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Equilibrium crystal structure and energy for O in AFLOW crystal prototype A_oP24_61_3c v001
Description Computes the equilibrium crystal structure and energy for O in AFLOW crystal prototype A_oP24_61_3c at zero temperature and applied stress by performing symmetry-constrained relaxation. The parameters (representing cell and internal degrees of freedom) allowed to vary during the relaxation are: a, b/a, c/a, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3. The initial guess for these parameters is:
6.9345, 1.0954503, 1.1286034, 0.96397784, 0.54903628, 0.82432575, 0.85504968, 0.66977468, 0.88726476, 0.74875817, 0.62965334, 0.015772569, obtained from http://aflowlib.duke.edu/AFLOWDATA/ICSD_WEB/ORC/O3_ICSD_51500/CONTCAR.relax.vasp, the relaxed structure corresponding to Aflowlib Unique IDentifier aflow:bb4f1d89dd5b34c9
The supported atomic species.
A statement of applicability provided by the contributor, informing users of the intended use of this KIM Item.
Computer generated
Contributor I Nikiforov
Maintainer I Nikiforov
Developer I Nikiforov
Ellad B. Tadmor
Daniel S. Karls
Moon-ki Choi
Published on KIM 2023
How to Cite Click here to download this citation in BibTeX format.
Funding Not available
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Citable Link https://openkim.org/cite/TE_342717226376_001
KIM Item TypeTest
Properties as defined in kimspec.edn. These properties are inhereted from the Test Driver.
KIM API Version2.3
Simulator Name
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Programming Language(s)
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100.00% Python
Previous Version EquilibriumCrystalStructure_A_oP24_61_3c_O__TE_342717226376_000

Model Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
LJ_ElliottAkerson_2015_Universal__MO_959249795837_003 view 1245144
Model Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
MEAM_LAMMPS_GaoOteroAouadi_2013_AgTaO__MO_112077942578_002 view 389232
Model Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
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Tersoff_LAMMPS_MunetohMotookaMoriguchi_2007_SiO__MO_501246546792_000 view 69645
No Driver
Model Test Results Link to Test Results page Benchmark time
Usertime multiplied by the Whetstone Benchmark. This number can be used (approximately) to compare the performance of different models independently of the architecture on which the test was run.

Measured in Millions of Whetstone Instructions (MWI)
Sim_LAMMPS_Buckingham_MatsuiAkaogi_1991_TiO__SM_690504433912_000 view 3013140
Sim_LAMMPS_MEAM_GaoOterodelaRozaAouadi_2013_AgTaO__SM_485325656366_001 view 1818279
Sim_LAMMPS_ModifiedTersoff_ByggmastarHodilleFerro_2018_BeO__SM_305223021383_000 view 83633
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Sim_LAMMPS_Vashishta_VashishtaKaliaRino_1990_SiO__SM_887826436433_000 view 1000576

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EquilibriumCrystalStructure__TD_457028483760_001.zip Zip Windows archive
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