasianotValencia_2021_FeNiCrCoCu__MO_657255834688_000 view 434508
EAM_Dynamo_FarkasCaro_2018_FeNiCrCoCu__MO_803527979660_000 view 435833
EAM_Dynamo_FarkasCaro_2020_FeNiCrCoAl__MO_820335782779_000 view 382017
EAM_Dynamo_PunMishin_2012_Co__MO_885079680379_005 view 439662
EAM_Dynamo_PunYamakovMishin_2013_AlCo__MO_678952612413_000 view 499073
EAM_Dynamo_PunYamakovMishin_2013_NiAlCo__MO_826591359508_000 view 475147
EAM_Dynamo_PunYamakovMishin_2015_NiCo__MO_010613863288_000 view 456373
EAM_Dynamo_VailheFarkas_1997_CoAl__MO_284963179498_005 view 297942
EAM_Dynamo_ZhouJohnsonWadley_2004_Co__MO_924630542818_005 view 1122786
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EAM_Dynamo_ZhouJohnsonWadley_2004NISTretabulation_Co__MO_247800397145_000 view 869164
Model Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
EAM_IMD_BrommerGaehler_2006A_AlNiCo__MO_122703700223_003 view 42529606
Model Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
LJ_ElliottAkerson_2015_Universal__MO_959249795837_003 view 19292031
Model Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
MEAM_LAMMPS_ChoiJoSohn_2018_CoNiCrFeMn__MO_115454747503_002 view 739665
MEAM_LAMMPS_ChoiKimSeol_2017_CoCr__MO_410167849923_002 view 562461
MEAM_LAMMPS_ChoiKimSeol_2017_CoFe__MO_179158257180_002 view 551786
MEAM_LAMMPS_ChoiKimSeol_2017_CoMn__MO_808662295149_002 view 783175
MEAM_LAMMPS_DongKimKo_2012_CoAl__MO_099716416216_002 view 756671
MEAM_LAMMPS_JeongParkDo_2018_PdCo__MO_101997554790_002 view 767273
MEAM_LAMMPS_KimJungLee_2015_NiAlCo__MO_876687166519_002 view 728401
MEAM_LAMMPS_KimSeolJi_2017_PtCo__MO_545073984441_002 view 740033
MEAM_LAMMPS_OhSeolLee_2020_CoTi__MO_862371677648_002 view 898612
MEAM_LAMMPS_OhSeolLee_2020_CoV__MO_771146361182_002 view 878734
MEAM_LAMMPS_WangOhLee_2020_CuCo__MO_694335101831_002 view 881311
MEAM_LAMMPS_WangOhLee_2020_CuCo__MO_849011491644_002 view 461748
No Driver
Model Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
Sim_LAMMPS_Table_GrogerVitekDlouhy_2020_CoCrFeMnNi__SM_786004631953_000 view 27904820

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