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Vacancy formation and migration energy for sc O
Description Computes relaxed monovacancy formation and migration energy for sc O at zero temperature and zero pressure
The supported atomic species.
A statement of applicability provided by the contributor, informing users of the intended use of this KIM Item.
Contributor Junhao Li
Maintainer Daniel S. Karls
Developer Junhao Li
Published on KIM 2023
How to Cite

This Test originally published in [1] is archived in OpenKIM [2-5].

[1] Jónsson H, Mills G, Jacobsen KW. Nudged elastic band method for finding minimum energy paths of transitions. In: Classical and quantum dynamics in condensed phase simulations. 1998. p. 385–404. doi:10.1142/9789812839664_0016

[2] Li J. Vacancy formation and migration energy for sc O [Internet]. OpenKIM; 2023. Available from: https://openkim.org/cite/TE_006415178296_001

[3] Li J, Fuemmeler E. Vacancy formation and migration energies for cubic and hcp monoatomic crystals v001. OpenKIM; 2023. doi:10.25950/c27ba3cd

[4] Tadmor EB, Elliott RS, Sethna JP, Miller RE, Becker CA. The potential of atomistic simulations and the Knowledgebase of Interatomic Models. JOM. 2011;63(7):17. doi:10.1007/s11837-011-0102-6

[5] Elliott RS, Tadmor EB. Knowledgebase of Interatomic Models (KIM) Application Programming Interface (API). OpenKIM; 2011. doi:10.25950/ff8f563a

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Funding Not available
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Citable Link https://openkim.org/cite/TE_006415178296_001
KIM Item TypeTest
Properties as defined in kimspec.edn. These properties are inhereted from the Test Driver.
KIM API Version2.3.0
Simulator Name
The name of the simulator as defined in kimspec.edn. This Simulator Name is inhereted from the Test Driver.
Programming Language(s)
The programming languages used in the code and the percentage of the code written in each one.
100.00% Python
Previous Version VacancyFormationMigration_sc_O__TE_006415178296_000

Model Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
Tersoff_LAMMPS_ErhartJuslinGoy_2006_ZnO__MO_616776018688_004 view 4678730
Tersoff_LAMMPS_MunetohMotookaMoriguchi_2007_SiO__MO_501246546792_000 view 19851252
No Driver
Model Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
Sim_LAMMPS_MEAM_ZhangTrinkle_2016_TiO__SM_513612626462_000 view 37499117
Sim_LAMMPS_ReaxFF_AryanpourVanDuinKubicki_2010_FeHO__SM_222964216001_001 view 8158035
Sim_LAMMPS_ReaxFF_BrugnoliMiyataniAkaji_SiCeNaClHO_2023__SM_282799919035_000 view 8060120
Sim_LAMMPS_ReaxFF_KeithFantauzziJacob_2010_AuO__SM_974345878378_001 view 6463438
Sim_LAMMPS_ReaxFF_ManzanoMoeiniMarinelli_2012_CaSiOH__SM_714124634215_000 view 10794311
Sim_LAMMPS_ReaxFF_RaymandVanDuinBaudin_2008_ZnOH__SM_449472104549_001 view 8927737
Sim_LAMMPS_ReaxFF_WeismillerVanDuinLee_2010_BHNO__SM_327381922729_001 view 89051283

This Test requires a Test Driver. Archives for the Test Driver VacancyFormationMigration__TD_554849987965_001 appear below.

VacancyFormationMigration__TD_554849987965_001.txz Tar+XZ Linux and OS X archive
VacancyFormationMigration__TD_554849987965_001.zip Zip Windows archive
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